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r •.1 r: v � /6r1. � v, i roto of ,f tg� 4 2 V�r The un4,zr*i4jtxci, jr ISLAr+n 1"AFkm Cornci+,.rev, a Corponatieon, h+erbry' S+atee cif` Cv V farms, ,r_zttifics that i} is the ,own(gr of all the lands defir)eattad, and embra,cmd Covn+tj of Corn#ra os+a, SS .within tl'iiC' tisd flt)05, upon the map Orifi+fed 'MAP eatf JesaseY f51 -Amo rARMS, -------�=t. ?:1_! _____Gountc) Clark of #file Co�tr�#y . of Coh-ra.w Cast► C<�,Gt.►t�ttsriMt^,(coT+sistirrs� ofstx'Shoats; }his csrl'ificbfC Cci»4ra. Costa.,SFate oF.CaliFarr�ia, ar+d Ex-OfrIcio Clerk cf +hq bei» ..ath shtuc} Atol iliatieof): {hat t#. in-zvebtf cons¢t4s to +hie tna,kiti4 Hoard of Superviisor-a of said Couw,# of Gon+rm Cosfa. and filiriq o 'sa,rd map;.}hat it f,crcLby reserves fhm right +o x.»+Sr h,e,•4zbq c.e+-4ify that *)w- above tnap evnfi{led "MAP o1,. jm;mSLWY up#S on; fcria purpp!*e of conetrcie4iti!�, main{a,inins}, rc.cvn54ruc}inrj or SSL ►Mp t°A,carts, CaNrxtA Ccis-r,.� Ccs., C�.t tr■cczrttAA, was prarsem+W-4 _ . r¢pair m!4 drainaqz ,44efixs, canata,roads and TaywLeS upon, •tn,andutidar +o said f',oerd, As providdd lot; faw, a#. a +"es�utar t►teactinc�i thQr¢af +hose sfrips of farx3 M.&AAV-4 ' Qr_:5XF4Ye" Upon held oin +fid___ 3f,____ dt crf .t u a � k ----- A.D.197-16 , and +'no,+ as id ., sa.fe3 Yne.p. bOAt-d did fher•mupon , by Rasotuficm_----------_,_.... CACAt.e{ passed and Im Wrrmvm!n, Wwsrmor•, +Ihw_ cm4z 5is7ned Jetaarxv 1SLAtao FAUM wvvA adop+=d a,+ std rr,.ett+in� approve. said map a,nd dice no+ Cotac+.wt�v, at corporation, 1?aS causmd Tis corpora.fm nt, m to b,& accept• cm behalf of ffTiS public anxi of the rowels yea shown .aul>scrib.r.d bj 14% bed i+sAseT, ort sa,sd 'r•iap for, ptAblic uSr-S. ctaets-i-"'we , ttiarsur+4o my aufhvri3sd ,and t}5 corpora4ix s.Wat I 1ttr+hmr c.cr+sft{ }ha+ a. bond condi4ha»mel. Fbr +hm 1923 paymar%+ of bJt taxa which er•m now a, tie•ri as';ains+ an4 ,.,JOR'4XY 1SL. FARM G4aMC► �MY � l,'1 �,-4 Of ihm ta,rids show» Capon said wna•p, .seed 7164 ttwa+ pti.tj- 00r, slate, has b.cosn &pprovcd bti sa,ad 15o&r4 a,rid filed w,t}h ------------------ • ttiff. clerk +h¢,rcof, a,s rz_SIeeirxd bti law. Y ,sicS�ri4' 7�ri Wl7MC°3S Wr'�$n,,�zcotn i kiav hmr<rr_cn�(o st.# my ,4ta,.rNd • �+'^ _ t'�tiS_, +�_`�►_.�Ay orr:�ilaik..» A. LZ. 19':!.,3. - Alatan} S�crm3tsYt{ _ t __________ ______" .,,\ fix- C»i cio T3ca i d o,f Sc.Fp¢.rvibor•s tt•1GC7C-iTi".C.t ©•� t� C.or�•4ra, C.osfa '«testae of California 33 Citri ami. COU-niq of San t=ransisco Ori +ha_+2 __cibq of'-' _ m the y¢.ar of" our Loe- rd , O" p"[f,owss.»d •ir¢ red. �en4y Three . bmfor� r m No+axq Ptiblic in and for fhe Citar.� vVd.._..------ ---------- --__-_-_:__-And-__---____--__-I--_--- _-r-aurtf ti at.d CouT,4ri o4 San. fxra�isiaco, 5{aia c+f Gatifarnia, reaidin19 bfiare- Surveyc,r and Asaassor rwspmc}ivelei a4 tlfo Count4 of C.on+ra, . i»,.drsty Comiasdoned a„d swore,+, pacrmonv,ttq a,pp¢arzd WQ,Wrigh} Ces+a., g+a+c of Ca,ltfernia, do hmr•aby ¢mr+ify fhaf wm ha.ye a»d A.Cox kown to me to be #fie parsons who 5irm(A c.xa,minmd ma.cl, and svmry lo# shown on this map .as -to i#s tfte %boys caT-tifi-cafc. and duly; ackriowlcdjmd +o rris fhv, theri valu,c•. +'orr cornmxrci%S or resiclmntizal uaa5 and afaFaG th-Ai vyc axmcsufdd }Fie samce. havm no rscomtiu.daFions or suc,Ktsticme. to o f -r for 43,m• in Wrtrsss W'hc re W, I ha,v,¢fi¢ra tt+to t}nccd mel ne rnor irnprovmm¢,Yi+ z,- maid •rna p. %rid affix�ect Tnt; afficiat *'cut WS -1 4 t;of_ _ A,IJ. 1923 S» Wi+riseas W m f, w¢ Fia,vec hercun+o Set our. h2�e,•d5. of.,*�.'s.T_._A.D. T93 4ary Pub1 or -#h¢__ _ ----- ---- -------------- ----- C;+q acid Co+un+tfof pari Frv.risisca Ceun Sc T-yw+- for O'f Con+m CV -4a,, Cotanfy S�a.1�s of Ca1i4'ar-+,i�►. ,��+ Cou»te{ AsSCSsor ot-.Co„tra>, Costa. Cna»%ei '.talc of Ca,trFornia, !S3 [a.,_.__-_Y__.�__Covt,tti Audifiar cf thce..Cacrnt#t{. of CO -4r,^ Cosrr,5+ of CzJi"fb-rm!a,i do 'hcrebcl cartrfty tna:f I hdrebq cacr+eft{ 4ha# 'Iha. sc.cbdivisioti a4,ewri oci +his •rna:p l,aC rriu, owe, ace..vati of +1-,eG roVne�,'4t•�cl •rl,%2x• 11 4H I have embm!,mv4 all +h Tax Tolls i» rriq officce a.nd fo which 'Frac$ ti,cnarnacn+a and of 4ha na+urc and in the tvaa}ion si,ows, an I fiavc a,Czemm sS r•olafm , +o the vi41,in dSScri.bxd of S%»d th,C map, for ti,s purpoaas Of axis+ anti ltcn3 on said trbac+ ,af tatad. far unpl%. d Stats. and GottrAt4 do hdrnbt; ceriiiRl. {teat--- � #ax¢yS, mxcdp+ +a►xna not ttccf payable, %nd Z __ ------------ ._- -' w0mv— a, caare-Full mxami",Afion of tTie +ax rolls cf Con+ra Lice»csxd $tcrvecyor Cos ya, COttTiitj, i» trill " offtCe�'at,d t» Mti po.caeasTo'n, j I�avc be<c» utiabt�. fo find arey li.an on amid trvc= of lnwid,or eny par+ f f Zreca•f, fer uript"d S#a+" or Coven+y +axms • �� _ -_,.,.__._ y .,.,._.,.___-_ �CQ4ri{_.._. 'MAC+ ow Jiasaaay'TmcAtKo FArian5, CctrrsxA. CcSs-r^ Co:, Gn.t..trasu,tVtA`� i5 a, r�-subdivisrarl o'f So'Fa Mas. f 4-0 3� ihGlustV�, as said tots awes shown on +he,{ cmr4ain ma,p sn+IVCCI "MAP o♦r. .. .....y ..ut1T t'c+w• `T -"%L . AvftS.wY I,SLamc, 'Tvzl. r,."'T', Cc."-rrk^ Cowin--, M_OLJiVTY, CA -v," -F;IZ.A Musci, era, 1900. m M^P $eek "D", a} . pa tyles 85, Cori+ra, Coss#zk Ceunfef • rwcae'da. - . .• ... M...............i7eCsi�'c Couri4`.y Audt}or. Ic t a +4+a r.�euos{ of :_7��.��'h� .rlg`Z1_i�i'.. 9 [ _A'14- - t U��____-miTi.pa,sf_•■71.j..hii,. Co,uh'I'C•�40Fei,l.• '1I'f1eL C8tl t� tJ" a7'S•CSGS. c7•1'1i r O'�t tlT \\ 5f�acafi 1Va..I cif Six Sha Z+Z • r, . . `fl'�°f�'t. .... • ... ... >xwe. .�„��.. .. ..,.»,__...«.. c .. .. . , �,-5"�. .. w .... ., ,.. ,.. �."'t ........ .. ., „ ..._„4'..., t.... , .. .. , .:.... _ .... r _.. .... .�. .. .. ....s _c�2'�s-...., ......... ..x"z. _r. �.._:rosv�+r•Rnw.K�,.+,..,.•.v«..y..,,.,::.mnw+-xis-,.-..a�... , _ . .. .. .. ...,err. �;*n�v..>•aa..+«.yreme,.>=uv.,;>,..w..."::.,.:.. ..,,....,...,-...._..,......-..,.......__ _.... .. t t D. ✓ 0 45Yph� •/ G - t03 •esl . x� 67 solC � o . �°oo �, „�-•..,' � ` egg Qp 6ae r . � `' •�.„'�C bt1 C� �®d.4 3J/./ � Za o.O 3935 � ��,,,,,, .✓ ""r ."'/ v to C► W - 1 � �2..t7 Ate.. ' � ti • 10 � � Ac• t+ 9r�2.4� 8 535.5�P'ec. s-4,Ga8 Ac. -0 G � a n j w TSA 497 fa`a. U U N A th M°nv r ID IV '` °s - ,... -- •,,-. -- rte» Prp` o p C _ s^'` ✓ �'� tMpfN%m AA' O y� Nes ;� ..•-- . fa o lrobo $ VT .o y � �6A lop j '^ Nvi[AP OF, . ,aJERS ISLAND. V A ''S� k A COSTA -A I. I .CCS CALIFOR 3'x 7� uc'N `''" l�t� zvo.'`--- -. .. _ _ fiaof - --'"� ', A2� s SCALE 1IN. 400 FT. HARMON S. SONTE 4!� a Rtesxry4 aFo.^ a ae is 'sere bi+� JULY- 15?z � � ,4 � �y X✓aQ o ao rl�o e�A S7Fgw e o se+ ar✓ e ' 1 _ 5h«4No. Z. of Six ShRt�s$s a r au �! \ .4GAc. '70.29 Ac. �977Ac �s.a h' a d t ry 4t.17Ac. 40.26 Ac. o M J a to ate.. o S2oa anti-- _ Ctiriz�j ---- -- t t fit -f # %tac�cwv¢ _ S 44 3.4 e f w � 6 Wo O ! s ,rQ c ¢X to MAP OF OL JBSEY Inlr I �i CONT STA CO �.aC11 +1L!' C SCALE 1lN. 400 FT. HARMON S. BONTE ,,; UL y -1923 �6&,v# No. 3. 'af .,ft A .- - . r � �.•'� � % '�� �• { ._ . .. . yy�e:-J.X` .,�.; �"'� 4 ._ . ...... •'w � ,_. ,. •'. _ .. ,:+' n' fiu3�aw„ ..,W.apfh � - . '�:?'°�' a`+^. i ..� .. ++�'�'Y.�T. .. ... ....M_ ,•. .. Ali , .v... .. .. ,...xr s >.. ,,.. ,w �. `1 z .... ..-,.,�''n"... .. ,..,. Vit: ,•$""<. .n_"„"5:�?`�`",+F'. � �. „ � .. .,. . �� 4 CONTRA COSTA CO., CALIFORNIA. SCALE 1IN. = 440 FT. HARMON S. BONTE / p� JULY - is -at f Sheet No -4 of Six Shc.m+s bY, .... . .fru . .�,.. .. . . ... ,.... ...,... .,.. , :.._.... ,,_. .�. •x.q.. �, 77777= , 7 ra..e�.ksr:�^ , •, � •� ....v. a.,,a. - ___, :._. _ ......_�.... � �" dro' uhn' • 'r1'_ ....•......w.._,,.F.._ ._ - ......_._. .. .. .- _e.,._._,,.a. ._...._.. .., �'ner�fw rsm _ IN •: r. .v'. .i"'�{•"i':�r%"� t! � :'(^' .... .. ! .. ,. .i R' <� �:i :..:1l�f�Py° tS�,. eaa!Y..W'F".9"" .. Y. ,�. .. � .. a .... v, ti ... .... ., :. .. .... .. .. `r,:. .. �"4 I'. . "'^•'R.. .: n .G�... - ^.. .�•.!,wn ¢a-�"F.«a^' _ . .: .. ,. .. _. .. ...< ,.. .0.i', y , y , 1 0010 '� 54 ' N33yP rcbo 1}7.+1 - r 700,0 •'i•ar ' y 100.0 �(� ''. \app a. tooa � � � ` .,... •asQ 8� " e. � ,�� L Jed / ��3 b%6• ... -_ � ,` ir`""""'e _ _• • N i _ 6'S .w.•. 10 ZOO, so N U 3s SSE �'^• "�. 5... �' -' •',./, 40. 76 rte' 3A,{,. L Nk3o�� E!� � `'`_ �+"<'., ,-. ..-... Ertl S7 /� � a 46-08INV A'C. 4.9 �,,,..•''� 3 wgP,a .i �,. ,,..•-' . � �. 4 � � ` �• -:._ -s.sr.x =«,.o i Y• .,,,w . rx mad ,�.,.-. -^' "... ~'' � � 3 a o S w c �}' l h 6 fl• Sly$ ,,�•�o \ .�\� ° � '9.13 A,c. 2 GarJ, 6G 30. ooi 40.3bAc. 42.49 Ac. Ao, . y'� S9' ,�z•.._.. •.� ..,,�, /'56••!3 �i 7'�'tf1_ ' \ \ �L rg 0.r ." "" -^ .... _,_• -'--. �^- �(°'"" q .,� „� Sp. �Oq .. � � '"` •--x«4.:+.0 -.... r,r� � _ \ © � OPQ 40 _ \� -- '_.•''-'�-.it ._.. •-_..... .._ * _.._ � _.,. _..,• ��.._ Jam' jf.;Z, .,._..� ....._ P •` , N .,. __ ............._., J. G ,_,. „�, \ 0 Ac. b3.2o Ac, 4314 Ac S6 z0. h a A'h o y o 4g 0.7 Ac. 55 N� u 57.36 Ac. 54 • � Z 2 2 - '� a �6h4 Ate, ["' TAnd .•.,,� � \ 377.7 '•/'dq gs 3' -16416 4 49 z/W .57t / P S 3d2. 6gPA y ,rr,,,,,�,. 5 �� ./3 S Y/ 6 •: .5 i! /7W Q .?pp bi . C\ y hill ?VC 5 a- Z13,ge ,' '.� L.w� 3730 7/ 7 SpP 6LW11 bdOb �'Q •: r. .v'. .i"'�{•"i':�r%"� t! � :'(^' .... .. ! .. ,. .i R' <� �:i :..:1l�f�Py° tS�,. eaa!Y..W'F".9"" .. Y. ,�. .. � .. a .... v, ti ... .... ., :. .. .... .. .. `r,:. .. �"4 I'. . "'^•'R.. .: n .G�... - ^.. .�•.!,wn ¢a-�"F.«a^' _ . .: .. ,. .. _. .. ...< ,.. .0.i', y , y , 1