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The Mc7rtir/e3 Land Componydoes fereby certify fhaf if is the owner of fhe /and show,? W1/17147 the red /Ines upon fhismop: /hQf if has Cac.gedsaidrr�oobe;arepared{or record, 471701 hereby conser�fs fo fhe mo%rx7 (hereof . >`hof solo' map 5/aotvs (fie p/or1 of 5ubdivisior� o�sora� /pr�c/ c�ccordii�y fo the Survey fhereo,' ¢h0'/ blocks orrd s�'reets of Svid subdivision care v{ the si.3e, Shope ar�d a'ir»ensiai�s os Shown on sofa/ n;crp ,or�o' that fhe,ocary`icar�5 o{sorv' /ore' desicyrxa/eQ' Shell, v2ieyt SheJ/, MOI'Merey, Sierra, Po1770r7o, Tarorna, Mcagno/ia, 1/entvra, Yoserr�it� and Alamo Avenues, ones' W7117ut .street are hereby dediroted to pub/ic Use: ' M� TZM, NlD C`0jV-FlINY '=--- �%'" fP�rie}sident Sf�fe or Cbf {orrrci s s Cot r7ty of Contra Go .6n Ory phis 5th day o{Februory bn the year ofo/ir Logo One fhousor�d, i7ir?e l vndred � sixr'een, before me F B -OV _ _ _ _a /Vofory f�ub/ic, ir7 ar�c�' for fhe Caun/y o{�2h�`� Eo.,�LO _ Sfofe of'C;o/ifornica, resio'iry9 fhere/ia ; duty Corn--i7l' v�d cind 5 worry , crppeore d B SchoY:ro, kryo%vr� to rrae to be the presia'ent of fhe N/artinez Lana' Comrxiny, c� corparption, and oclrr�on�/edgea' to rr�e fhof said corporafior� erecu>`ea' the sorr�� /ry WitrleSs yvhereof /hove hereunto set my/7oryd onc�'Q�{/,redry�y sea/ the day crrrdyear in this cerfrficote {first above written r pu /ic ire crr�o'for f Cour�f of NO y G01741z7 Castel State of C orr�iyi 5 tote ©f Co/iforfyio ' Coun yof Ccrytro Gastn } s.s Ory this sth _day of February in y`he year of our Logo 017e thousand nine hundred <55- s/;rteer7, before 177e _ _ _A• FBrgy_ _ _ _ _ __a /Uotory Pub/iG iry aryl y�or fhe Gour> y of _'Zpa t-.Q Gasfn _ _ _ .5t2te of Ga/iforniv, residrryy fterein, ta'uly evrrymissioned and stv01-1;� appeared J. E. Rodgers 4770`v,7 to me to be the Secretory ofthe Martyi7e3 Lo.7o'Corr�,aony, a corpoi= otior>, aryr�'�aclrr>osa/edged' to me &7a," said coroorvfiory executed fhe same. /n PvifiyWS5 Whereof / have hereunto set my 12o/7d ona'ofr`ixed my sea/ the c�ay or>dyeor in fhls cent rICCI'le' first above WtWt er/ Nofory f ab/ic ir7 And for f e County of ° G©r /-r7 Costa, State of /�forn47 1, Rolah R..9r/7o% aduly licensed surveyor of the Stole CrCCIM 1-,W27 County Surveyor of the Counyy of Contra Costa, dohere by±certi thni theyI? IEZ .L4'ND COAT ?RCNo bM_._ . Wos mode by me and under- my drrect/oy7, oryd yha,` this rmop is an c7ccuroye represer7fafroi7 of Said survey IL �` � Cc�r.-ny Surveyor Ganfro Gasta �,. GoUnty, State of Ca/ii`ornia j -y February, /.9/6 /2. R grno%; Cir/i/ Engineer Note; NAR.TINFZ LAND GOMPHNY TRF-/GT N� 6 i5 a subbdrvision of apor/ion o{ what is known evs the property of c%seph L1/. Henderson as conveyed in a Book of Deeds 159, Page 1,97, Recordsof C®ntrd Costa County Ca/iforWia, 0r70' was origlno/ly n part of the ROnCho Las damns. fhe 41.1ya'ersig13eo; fhe mortgagee of" the proper ty oesigrx>'tea' on�'o'e/inealec�' hithir� fhe red /ir7'es ors fhe 67nr7e red mop, &0 hereby c017sent to the makiryg of the 5611a' mcrn, ona'tl7611 it be approved by the ,by the Board of" SuperYiSArs of Contra CoStO Conunty, Ca//fornio, Qrrd f'e%d orydrecora'ec/iry fhe of -{icy c flle Coveyty- Retarder of Contra COSto County, State of Gn/ifarnio DO/ed Fe.bruory_��/9l6 Stale of Go/iforryio 15---- COUnty ol- On this day of Fe bruory, iry the year of our Logo one 117o4lsona' nirye hundred <5-- sixteen. before me o Alotary i'ub/ic 1.1-7 012a' for the County o'uy cornrryissioryeo' crr>o' .51-r/o1 r7, appeared c%seph y3! Ile170'e1" s01'7, knoWr7 to rrye fo be fhe persor7 who Subscribed /v fhe torego117g sh7te- rner7t rind nc/rnoWteaged to me that he executed the some /n Wilaess yvhereof / lyave hereunto set my horyd aura' ai`"f/Xed rr�y .seal the Qoy pr>c�' year iry this GertrFico% first above aril%r>. /YQtcary Pub/iG ire and for the C'our7 y of State of Ga111or7710 We, fhe p/o17"1ng cornM15510n o> the fawn of N✓ortii7ez, do hereby certio lhat yve have e.rarr>iryed the Oboye reap ondhereby aoarove the -5aMe, arydhereby recorn/nerya' #hot the cr OW drop be opproveo' and recorryrnendeo' by the Bom,/z/ of Trustees of fhe Town of Aforfine3 Filedat Request of Martinez Company The Planning Commission of The Town of- Mar7rr7c.y7 By_ GhoirrrJ n BY--- �----- / --- --'�----- Secretory February 8, A.D. /916 at 2-O min•,nost_ _9 _ _ A M. Re orvsOf Confro Cosfo Coup y n corder.' This mop is Composed of 2 sheet$ of which this is sheet fYa Z. State of Goli{ornia County of, Contra Costo 1 1 c/ // Me//s, County Clerk of (fie GoUnty o/-Contra Costa State of calirrorlwa, and ex ai c'io Clerk of the Boaro' of" Supervisors Of said County, do hereby ce,-Mfv thof i/7e C7r/ne rea" 1770p of MOrtine�,a Land Gorrrpony Traci N.17 6` was preser/tea' to said Board os proviaed by law of a regular rneet/i7g of sold Boar1�' held on the 70"vcry of February /9/6, and'hot s01,v' Board a'id thereupon ,fay reso/uy5on duly passed and ooropledat said Ine-ebn5;, aeaproye said° rr/ap, and a'ra' not accept on beh�lf' of stye pub/rc crry of the streets .t5 oOWn thereory 0.5 of{ereo' ory soia'mop for pub/ic use. / fu-lher Gerh'fy that o bond co vommwl for fhe poyme d oforl &res which of the h m oom o Agin aYainsi o y pts{ ff ereafond naive( oyob/g hay been duly gvomwo'byS vy/BpordondMeo, wi*e oe,-k lhcreofasprovoad by law. nes-5 Whereof /Xove hereunto Set my hand vna' the sea/ of sa/a' Board this_ —cloy of February /9/6. �" of Sup rs of Corytra• Costa County, .Stole' of tifo, /7& State of G'a/ifarnio county orcorrtry / A. N. S'Ul/enger,- County Auditor of:the COunty of Gor7tra C0stc7 State of Ga/siForn/a, hereby that there are no liens for ,State G?r Goianty to res agpinst y`he load designntec�' as IT-,gRTTNEZ L,-92V-D COMET mml- TR-IS07" .N'O. 6' aS shown ory the onne redrr/op, or aryy port thereof / Witryess Whereof / have hereunto set my hand ano, of{fixed my sea/ this : !_'ay of �ebrucfiry /9/6 ;> 'y cou tyAvdit the Go yof Corytra Costa Stole orco a We hereby certify that We haV, erarniryeo' fhe above mc,V, 67ndhereby oppraYe fhe some, orydhereby rCCOMMCM' that the above map ,be approred arxl odoptec�',by fhe Board of Supervisors of the County of Contra Cosfo, Ston1'e O{CO//forr�iq Gbted February 5th _/g/S � As Trustee of the 7ownoi Aortine3 cove y of'Cont/z7 costa, Gc�/iforryia attest. - - Tru- . • Clark of the Boo of 5tees ", ' To wn off " Mory`ii7e� i Y � / ^Y b,�� •��� �� gbh o Ro ' j` 6 R.3 AIL WL 9s �, +�- �, „c�. so-� sza 9A a� ��j M4• ,� r s � M Q �o�o \ O �y h. p4 KO .�, b69M N h�' �'o �' s� 3� O j. .1'1WR TIME Z / 7 ;1 • Y �C> - �p.� 0 .1b_9, �� a�o� 's�'� Cl1 0, ti k� �� 0 nM ? �1 1� .L �O �}� co, 51 a \ N t1l"" �r ?� v� ti h k \ �oR•30 1� , As'h 0 , ^�,� �' o �o lbw ti zoo mho`\ 3��5. �./o• � .� ,•M �v �1° d1j,�j 1Or �^ Q! hbo o tiM ��7ti i3� �j b�. )' ,D �6 0 h10 {v y�4 0��7 � �• b nT�a n0 s'r� ry (y �s M �y N 'se)' � hr try Illy �, s 6 a // 90 b 9' M (V(\j 3ae •o ¢ g�'^h �h z �0 K b ,y 10, `�� 0 ti 9r ae�O sro Div M b �` 6 t• 49A �a�eM 71 �, h M (� ' N b- t�? � • �� �x�• ..�t�"� � 1• g h ry M s o bl �r ° h -�• 1 �t M �3,o s,. � � �M 6b y'- ,�$ `�,. � p• "�, � 1 y h�l o �'� h Y h by �'� ' vy IN 4 •w 2 a bh 10 h, s '� ' > P " � wNW 'Y� o h 9 / f- '�.c'�.�o ,y y h� ,� F��� �, b '�'y� �j� r190 \p�• • e�°.p ��a ��'- c�� �r�;� �h`q\' �1y �3 � � ?;�o al�'pp' ,yL7'�- .af Q y�� �3 32- �.� N �0 = '� ,P ¢ - 9 h qVi J r r r ti f� -, /a o ti M ti D� s' a �� yti. s .� �o'�. o ®g 20� y �,? aS . � 1 ° � 0 ate, ti 414 1�0 ��OI�, �� �o ,So ��i hh �M o y.IS ay. o \�0� ° 01' l�E �Z��J fj tS sue`- V` �z°�1�� ��z- c � �� '� �v�y � ��, o� � � h �� P�1�Q• N •os �o 41 0 vt O A,� �055 6 A. �. 9g i2 2 a`E N o r, 11 ,•,1 ^? �- 3 B� g3 �s !k h E ql ,� A .� � �Z' ��• N 6 ' o .� s'�• ,2 gg i2 QJ E 62 S 6 1 ° 29' w 2 30 o tiry`y, -� y2. �° ow 5'� Ti \ fi► �0 Il � � � �'69 S520Iv W 2�F i' 3. !! : \ � o N 131' �° 26 � 1/sob moo. i `� 7� 2ao tJ• ,3h 0 136 7.�' WA. w 3• �oo�b o a 1$ O 13 14. � 1> 6 •Z r j �"' _ � \,` 0 1 ryJ �.Z6 0 � o N �� / 1O 6" � �� N���• � o ia. `1 � o 0 �l"� �� '�'2 � j3�,Z 4 �, {N131�, 30. � � � N 8� 19 •�,�, 'C'� � ��O o0 d \ O 11 j36• o o .�,\ 13�' /o � ��` N / 31� , �5•"a t 3� '50- At .76 1 p r y Q� i 28 SR7,2 ��3ss- �3 0 1,i93� moo, M 8 v� vim ,` p NByloo -4 k�6q s 03� y,°d pti SSJ1 y , Aa.z55 ��� `•i �, �►I '� 5� �5 �YV o � � � a ,O - 38 p� � h� (� p� 3�p3 5low � 5 moo. JArNI.S tO r s —� N��u �°�ko �• 33G o o �' -1y 14 ' ggVO ' j;on 69 fits /ronPpe °D �'�� Febr-varya 1916. R R 05770101, 01111 ,Er�yineer. s .5cc?le. /Inch- /DD heed �•sl� NOfF�' a�'1ARTONE2 LA/VO COMP -Al VY TF2AcT N2 6 /Q\� /5s� 5tsb�'►�isit>/t. ofci�r-ticaa� of �5'known +�o�' os fhe praperfy of eph W Henderson ®s Conveyed ire BOO& h bh /.59 of Deeds page 1,97, records of C0/71r® Ge L5-ta Ge1t,11714 Golrfarn ro7 6117d, os origina//y a parf cif fhe 967,17ch Las Juntas S Note: This map cof?51545 of Z sheets of which this is shee t /VO .Z. a"or Armor,- ci cpt�Xur�ny l�v�r?�Cr~r / ✓�n�. C �L. se*/` ' / ! S l � ti o f./Ply C '�%+.� �O,— Or�C: •"Q�C/ci �'��,y.f� 742 C'ry - cam. Q r r �y' �, 3 T ✓°Y.i.r+ ,✓'..igJllO i.'a., , jv+c�i7.1 � �. aa+Pr. f./ '!.'�`��lrS•S .S'G C f J�'.O s,i :y'. am e F t 2�7