HomeMy WebLinkAbout18M395Y.,.uM ...,. -.. _ _.. �. ..:: ....., ....: ... .... ... .,..<.. ....,. :.� 1..... ..i u4' 'F .4.•'- ��`tif�SSy�f'^ � 'ill _.-.-,. .�Y:�"��iti��_ :.�';"'�- - - aAm—...-4.. ..-,..�i:�_ . <.;:....:`••'" :r�r�w, nna��.weo>p-.,s,M..;,�mw.r-a3-,cvyxt-« ....�N... a ?�" .w.� � �'%w....vdf.--.....s:,:a��•�.w.::.. �-.�.�.,:..�---.s..+.:».-a.� '..-�e=-.mc.�:._.."y...-;— •�•'�+.ti� , T.. ^Qin. ��,.��• . . � ,fes � _ ..• ___.__••-__ ._._•�.._.� m� ...,,.. - - SUNSET VIEW CE TE RY a t -'L AT A102 PAL h? SECT101V 23 • z11 . . . I " n 4 h � Sco%- /Inch=lOFeet. N t! I7yrerc3r�. Cer�fY�ry f1ust L`Tri.s pLcr.f- '' r% b .' �_ I 8 Z ko �x,7rcczd�f�roa,� rrs�7verra�cc�Z A b ` .f'rxrvey arLt/r,e,f iOzcr[e `� 1 2 ►jZ 9 �v '{ Z 23'J V T a 70 � Cr!•t�/ .Ercyx aeer,'9et�ey � �0 g y g 6 420 y q,y 5� � •�i ,,- s r' fg -Z7 � � � � to • 2 -9 70 17 tz 14 >s I e Z� 3a y 50 51 Boa ,fir � � s 19 20 3 p �g A pc et U ti I x A 11.0 Naa�wi 9 xs zb 20 2! ZZ Z� Z� rz /f f l3 !t I7 18 / 9 30 �.s /6/ zo 21 22• 2 3 ys Zb 27 ..778 9 30 77 7S r9 a Z! ZZ Z3 24"Z3- 4 . Z3- 26 Z7 Z� z fz/ �22123�Z4�Z5 26 z7 �8 zg 0 a I z3I2�12S{z6�2 z8 Zg 3a .40 �� 37 A7 4g � y A5 4'3 4 41 27 z8 a9 30 31 ?. !� is ti » ,o Iq x.0 z4 25 1 ' Ap,oro v --,Y r`fii sI st dray of Lk/y 1922 Count y Surveyor, Contra Caste County, Cc711forrriar Med a;i Request of Gea. P &ewer July st ., 19Z2. A.D. �y at min. post ��/7'• l�? Records of Contra Co5lg Cour? aepufy R, To Wtrom I7r Mtry Cawci?w: Junset View C'ametery a coloration hereby certoes that it is the owner and roprietor of a/l 67-197-- o,- C�9t/F4f?NIA 'the /and embraced wlihln thearao indicated 4 the obove map, that It does herp6y consent to -the makingd an/ny of sold map. LouNry o.- ConirR/+ Cosra'� .r ry County i�uditor' of the C'aunfy Of Contra Costo cStote of subject to a// tis rules and ragu/aflens and that Hkareby expness/y disclaims any Intent/on to dedicate 10r 041h1/C VSe any Of C'abl'orn/a, do herebyccrflfr @hat � h4t�e �sxom,ncc/ a// dhe tcx ro//s �n my office 017a to w/7ich / hcCvc occes3 re%t'/ng -j he hryhway, roadsr.streefs,ovenuesa//,-, /ones,l0044 courts and Commons des4qnated or shown uPvn the above mop. to the wrthfn described tract of /on,al for • hel urposa of cscer2aow/.� &-Yhettier there exists cry//ens o., sold !ry �1%lTNE�SWHERta� �kesold U/rS-t P'e`v,Ce'metery�ixsociof/on, fas caused Its cor?orote name -to be hereunto suliscrr i ond /and for unfiold Otute- or County taxe5� arrG/ /da fiere6y cert/ y 2`fic7t after a carrfu/ eXam/Hotton of tfie-&ax [fs Car�vrGtec%v% to fic lrcreunta affixed .by its Pr•e.stdeat and Jecretary thercunto da/ atltho IZ; d. ` roils o f Canirc► C0.5ta County to my �p'0-" SSIon ond .n my 01-7106, / harrc Geon unable to f/nd .any /len on surd roCt of /al7d or on any subdrvrs/orr'thereof Wr ivrss WHer:EoF, / have hereunto, s� my hoed do nip . CO41Idy ff4 1Witor /7(Y- unty a optro alta. or' C441s0Ar✓.w ? 9. By Coanrrr of Ae n4 o,iv 0/7 the !L ll day o f '.J P4 /n thk-- year a f our Lord one •thousand nine hundred and t wenty.� a Put y aunty uditcyr- Eriefore me er otary Public !n and r sir d County, state of c6w rfo/nia rosid/ny flierern duty cammAs4loned and s worn, personot/y •a�P'7oeared nd t ./tnor✓ri to the fa he the Presreerr>` oral cSecretory re-Spachvely o f • t he cSunset Approved f171*9 3 h day of .Ione, /9Z2- u[or jGyv C'emr>tery /"Qssoalaftor, 4,c.orporotron,b.stng the carliorcr t'ianthrrt exec tltecJ the v✓iY/itn instrument and e;+C417awled9ed ,,ice this r fire t,4a7 suc/r cortoorcttion aexeauf�rJ the scrm� . coq/(/ _ _ r � /IV L✓rrNF,3.3 \WHaREor, / ha.vn hereunto set my hand rine/ Wlxed rely a f fieia / sorer/, o-/- my oI/ce 1/7 t/iE 00 "7t), of AsseSK3or of Cameo COsfQ �r 1( A c.>tcyte of G'p//far-nte,thd dayawdyeor In f 14 Cert frc.ate first ado% wrYften. Noto,'Yp &1i j o/»ad�ar y in 4"4,for the ern y - l .. Dep�.d 5sessQr, B .. -fv-�e o4 C.1140ral,- L O (6 /7 IS? 19 /9 2o .2/ 2-2 23Zf - 26 ZZ 29 3-0 31 &2 33 34 agr 37 --- � __--____--' -` . _ - . A� � ____' _-- _._ tau" ca 1. Ila LA CA 41 LS ffA o CY 41 F4 to CO at ti Al 46 cv Ir- V -