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IrAfflm • 4A -00 40 40 447 40 40 40-- C 42-Z6 -*a T 12 13 14 /S 16 "6 17 18 13 20, 40. 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 42-25 A(02 00. W. _rAw. 40 -40' 40 40 .40 40 .4o, -I(o 42.25 4 S 6 7 0 9 0 'Zi 42.25 12 13 14 /f IC T40:4i;7 17 18 /-9 , 20 N, 42 .4w 40 40 -IV '4,9 4 a 42-25- A1,021 ao'W. Second Street /./ W 42,W 40 40 -4'49 4 S3. 6 7 s 9- /a te AVI -4 0 1 .40 -W 4a .,v 82- OF W. Torey A venue rn W. Ara .40, -to -00 40 .42-2S 0.-, 7 40 1 460 1 ;4z 1 -4x•25 4,t 11! 11111 !�il! ligpip,; iii i;;:;:!: The C/-oc ter`/` /r/�er/r//er//` Corr/,Gt�ny, a Coroor�t / floes hem.6y 6c1l ) /t /s /iSe 0,V1er o f y`he /c rrd sf>orrr� WI); 04 the red /irge pry ft�a annexed rnop, >ncn` i/ /Svs coaled sA�a'map fo bo prefx�resr/ �- reccarza! • Ana' hereby Co.�seirf �`o the rr.�.�ii,� rf�'ro'af /`/xrt .screw r�7p ,shows /`fie p/or7 v/' .s'ubdiri.:rrJr/ o/'sc�.r�' /aa� c�c��vd/icy .tri rul.�.xr.�rrey r'`/r.�°..•�cz�" t/,v/ c7J/ /ah are of �`fe s%ze, S a�,vaa` diir/ar�sioas as shor,�o .0,7 ,sc�x�'rr ,in.. o>r -rq/ a�/arx7� i s q�di�r �za� 7b /o.vb/r,C 44' M ar79/y Safe o/' �/if'r�rrr.a ss. County pf'Gbnr`rra Cosa � . • 017 M'/s. day 07r' in "he Xear-ofour L GtR otic rchovs 71AI76 hu/Z;"- d aIN7' /rveny`y rchree Ge�iizrrre cr y /'uh/ic ire 47 AV fv fhcCvurrrr Of 60,774,W CoSAP,' JA71e of Ca/ifvrrr�er :f�,sidiny,�` reii;-�du/y car r�irria, i c7ndsw rr7,�Erso�',c�//y apG�'�-od��.,1�.��.�-�-f'..tr•-.�.-:t rs�''�.�::"" ` knc7wn }�a we /Vz' the /presidc°tl7c rrrxf .-S' r wry res�xc,<i�df'the. Crzaekcstf /nre,�-r`rn�/` Gorrr�i7y v Cvr rarafi4/� f%cor,,00rr�/`ion �`ixa/`ex�cutcc/ r'`he above ivstr�:.•,��•,/ r.+ra�. ac.4 r/aw/�+a'c�� r`a ane //�f s:a�a' Corporrr�`ior! e��scuta� Ao* sir /n *l'//'/ers rYhereaf I//ovc t '07v /.enc/ arxr'off/%reed rrry s7/ tfie day 4r/d yeqqr /n tai r Ccr tib cr fe f/i-rf cab�ov wria�.�, Nor�'ry }'uG/ic /n eaiari for the Coati y Cyr Corr/rra; She of 0=1/1i G+r�ica. jr la. 0 /7esse Couirty ,.gsscssareaf Conr`rra Gbsrb Courafy ,S. / of C-011.10'0,-,'2A::21,do hereby eortify r`h4rficed r`/ db0j,. rr/a/; orxa'/he're�by apFarvvc .r4io'rrl4p carx7�rccorrrrr�erx7� r//r7//it G� arrpraY r' by .the 80,7rd 0,,r-fuperrisors of Ca jfr�a G'vs r Coan�y County .9xses30r o{ Me co w7/y of C01711z:.S/4°fe of Sial -e of Ccr/iforn V'S. Cozen/y of'Carn� Cexsrr7� • I A• N..Su1/e.►rgBr, Cour7fy Au©/i'�or ort' fhb 0041/7/y 0/" Can/rr./ Cas'7`ra .sycr/e oi' C.a/� arra r do f. ieby G'cr/ify a`/o/- ffrz' ore r/o /ler/ r for .S-b'ie a.- County 7�crxes, e.rce01rXex 17-01/191 ,to�yc�b/e agaii�sf r`hc /erraa's ernb c a' wrii.� ff rea' >'iiye can rihe 'n 6are ,,a or• 1717/ P:7e7' tf,W.zbf /q tvifness' •whereo f f.�i'Ye her�arr� s��''rnyft7ib'any gr}ia'�:e7' my o ffic,rr/ se+�/, /`h/ r �"ry of ✓une /923, Courr4�`y /�udii�or ot'the County Contra Cas7Ea; �f>bfc of Ga/i10"rrow Rit/I�"ND�`L7 MRP OF rhj5 A4ap cans,sfs 2 sheets oP whichAh;s is SHEET 2. /9 PORTION 0/c '0L.OWN /N T VE TOWN, OF RODEO CONTRA GUS TA COUNTY, CRUFORNIR June, 1923 ---- R. R. Amro/d, Civi/ En,?Metr. Scale: 1 Inch = 100 Feet .vP,�f'Ar-rro/a! a du�/y /iccrrcca�.tury�'r a/ tha ,S1i�'fc of ' . Cr.�/if"orin%ca, Cor�r�ry .Surrey'or ©,� ,�frc Caur�ty'of' Cnr�rrr� Co.r� dd helzrhv cm-, cy t�>< fi surre y cif r1�rrcnq'eMa' .�ln rr of n f?oi/`icilr of 8/oc�fA, Tay.7 a/'•o�Yec, was m4cyc ,6y rr7e crao' vr/o'er r17y d/rccr`ir; 4�b' fhQr` r`/, r.►bvrrr rrrop /.r p� cxcocrrr7tc rc/aresssyrf- a7cian of_rgic/ s uryey G�tec7! ✓une-/923 Covn><y Scrveyar- o>< the County of . • Corafrca Carr�a: Jr4r� cf' Ccr/i{ornio. !4'e, t//c f'/o�rriray Corr/rn/:ss/drr of'r�f1e Torrr� cam' /`ii�o% d'�r her-cby eer/cify ff.V74 pVe ha re a rrcarr/iiaec7' 119B alb o vvc rnpp rarX7' hcr��y q/o/j/-ore fh.� rarr/e crux/ r�'ccrr rr/emel thol the above 'Wzz ,a be o oprzav� . 1Jna' rcramisrcr/ded by ,the Bc�vrd of Trr.%rrc�s ofiche Tow. o/' fiiac% T//e /"ihr/r��9 COJ77/7'iisS�iClrr o f' - • r • .Secre7�ary- S�a>6c of Cv/iforr,+ir,�'jxs., County o/'ceWt/t� Ce�sr f I ✓, h! �e//s, Couryty Cav"aty of Contrr./ Coster, s/orli-v of Ccr/�yarnia, crrx,/� r-affico c%r,F 4V, the ,Bo rrre p,� .Su�[aer✓/sors a/ said Coon/y, o'a hereby certii�y.rchr.►rc 7r/xrrbora rncr/n . wras f>rese vft ' �`a sterid Beapra; cxr-©rov dex dy /4 W, c�/4 reyu/ar rraEetiiry� of so/ct' Boc7rxa' he/d ori /111 e19A a6rr 0f✓4'41 /.92.3 owd f/xr./ .said d'aarra' d�rche. ureaurr� by rc ro/ufio r da /y' 417.,s *970' and adaa16t7' 47/ spiq�/r/c filly, raapror�sc7.�rr.+cc�;a a/7dcfic/7ay accept can f�%xr//'off/jo/ac�f/ice arty. afroa�ds, .rr�rcefs 0 sho.•va /`hcrcorr vas off�'r�G7r frac pub/�C user Ifu•-flier cerfii�y �`/xa�` o .�iorx/ oox�'ifica�.�' fear- tfre rt,ryy.�nn�'` cf a// (o res, rshicfj pre >`he 7`Irne of I/r/y h`iiJ r�rap a�/� aI/8.� Ayo/n rr� 17.'7y ,varf ffie.-mor; or/d ryot yefyo• yryf /e, fx�s Gear/ afapry ✓ed . by .rcaid ,Qe�orz� ey7d fi%d wi/h the ,a/ei-� fhcr�as�' c►+s-,,or�awided tSy ./oar /a wi1171ss wh.rreo74 / hca ye he, :: raA b +�74W7 /. 7,- 74 affi.r�d thea sem/ o>c „sx7iv/Boorrlr f/iir:CS��day of ✓u�� 1.923. COun io C/crk O/' the .6aard of"..S%o ri•t'orr o/' Corr/ry G'os/r/ Coa/rfy, JO&A. we hereby ['csrtit"y (feat AV-- hove errrrni`rrd' the above nip A17d hereby c�,dprovc' thear�me 4•,d./�eby •''ons4•,ry /frr�J` �`/ obove/ncr/p be rpprov�7' c�i� exp'©�.r'c=d' fay•�ite •�5'c+o,�cr�' . Scl,aerY%sorr rr:a: --' , v¢s Tr,rrs/cies of the Tvwi7 of"' -----'�,.. Pi�a�/e, Courrfy raf Ccxr/ra Ccas,Fa' • si�r1c- e�f G2a/��orr��ncr C/erk u" the Bored of Trusties, Tr,+n oi'f1i►iu/e• .. • ..1#'Y'4. 'lin �.>. ,H .. �. i WW"' -/777 _h "i Y. •K }'. AE