HomeMy WebLinkAbout18M414Bt L16,qr W000,641-2Y 1hgA they are the OW17Cr;5 e,V1 47170, e177,b,.,-,7Ceo1 wif171/7M-c rVe //;7e.5 ZIP017 060 V&- and A0'reqC1it7qP 1770yO entitled, 4ree--W6V1y1-5- lolv or 45z octv--5 f /V7, awd L OpV,9.4 Rme& 7Z',ee4- A- CE, C0171'1-1-7 CW &- C017SASI!?x� Of two(2) sheets, ;,'hl:s cel be //7q 0,? Sheetllh Two r,?) thereof - thof they 7'I �Ve C4741.5evs0lb'17W to be -P47,-&O' far I'L-COIXI 47/X7' Ob C017sCI71,40 IhC /77C7A-//79 r-717d fi////7,? 1'17&re0P'- se A.5 24o�-X-17 a.-707/ �*,s c,,-Ibes e7// lh-�-Im& /i7tcnded for �501& by 17Z1177b&,--.; Yha/4711MC /o7'& are a;,"the 51zc,.-5hqpc 47170, 47s.5howV 4717 said map; and Delight WOOZ146uvV de Z&vCV910 hls wife, dc7 • hereby offer ; -to decy /'cote as pub /ic /cries 017d 70'ra;16,. 1We.7,-1;00.5;0 Z e.717C, Zl� Z4:1-a410 Lore Madr,0.17e, Aare; 'Oullmk Tmel 56ulh T/ // 9,• El Toyol7al aid L o m 0 Vista Orl'ye- //7 W17-,VZ--5-5 WH--A-M-0,=,- 1he undersigned, �dw ale Z 0e Zz7 . 17/70' W000'b&Zqr 0& Zov- eagla, hXs W//` i ' have caused Mel,-• /70/77,e-5 710 berel&7/0 5y STATE OF CALWOMNIA CouNry OF ALAMEDA 0/7 this_ day o Year of Our Lord, One T U-sa died r I A 7-we,?,*q Three, before n e o No,*orel Pz/bkia in o/70' for 5CA6' C044nttl 4717a'S1471C, rrsleil7q lhel-el;?, and duly CO,77/77/,5r4r/0/7COC7/7&-SWOe77, pers0/747 14 • 0,0,0eA71-k--0' 5-eVV0`1-e X C7170r LL-11,717Y' his wife /r/70 W/7 -10--ne 7'0-ba-;,1he pel-50r75 a��S Crlb60' h7 a170' WhOZSC 1701"eS care s4lb- SCrlbC41 740 the W;7'17117 )I`7SI•r41177IU17,4, ac,F-- 170 Wlealvee--1,1-0 177e ilha,-' ;,4he4- e>re--c4or-eeol the -5al7i;Fe- a5 -1he ~7el-s as h4,,,vb4717c1,a,,7c71 w17'.e`. /,v W17-,v----..s WHeA--eq-, IV)z7ve .he/ awk IA917a' anal ?7q 0,4r,'CI411 Seal 1774,771y OY941'&C i 7 the C041,7AY Ono' 5)47te V-60/X-, S47io' the 0041 47,-x?' //7 MIS -y 7A-Vb-l;c- ;7"-1- T hereby C6rt/Az M,7t tlA-- /WOO was presented .to the CXtq Council 0'.11, ffe Cityok- /a helolon 17c-p --Zrov eiv- XK4 .�r C041,17CII 6'le 7h t P41 ;C7W;0141741b17 N. 5., SabMil.50,(d 177aO A0 the City P/47/7/7/17q 40/771niS4P;0.17 0/501;Y for o repor/ Mel-eO,-7 - the C' ;7 /A X7171 C01771771.55A" 0'/Ii2' 0/7 Ahe o oV.ot- 19 - --- A.,013Z.3,report Xhel-w--00 710 -50/d COWX7f<��7Z,��;C Soy V, 0,* .7r, .10 77eC/41�7,g Mereop� lt7dYd 0,17 A6C r 47W 0 10 1-9Z3, Z741 1e&-SO141JN0,r7 No. --k -VVL�- ef- N. 5 1 -OVe -50i0'MOoO 0/7 beh,71,14'07C.'A71e -77 7: �7 �77 7, 7 5,mTF OF CA L I FOFZ N I A Ar (OL*TrY OF CONTRA COSTA eo 4 /4 AM d 1/1 v ------ jiv of Z-01110*1W47, eo here 6 9, V1,C COW7AI Of COntra Cb6 ."y 5mv�- of r-h 4C-ti7'l Chef r/ aVe eX7711ea 6117YC /7X--7//5//7/77y hC W IfiriCl 1116" 710 WhAc17 J AaVl- <7CC-C-6S, Ae/07'//V fry 1127C7' of 147120, 7"Or the pur ililh717 whether thae exist 4717Z1 llel7S &,00/7 .5010' 4WC1 :STATE OF CALIFORNIA SAS Cou?4TY OF CA4TYR )57- k C r b)C11r County of Contra Cosfv, Sf©te x :2;r Of al2o'e - - ficio Clerk o/*Ahe "/Z of _5,,1per V15,01."T of-AR71d 40411z,* do hereby /edify that Me above Blocks I-,Me-717a1z, ole/IV4711 07Mrol-17;a was -eq41A71- ,77ee 11Y7 ,4,0.1.9e.5, and that ea;,-f Board arlgV tf�criauczxo, by leesolvtlow No d,41141p410-5CeC717e-0- ,PlCd 07' --W& 0Cp17OVe -SO/ZY/7747p, 49/Z' did /7,0/- OCCL--,01 017 behaJ,,1 o)l t% 471741 a-y' the Lames or T-k7/1--:F, o/7 -OF47/0 177ap 7'02,- public 44:56--lS. ;Ih- 9,/ e7 hol7d ed 7 o 71he oayrnel7l o-,-I" 1,7xes, which /77Z7,0 471-C 47 11oW aVa,;,/7,V' c7i-y,caorr` of The 14713I-7'.s shown Xhel-0017 0/70" 1707' ye7`,cwyob/e has by lerlr Ah raw1,7.:5 by Jaw. /IV W/r."VIr-5.5 WH.-A--,--o,- Jh4,ve herC411710 5e7' /77 q' h4117a' OlAd c77c"frxec7' 7�h sue/ of ,said 0)r 1:0/7)"m coz/X7 axW1*11 TesumoivisioN OF 5LOCKS F, M ANa L, of 02- 1 N VA PA FZ K TER MAC e. CW7 frV Co-SA7 CounAq, Cali.,'o-rl7i0, eiC, "is Z -e-4rZ1beiV451417 h7-16 IbA5 oX',6,7asks -17"017d L 47s said 610Ch'.5 Ore /aid t7bWe7 upon that cat-IaI17 /,lawn, lb the coullIze, Rea> er Iorme-- Coon"// 0,P conli-a COS7-zz, --Vb* Of Califorl7liz. RESUBDiVISION OF BLOCKS. F. M.& L OF A AM& O DA AL ; M CONTRA COSTA COUNTY, CALIFORN Wo AKE Ho'mmed ieu &Co., Landscape &Civil Engineers. Oakland, California. 5colc-:- I- Inch loo Feet. MAF:ZC:H 192,3. OX'laad for 4117,Oaior SAaile an4::7r C4XW7144 ao hereby -,A h47, 4- certify 0/?,C/ a car's u/ exorrrri�ot /vim of the tax- r-O /7s Of C.01rfrZ7 C051,:7 CO&171V, /i7 /77,y Ofz'CC and in MV - ;OA/-/ 7&07y liens 3alo 7�7cl or lalo( a- w r1 i1 far 4//7 O7`71C 0/- '171, W/ 4e17 of We, A�? ------ alld- - --f5 z;se 1- CO&I719e -5411-Ve _or ol7o' 0/" CcYr/ro /;!v; Iy County, ,eMl CeI7'11�1 ;1'h<77' We'haVC ,,how17 an AhIs 177,7,o c7.5 lb //,v value for ca,771774cri- Cli7l Or reSi0(e,177W71 41.6&.6 47'170, -51aXe that WC hVVC 17o -eco,,77m(:-,t7<Yat1b,-7s or sug qcs s trans 7b rafter 7br the 1177,04-0 Verne,71 07' -5alOe _SZ160',"V151017. hV WIrlVe-5-5 hO`V'e he.'•C1Z7;"0 set OUr- hands this_ _,CAQy 0,1' $y- hel:ehzl Ce&,lYy4- that the --,ubd,;v1s1b17 6hown ov ,*hlsrnq,o Xs made from my own --3;&/-Vm/ offfie ,qrOUnd - 0/70" thC77' Al,,e moham,617A5 are ;ZVO IhC /70-/- at-e :�r;o`117.the locations show// on the map 1 7 CIVII 47V//7CC-i- FILED .AT.THE REQUEST 1.7 li7h7417le v PO-5,4--- Of MC C041n,-q 1Q7,eC01Vej4- of the Cvun7cy o f' Contra C0574-7," Sl'al'C Or C47MOIC0.177A7. Zhe. ��p (z' ) Cr Two e e e.5. ;ee- sun, 1� I NAP ,41 ...:.. .-. . '.....,y.. ., r '°x i'v- .,..3.:ira F,O+w�ii:aJ..+1� %f. ' '9ri'•.�... ,. .�.. K ',� .'p•," C .r,,� ^'.�• • PaN c"1+C+-��-�.;n " "- ., -•,,- .. , _ -....- _ a.,.a�+ „a..- ;,•.aeari?� r .,.. .. n.. .� :. "..,. y. .. . .. ... >. G ,...s�,. .. 4,r. h . c .[ :.'�- •7' .,. �t'.an.�'i. a' 1�, J7s .t:. "'"'iYc:.v' .,a , •, k ,_ .. ` ..,A wn' «. ...,..... - , war ... ' .7 • -. .• •„ ' RESUBDIVISION or BLOCKS F M &L , or � •A w - PACL.. V l W , ♦ a CONT, P.AC05TAL;OUNTY CALIFORNIA _ w ? J H. CHommedieu & Co.9 Landscape & Gvil Engineers. Ooklond I Ca l i fornia.. Scala:- 1 inch =1000 Feet: a . ��� �. `� - - - - /tb►x Pipes /Mvirtrrr�eryft� vr� /oco�dond . jhawn .!'i�iu�-- .._..,.._:Y...�� ...,..,...._,_. 4 'Jo A—il � ,baler• � a' � �/L n i - . ., r a - It r' Am 48. IA •� •r�.�4••�E �'I � �a�^- ' �� � � Jt?atE' a'Y N' � •,a� � �� ,'4 1�/. . .tam, A fol 0 � All D� � e ,.ti�.� . Z �cr. � lysr3r � t'� � �--,._ , �• .c>iy� �, ••}o ..�. . � ,1� �� ct� A � rim ' ,rte' �` e w ..-.,� •�s �' y • A M� '� `'� `.vim- .g,�',dt,wo ..�' -, ~•�,�,,, Z' w . �,i�r �. $ - V 3 3e. e N `�, �. r _! 7/ # .. ri � ''.'use” /�j�,, � °` •,.ti.� �' , • AW ;4 f 5Xee? 01"a-5h `+ �s l 4 yyy i ..S