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CRL IFORA111 ' FGbr-uQry �9�z --� Glycye laird, Licensed Sur-Yeyor Scaler f Inch = 50 Feet No* al Pfi�RK ,SUBlJIYlSIOIV is a subdrisian of that certain 60. &7CIOflar741 conte edin cr o'eea'recaro'ea'in 1 Mame /9Tof Deeds, P e260 y w..• i Rerords of Gonfra, Costy County, Ca/iforma, pada re-sub / .15 an or Lafs /6,17, If, 19Z4 dr,-' of -fie Yoakum acrd Slow T c, . a//beirrg arit�irra//y. Affie Rancho Ga,600fa r>'e/ Harnhre, Saufherrr ; L LIF z' / hcr-c6y certify that Phis nxdp was mdc� fiz�m ` ''Y"" �`• . my orvn arur-Yey dr the.. grrrr�rxl , analthy` tr`ie t�r�r1rr�r7ts _� .•.�hs+r,.n �� ' drX)' in the � LJ _. � , / � _ -.. a E - r+d r�ficafi/`h / firreby certify Mgo' I hame� rcrmir .' ,�iie 71717ercdrnGrp, c2r)d %hey � �/ j. © y r C �^y / o9ff / �/ Rf 1 3 URD Y ! SIV/ 7 dOPrbvc the soi»e, vrid /hcrcby recc�r.7�nc�d that sra�c�'rrrop f rr�prc�Yerc�'. r andrecorrrrr/endcd by the 8aard afTrastees aVthe Toren of Wvinu>`Crceaf Sheet Ne zof 2 Sheets Tvwn Er/yincd' of the Town of • th/n e Town ofYYa of Creek T 1'Ye, fl/euna'ers�gned, do hcrcby certify fhvt rye Ore the ©rvner i`he lama's � fhe 5c�n Ramon J/a//cy F s of Bank; ra t'arporcafx�n la' /he l i llliatiortal irk, tt s17o11117 Wi/hire the rea' 11,17e5 on the haVel C'aVsea' Corparcrtior� rr�or�`gagees of p©r fioris of he Ic�ryds shrsr v/r. �vifhirr the rid . said mup 7'v he prcprarca/ for recarr! and hereby conser/l to the the mcrkirr9 Iir/es or the' 1111x11' /r/r0p, raa hereby consent to the sraicl mcrp, - .� /her.eof, 117477' said rr/ao shows the p/47r7 Of sUbdrvisiorr of scala' /rand` r etard/r/� fn //Se SurYcy; fhQf al/ lots, f�loGks anc�'sfrGets Qre' cif lhG' SIZe arr47' &MIL it be gop/-ommd/ by t17e 8a,7rdof SrrperJ%lsors 0/ Contra Calla lourr/y Gc�l/fora%rr Al a' tfrat /t be Ied crr/v'reCorv'edln the Office v{the Coomj/ Record I hers cc/y`if lhot J home . eXc7rnin ' thrs. mo ranal such r�ntr by y p eYery lOf c7,1d block thereon rrs /o ifs Yn/ue for resica'errce car commerci�/ shape crra' dirr/cr/sior/s as shos`vv lar/ SO/d trJQ,D,' fI7G7t 1hose'pOr1/,7r7s of5a/a' of the- County of Con//rr Costa, State of Gcrlifornira purposes and / hereby ar/i Prays sraia� rnrr 47rd r p ecdmr/ae e son p crppra�ed by fhe t5ocrrd of Trustees raf the Tvvrn of AWMI/ Creek.. _ /vnd designaledr�s Cramplirr AYerruecc/r/%" 'Dervinc� LYay nreherebydsdca�o' (hal Lir/Galri Avenue is 17OW iry vze ras al✓ub/iclijal,M7y 5cin 17',7/71 Y4711-' .t4an�F l aYi/`ires;s jvhereaf JA7mw hereanfn sct/7y hr,,nd this_ - !' cf7crf of fhe Tar,// of Wa/nuf Creek L.4 a Costa Coun/y, Co/rfor771a. . Secre/Aly , .+'z i -.r �.Stafe a/` CoJifa^rr�d Frst Natrona/ Brank of 1/Yal,7Z l Creek C©tinny afCon>ra Casty ss Cam6/ w R. Gcarr/ble,, Clerk of the Town of YYo/riufGrec.� _ County p7' Contra Casty, S/ate of CvJ/fora/c7, and er-officio Clerk a/ (fie Bocrm'af Trustees of scalo/ TWr, do hereby errli l that thedn/rerev'/nap of 0" PgRK ` Z/I ' G[ 'iy� SVBDIY/SION yvr�s yresented soii�'Boo�d, us prr�ridcd law, al r-cy�•lrsr' rr/ce he a' or/ the drry of _ _ _1922, and t at sold Bavrd do' thereupon, 6y resolution du/ynasscd ar�a'Av'oc�tcd H By _ _ _ _ _ -------- rat sold meetin a rOYC--7 "&y'rr/ap,- occep//n , as offcredon svid 1147 r fa Seers tc»ry 5 G•a presera� r o/�o'ition: the sArrrc public 11,5e,the sfreef,� fherc . /n their )7a . being pavtra! Stcafc of CaJ/f�,rrrr�r Ss - Jh Witness .evhcrcof l hvr hcre/ir/to y nd /affi t d set kir h`ar'd County of Gambro Casrh7 Orr this- dray cif- %G :... _ _ ins the Year _ ur L RD one 6'VZIsansr' nine hundred r+'r/d twen��iyo 'before me - � of Clerk of Can>`ro Costco Costa St�aie of Ca/ifarnira, resiiaiirg (herein, .per/y commisiar/eafiearr�n v7' Wia/rruf Creek arra - and snVorr, persorry//y appeared B. G Fnsign 47,7d,"A.' ,Marsha/l, knaryn tO me 14, he er 015r/40 Clerk of 11W gz7nanaof Trusts the /'resident and 5ecrelar res eChy-- afthe Cor orations thrtexeCtr/eza' ofsaid Tass/n State of GEr/iforrrio Y. P y, p ss. the foreyairyl instru/ne/rf and /hey vr+ca'eireh of h tem oo,4royv/dyer'' a'n rrre 1111"-t. Cour y of Gorrfra Cos�`e� • �j said Cor�rafic�ns esxccr�fcG the snrrA. Orr thi.5 "1� _dAy Af_ _C�� � �_ �/_ _ _ _ in Meyear - /n wilnc'ss whw,,raf /have hereurria set my hrirrrr'arrdl�ffi ted of out LORD dnc thousajrd n/ e hundred and treat tWO hefar me ' �' officio/ sraJ, fhe dQy v//dyeorin fhiscer}ificr,,rc first above' ryri/t� . ca Notary Public lir vncarfor lheCounfy Gauntyof Corrlro Casty Of Corrtrra Cosfra, 5tcate of Cd/i fornira, resic�ny thereir� rau/y ,G-�,rr„rri„ssir„��ar , , /, TP Wa/,firer T u- Cc/%•c-tv,- 0,4' a`he Tryzyn of and-SW0rn, personcaJ/ycar�,7ec, red Steoherr 0-'W;,7,?, C. Rorxa'a/ h No - -�=��� ��f � 2K���____ _ _ 9 P ok Notary fu c a�,Yor1147%Crau/rty of Wo/rru/ Gruel, Caurrty of Corrfira Costo; Stc7% Q7' Colrfzrrrrib, do hereby /yianue/ llenlrrra o'e Bruer', Constan7'ina / Lv//adcrv-:-�-s• �reo/-yc 1. wv/!� G Cd Q� 7'e ca Ga/r'fbrnin �er�`i y tom` fherc no Iiens for uirprar4-J' Town i?,rIS a6;Iairrst fhe lands frank pucarte, Norman/ F. Wilson, Irene M. 5ueyres, ,7arr�s FX.Qu y shoWrr Wi1-17.1,7 the red!/hes pn the. csr/r/e>X-Iz7 M,,p ar any part lher Xll -hae/ Rossi Orsi/io 1/osconr,_ ianC .Stephen DCWir�, du/y.�btfiorizcra' - - � !/r Wir`rress Whereraf / have hereunto set 1 .; eae_n r foGeorgc_� $e�fie c�nd Ar?r/cr B�e6e _ .. W of my ha/rr;' lhrs �'ay /knOxWn /o me to be the persons who subscribed to the farey>zaing sfaterne/rt Cau/rty df Garrtrra Cos/xi � S5 °` " -. - _ _ ,� -- vrrd they tarrra'•each of lhe/rr Qeknoly/edgea' to rrie thcaf ,they erecufed7'he /, -,7N Sv//e.�ycr G"aurny Audi}t�r.o tticG'ar✓n of Corrtniv'_� • i sar/re.�, _ Costa; ,Ste,}e of 6'ra/ifornir?, do hcrcby mortify tfrG+/ there rrreraa /itns {rh- ,�tcx�e Tc2r Ca/fectnr of fhe Ta,r�n vF yyalrr In Yvitr/css .Whereof / hraYe herer/nto set my hvndvnd r..�ffixea'rr/y or Coup y tvxe-s a irxst fhe. Ipnds enabroced � ,� ~ Gree,(, Cranfro Cas/z+ COum y Galifrirrrira vfficica/ seta/, 1`he day and year kir (hr's certificcafe first cabov� yvriflcn within/ the rea' /rices ark. fhe vnnexedmvp, or arr/y p r`hrefevf . /n wilaess x -h --real %hors he unto .set a L a ` � i af1�/GIQI SCG/, th/S _• 4.-'Q-3'� - Grl� _ �-•�' Grrea' crud offxe�a'�y 47/ of of Stephen Ilerving, March 4, /922; u^t -V mriyu /O Of Corrlrr Co Xtra, 5fate ofCral far. ,_ -ma=r--` `�= = CayrrtP M., Recor2a'S at Carrtrza Gv.`r� niq. Courry Audilar of f Caqln '�__ _.. Stcr}e.tf Cea/iforrria. - Cash State c7f o1/forrr/c� - S`::: w ii r ;"+tsm�+-xm�nw-c '+xAaxj�('"`"vi:.�aaxea.nS�tt .s,-m�`•�j�.rrv2r^.*•7—e'