HomeMy WebLinkAbout18M415• � _ .. .. .. ; `. - ... ... �r...Y.int.:..........,.."...,:.+:v.Y1ri9FMNG.i .{Yc &`+:...s..:.._.. ...Y.. � � � _ ,�, .-.+�... ...+......+. .. a+s � ��r•�,�,� �+ �r t � <S ' r< , ry .: .:,+' .1. .:.. '.: ...' r,. a. .. •�'.. .. .;. r.' .. .. 'c1' H4 .>9.�^r ...y,.. .A.1 n.a i.i _ .. _. .. n a. ... + .�ar^�r> �1 ST,f�;>z, s,; :X n, ,�--. h. t^ a x S }'� �F;s4''b"r ;-«�N.',:p r >.�:.� •yi,�r y;k',ar. � ,..w,.•� x,x Cif 014/0174/.of 014/oc/. The vndars/geed, EDWA.eo I. de LAvxocA .40-17-6/100- 5 L/atHr W,7oz7,a u,e Y de LA vewcx; h/:s wl/'e, here 6 y cerM'i that /hey are the owners of 47 // the /17r7ds de/ir�caf_ ed and embraced within the red //nes upon fhe ohove and foregoing rnop er, fit/ed i'esu6di✓iii p�4 /hr7414W7 of BIOCk D, 0lt74a 104vk Tr -_WCC, G`c7r7v'` CO-5-1aGo . C�/if: Co�s� fin9 of frvo (2),Sheets, this certificate be/ng oa,SheelAo- 7-wofz) thereof; that they have caused Je7ld map, to be. prep ored for record ttnd do consent to the tr�oKiny and f///ny (here of, /hat said M0,0 ,0,01 v/or /y refs for/h 4nd describes a// the lots infer? ded /or .so% h y fha/ a//fhe /o/s are of fhe size , shape and dimensions as shown . on said rri4p; ,4,7d fhe un dersigned, Z-dword I. we L aveoyq anal pe/iyh / Wo o d6 wry de L a v e o y a, h /.T w i fe , da hereby offer /0 dedicate as p4,6/ic slreels �lenrv'i//ow Lath, LcasMesasi9afh, E/Toyona/, arm' Va//eci/o Lrar7e . In W r/v--.s's WHe e_ -or", the un der s iQned, �'dw� or -d I r/e L o v e o g a or, d 0e /igh / Wo o d6 vey de L a v- eaga, his wife , hove caused their' names fo be herevnfo 4 _-_.-day of_ZIP rl/ A.D. 1923 STATE *I- CALrF012Nt4 COUNTY OF ALAMEDA j S S=am ' on this-l'Z_- d4�, of __ �„ the Year of Our Lord, One Thousor�� N - !/red and Twenly Three, before rne_�!''_'_!____! allo/ory Public trr and for sa/*d Cav•71y orad Sfa>`e� res/'dir7g therein, and dv/y eorr�rniss Toned canp/sworrr, persona//y appeared Ed'ward' I. r./e Laveogo end Delight Woo dbvey deLaeeoyah.,,r w//fe,Xnowr! la we ho be the persons described in ar,d whose noiries ore' suGscribed lo the w/thin /r).9trru177 est, on d They ac - r;ow/edged /o we chat they ex e c ufed the 5-ame as fhe orvn er.t os hvs6and o/7 d w✓/1`e- . IlY W/TtvE'SS U/lyE/e E oF, ,tfia ve herCvni'`o set my hon al and aif/xed my o/h'C/rte/ Seo/ o/ ryy a//ics is fhe CovrJfy and Sfo/e 016`-csaid, the day orad ye.or /n this Cerfi f4t ole f/r•.rf o6 ore Written ZAA No�oiy Pub %ic r n on ��oi aoi o?�Geoan ty m/ A%= n7vdv, rA& �C ot° C"/; of f' GiJy Chr,P o C/*rx o�the om"Ci/ C,Yy er �o�;.fa•+el, siole . ar Cor%ioinis y ��y STATE OF CAS iFoRmjA COUNTY or CONTRA CrDSTA Covaty C/crX of the ,County of Co.�tra Co to , State of Co//f orr, io, acrd ex- af- /i•L'io C/erlf of the Board of Supervisors of .so/d Coul/fy do h er e 6y cacti ity 1h o/ fhe ov o ve : 11"47,0e-11711XIC-4 -d ✓i.3ian of a Arfioo 0,14 8/oc D, Ori''ad, robrk Tw lzlc+e , Ci�nfr7a Csfo Co/1f. was presented fo ,svrrff�onrd. os providad 6y /a w,' a/ a regular- meelb?77 a/ said Board, .Aeld on the 21st day af., ay ' A.D. /923 and Phot said 5o0rd that The, eup©rt, . by Res o111/ion dv/y passed and a7dopled of said m ee1117 yy, approve sai d /",o p and did 00/ occepl on bel7o/f of fhe pvb/ic any of fhe .afre'e7ts car �hs �' o,{,�cre:d on srrid mop fcx" II`urther car hify that a bond, condi�ion- ed far fhe payenenf of a// faxes, which of Me time of fi'//ny this /noo dre a //er7 ,ogOI;741/ o.7y,aort of Me /ands shown (hereon, and r7ol yet poyo6/e ,hos beer/ approved 6y s©id f,.toord and fi/ed with /he C/erK thereof', as reyv/red 6yl-aw. JrN W1rlVe,s5 I hove herear7lo set my hcar7d and vt`ll+red the Seo/ o/' surd Bo or ci fh /s 2lst day of _lray y Cdoni_ n-' cx• fficio Cler r e/ Me Boo. ape is:iv-T�Co.,Ire C01740 county, 'REauenivis►oty OFA PORTION,- of BLOCK 0, 0XINDA PARK TEe Ac s , ^ Confro Costa Cavnty, California, rs a rt- scrbdi'v/s/or7 into /ots 0/17 port/o r, of BAOCaf O, os sn/rl,�f/o,c9J" is /a/d down, delir7eafed and so Iesignolea( o4 that certain rnap 'UR/AIOAPARK T-'RRAC_", CoA rRA COsrA COVA/rr, CAL /PORN/A, Erc.," fi/ed in Me o/>ice ol- (fie Covnfy lel-co r/- er 01":C0.'711-,9 Cos/o County, State o/ Cry/ 1061-ra/a. STATE or CALIFOR #ATA CpuNTY OF COMTRA COSTA 1 - Caon ty Au dilor of the Codr>ty of Contra Costo, .SS fa/e of Ca/iforoio, do fiercby curt/"ly thvf I there ex anyined all /a�--ro//s 1,2nay office and to which shale access, lo Me wiM- /n des c r/"6 e d . fr•,a' c/ of /On d, for he purpose of d xcer- tc/ii/ir7g rvhe/her There exist 017Y//e/" upoq .sc+ri7t front of /vn d /0/- un a/'d Stu to ara d County laze s; on d I do he.-eby cert/fy that Offer a carefv/ examino%ion of the tax-r-o//s 0 Contra Co 410 County, lri my. office and i n rr, y possession , I have been vn ob/e fo find any h;Fns tr/a on .q c7id Irrrct al /d "anor orgy o orfi an th ere ©f tar tinyoid .5>rafe orCovnly axes,c �celof fVxes r-40/ yet d .e IN WHeRE'oF J l hove herevnta .set Mq h 1his__11_ '_._...dray of _ COM tyr•A OXrp IW ;7 go Goun p7 ' Contra CoSfa7,, Sfottt of Go/if rni P*'ArFjr�Cnrerfy-Aer�+rer ,Qr-naf�a! Covn/y Surveyor and ,4sspss-ar , re,Jp eCl�ive/y of Co•71ry Costo Ca un/y, SIO/e 0/Pornia, do her e - /,y cactify ed fhe property shown on this rnop os fo i/.s yo/ue t"dr eo,"Mer- Ciol or residenti.r9/ vsws and s/47/e that we hove 17o recom men do/ions or sv99esfivns. fo offer fdr fhe irrrpro.veme.nf oe -Said .subdivision, IN Wir/vc.ss L✓He jee oF, we have hereunto set , ovr hands this_ zlV .day off. r.%a,Y _ ___AAD. r I hereby certify fha( the :sub di vi.rian sh own on this rnap is 'enardle frarrn r»y ow )� survey of the ground, and fhaf fhe are of the ool- w e and 1;7 The /oc oti"oos sho war- on Me mop Civil ,Eng in a e,- FILJ!l) -AT THE PEQUf:5T OF_ the c7t I hereby' certify (hof fhe foregoffiq r»cp rvos-_rri//7ufes past ._P. 1A., !n fhe office prase ted }a fhe City Counc.Yof fhe Clfy f k . of fhe Covr)t'y Rec oj'der of fhe Cacrrafy of Col7 fro 00,r/w, State o Jr Ca/r f o r a iv. /ond((a c7 efing �3ereof; held on fhe/c��loyr �"" of _'� y_____ _A.©. 9 ' i Council d dhede �L...5UBD/U/S/ON oF',4 P0RT/0A/ QTc , L..C� 'K L,�, vPori /eeJo/vtion No. __ .N S. subr»/f So/ rnOiJ o /he Gift' G/ohs/ng Cor» /'scion o q;d�ify OPINDA P.4 TERRACE, � far a rcporf 1h e. ?h all 'C.ii onrxi J /f .. Cor»miss.an d.`d on fhe day. p ------____-- CO/V7,RA COSTA CO.�'rQLfF. �-� o� A,D,/923,reporf. /hereon to said Cvvnc / r7dll7ot ' sa 'a' C nct% id of %� m eetiny (here ot; he/a' .on /he ay o _--_ _ _ _ _-_A D. /,9P 3, by /E' es n/vtion No. J. /-1 L'Homrr►cG//eti eE Co:, fr�ginex./ C�skic�r E :1.,a'Zj. a/i . a 'crave saidrnop an 6eho//VIS caro' AfPVWL,AgZa. BY — Y Gnois ty �'e c or rrr :a ;Meet 7w- o (Z) of Two W 5he466- I _ . v _._ ....,w0. e' :. , Cif 014/0174/.of 014/oc/. The vndars/geed, EDWA.eo I. de LAvxocA .40-17-6/100- 5 L/atHr W,7oz7,a u,e Y de LA vewcx; h/:s wl/'e, here 6 y cerM'i that /hey are the owners of 47 // the /17r7ds de/ir�caf_ ed and embraced within the red //nes upon fhe ohove and foregoing rnop er, fit/ed i'esu6di✓iii p�4 /hr7414W7 of BIOCk D, 0lt74a 104vk Tr -_WCC, G`c7r7v'` CO-5-1aGo . C�/if: Co�s� fin9 of frvo (2),Sheets, this certificate be/ng oa,SheelAo- 7-wofz) thereof; that they have caused Je7ld map, to be. prep ored for record ttnd do consent to the tr�oKiny and f///ny (here of, /hat said M0,0 ,0,01 v/or /y refs for/h 4nd describes a// the lots infer? ded /or .so% h y fha/ a//fhe /o/s are of fhe size , shape and dimensions as shown . on said rri4p; ,4,7d fhe un dersigned, Z-dword I. we L aveoyq anal pe/iyh / Wo o d6 wry de L a v e o y a, h /.T w i fe , da hereby offer /0 dedicate as p4,6/ic slreels �lenrv'i//ow Lath, LcasMesasi9afh, E/Toyona/, arm' Va//eci/o Lrar7e . In W r/v--.s's WHe e_ -or", the un der s iQned, �'dw� or -d I r/e L o v e o g a or, d 0e /igh / Wo o d6 vey de L a v- eaga, his wife , hove caused their' names fo be herevnfo 4 _-_.-day of_ZIP rl/ A.D. 1923 STATE *I- CALrF012Nt4 COUNTY OF ALAMEDA j S S=am ' on this-l'Z_- d4�, of __ �„ the Year of Our Lord, One Thousor�� N - !/red and Twenly Three, before rne_�!''_'_!____! allo/ory Public trr and for sa/*d Cav•71y orad Sfa>`e� res/'dir7g therein, and dv/y eorr�rniss Toned canp/sworrr, persona//y appeared Ed'ward' I. r./e Laveogo end Delight Woo dbvey deLaeeoyah.,,r w//fe,Xnowr! la we ho be the persons described in ar,d whose noiries ore' suGscribed lo the w/thin /r).9trru177 est, on d They ac - r;ow/edged /o we chat they ex e c ufed the 5-ame as fhe orvn er.t os hvs6and o/7 d w✓/1`e- . IlY W/TtvE'SS U/lyE/e E oF, ,tfia ve herCvni'`o set my hon al and aif/xed my o/h'C/rte/ Seo/ o/ ryy a//ics is fhe CovrJfy and Sfo/e 016`-csaid, the day orad ye.or /n this Cerfi f4t ole f/r•.rf o6 ore Written ZAA No�oiy Pub %ic r n on ��oi aoi o?�Geoan ty m/ A%= n7vdv, rA& �C ot° C"/; of f' GiJy Chr,P o C/*rx o�the om"Ci/ C,Yy er �o�;.fa•+el, siole . ar Cor%ioinis y ��y STATE OF CAS iFoRmjA COUNTY or CONTRA CrDSTA Covaty C/crX of the ,County of Co.�tra Co to , State of Co//f orr, io, acrd ex- af- /i•L'io C/erlf of the Board of Supervisors of .so/d Coul/fy do h er e 6y cacti ity 1h o/ fhe ov o ve : 11"47,0e-11711XIC-4 -d ✓i.3ian of a Arfioo 0,14 8/oc D, Ori''ad, robrk Tw lzlc+e , Ci�nfr7a Csfo Co/1f. was presented fo ,svrrff�onrd. os providad 6y /a w,' a/ a regular- meelb?77 a/ said Board, .Aeld on the 21st day af., ay ' A.D. /923 and Phot said 5o0rd that The, eup©rt, . by Res o111/ion dv/y passed and a7dopled of said m ee1117 yy, approve sai d /",o p and did 00/ occepl on bel7o/f of fhe pvb/ic any of fhe .afre'e7ts car �hs �' o,{,�cre:d on srrid mop fcx" II`urther car hify that a bond, condi�ion- ed far fhe payenenf of a// faxes, which of Me time of fi'//ny this /noo dre a //er7 ,ogOI;741/ o.7y,aort of Me /ands shown (hereon, and r7ol yet poyo6/e ,hos beer/ approved 6y s©id f,.toord and fi/ed with /he C/erK thereof', as reyv/red 6yl-aw. JrN W1rlVe,s5 I hove herear7lo set my hcar7d and vt`ll+red the Seo/ o/' surd Bo or ci fh /s 2lst day of _lray y Cdoni_ n-' cx• fficio Cler r e/ Me Boo. ape is:iv-T�Co.,Ire C01740 county, 'REauenivis►oty OFA PORTION,- of BLOCK 0, 0XINDA PARK TEe Ac s , ^ Confro Costa Cavnty, California, rs a rt- scrbdi'v/s/or7 into /ots 0/17 port/o r, of BAOCaf O, os sn/rl,�f/o,c9J" is /a/d down, delir7eafed and so Iesignolea( o4 that certain rnap 'UR/AIOAPARK T-'RRAC_", CoA rRA COsrA COVA/rr, CAL /PORN/A, Erc.," fi/ed in Me o/>ice ol- (fie Covnfy lel-co r/- er 01":C0.'711-,9 Cos/o County, State o/ Cry/ 1061-ra/a. STATE or CALIFOR #ATA CpuNTY OF COMTRA COSTA 1 - Caon ty Au dilor of the Codr>ty of Contra Costo, .SS fa/e of Ca/iforoio, do fiercby curt/"ly thvf I there ex anyined all /a�--ro//s 1,2nay office and to which shale access, lo Me wiM- /n des c r/"6 e d . fr•,a' c/ of /On d, for he purpose of d xcer- tc/ii/ir7g rvhe/her There exist 017Y//e/" upoq .sc+ri7t front of /vn d /0/- un a/'d Stu to ara d County laze s; on d I do he.-eby cert/fy that Offer a carefv/ examino%ion of the tax-r-o//s 0 Contra Co 410 County, lri my. office and i n rr, y possession , I have been vn ob/e fo find any h;Fns tr/a on .q c7id Irrrct al /d "anor orgy o orfi an th ere ©f tar tinyoid .5>rafe orCovnly axes,c �celof fVxes r-40/ yet d .e IN WHeRE'oF J l hove herevnta .set Mq h 1his__11_ '_._...dray of _ COM tyr•A OXrp IW ;7 go Goun p7 ' Contra CoSfa7,, Sfottt of Go/if rni P*'ArFjr�Cnrerfy-Aer�+rer ,Qr-naf�a! Covn/y Surveyor and ,4sspss-ar , re,Jp eCl�ive/y of Co•71ry Costo Ca un/y, SIO/e 0/Pornia, do her e - /,y cactify ed fhe property shown on this rnop os fo i/.s yo/ue t"dr eo,"Mer- Ciol or residenti.r9/ vsws and s/47/e that we hove 17o recom men do/ions or sv99esfivns. fo offer fdr fhe irrrpro.veme.nf oe -Said .subdivision, IN Wir/vc.ss L✓He jee oF, we have hereunto set , ovr hands this_ zlV .day off. r.%a,Y _ ___AAD. r I hereby certify fha( the :sub di vi.rian sh own on this rnap is 'enardle frarrn r»y ow )� survey of the ground, and fhaf fhe are of the ool- w e and 1;7 The /oc oti"oos sho war- on Me mop Civil ,Eng in a e,- FILJ!l) -AT THE PEQUf:5T OF_ the c7t I hereby' certify (hof fhe foregoffiq r»cp rvos-_rri//7ufes past ._P. 1A., !n fhe office prase ted }a fhe City Counc.Yof fhe Clfy f k . of fhe Covr)t'y Rec oj'der of fhe Cacrrafy of Col7 fro 00,r/w, State o Jr Ca/r f o r a iv. /ond((a c7 efing �3ereof; held on fhe/c��loyr �"" of _'� y_____ _A.©. 9 ' i Council d dhede �L...5UBD/U/S/ON oF',4 P0RT/0A/ QTc , L..C� 'K L,�, vPori /eeJo/vtion No. __ .N S. subr»/f So/ rnOiJ o /he Gift' G/ohs/ng Cor» /'scion o q;d�ify OPINDA P.4 TERRACE, � far a rcporf 1h e. ?h all 'C.ii onrxi J /f .. Cor»miss.an d.`d on fhe day. p ------____-- CO/V7,RA COSTA CO.�'rQLfF. �-� o� A,D,/923,reporf. /hereon to said Cvvnc / r7dll7ot ' sa 'a' C nct% id of %� m eetiny (here ot; he/a' .on /he ay o _--_ _ _ _ _-_A D. /,9P 3, by /E' es n/vtion No. J. /-1 L'Homrr►cG//eti eE Co:, fr�ginex./ C�skic�r E :1.,a'Zj. a/i . a 'crave saidrnop an 6eho//VIS caro' AfPVWL,AgZa. BY — Y Gnois ty �'e c or rrr :a ;Meet 7w- o (Z) of Two W 5he466- I _ . v _._ ....,w0.