HomeMy WebLinkAbout14M285TIP �l . ap� NJ ?lo 'I l� .2 owl COSTS CO;�T� CO 5Po%177ber 19/5 R. �', ,9rno%� Civil �r�9ir7eei- 5 cc7/e : / h7Ch = /0o feet . We hereby cerfi y t17crf We have exa7r Ined fhe above map, cr"d he-re-b crporote fhe-5a.77e, /1/Ote.' /VRRr11VE'Z L/YO CO/Y!�'L�/VY TRACT /Va 2 MI hereby recor77mend lhc7f file ,above , 7-7ap 6?, %s a -5Uh ision o7oc7porficor7 07" Wha7' 7s approved and adopted by'7`he Board o7`-Svper- kr7oyYn cts fhe ,orr7,oerfy o{.SPrnve/ Pra7 fir, ?iy Yisor_s of fhe- COVny o{Con/ra CO ,fa, .57< ,f o{ us GOnY yed ir7 a weed-ncorcled in Book �ti CGT/ rniG1. 236 Of"-a'e-,ds' )f2O/ Fe 33.¢� a,1757e as ors iwal/y �"d f,.�a7�d S2pfember,�Q�'%915� � ,oArf Ot fhe RCf,-7c17o 1-67s _yc rr Teas. N. E Cor.Tract N� s61-i3'�9 e MAP-PACHECO COUNTY ROAD iron P zd, r 58.00 -To .Mai-}iri�aJ s.s�-343'so-t_ sY 8.86 To Palcheco-+: 298 40 40 40 0.15 A �nV 40 40 40 34d5 �( 'lo' i" Ton Pi c `0W' k'.i N R+•lo' L.155� R`ro' R.to� .s.l P ��- ��'— � / 7-- so ^I.I58 - �,n 0 �? 40 �15 S� r L I5.5� 99H -/�- 110, q r rrf-/h �O t e•'` R. y •10, 3 0' 0 w; D Zi w 50 .0 R®SE N Aa•sa.a'd S'� t Ft•l0. ecD0 go R.lo L M71 �.I �� L• 1�.7,/3� 4 1 ,po 100 1s Ll r 100 Ian �in too 100 0 ti 9 100 N 12- w 0 too ►oo u+, 6 N 1 � 0 100 100 '7 ° 10 n Ln 100 too 0 S � � R. f0• R•10' Ib'�1 i.• s.n O N. y' '.e,6• a eo ti 40 STREET �. g0. 9v R.lo R.lo �u Isar 1 0 F 15.71 16 IOp 1 O � 2 15 Q Ul 100 100 3 � 14 H ,°� too tao . O 14 4 13 0. 100 too L 5 12 Ul 0 100 i g 0 11 0 1 O 100 � 7 u 10 u°ti loQa 10. 01 N ✓ R�io� R•fo' �• 15..r1 v yr5�l AL_MQND - S-iRaF_-r o. N.g9' -AZ'E. 7.4.-r+ .T E BOUQUET ET AIL. 3/a Iron Pipe S rUSTP�S e Wr7 u7- 7�Ar/ir7�7. Cour7><y of Con/rc� Costa, Sfafe<`o><'Ccr/iforr7ia ` G/er.�c O{/ice Bocrra' i j Tres lees, ioyvn of h9rrrfii�e3 , . Q Sfafe- or'- CgbAb_ rn1c7 s.s. Cou:� y o - Cor7/ra Cos7�A ftvdi/or of" fhe Co%r>fy of Gor7frA Cosfca, _Sfcr/e OF CQ7111 rnic77 hereby cer/i{, y that flierC, ar. e 170 hens {or 51a7re Cr Cou17y 7`axe-5, except -,Taxes � rlot yet,7ayc�b/e, a9c�insf the band desiyr7afed (,rs Alf/,P_ TINE Z LIgNO COWI,P /Y Y 7-RI /Vo ,Z As 5horvr7 or7 Phis 177CrO or c r7y P671.74 7L17ere07? /r7 WlAe?&ss WlIC1,4- /ficaye hP.retir710, o set 7a-7y 17ra1761 ibis ?Ja clay of Se le nber, /.q Cour7,y Fludior oic Contra ju iQ L !hereby cer/i y fha/ 1 have eXam1r7ed fhe above 77rao, ctnd hereby crporaYe s0rr77e,Cl/I herc,fy reecor77r77e,I that the above 177ap be approveca' cr174:1 rec0,-77777e lI( by the' 004,;7r6j' of Trvs>�eecs df' t1 Tovtn of A7C71 r7� , !>cr/ed 5ep>Le✓r7ber20 /9/S, 99° 3 `Iron Pp,', Gi�y .En9ii�serof"fhe Town of M67,-1177e , Cavr7 y o.-"'Co171,,I WO 117e ur7clersir�ned do he, --eh, y cerfi y that We c7re fhe ow,,I and 7770r7`qc79ee ol_7417e /rand shown within fhe red /ir7e-5 vpon this 177,5W.• That we hate Cc7V.5eGi'said map to be prepared r record, and hereby cor7sent fo fhe r,�rrkir�9 thereof fhafsaia' "nap shows fhe plan of SubC?`1V1si07'7 of'.scrid /c777d r77cc ord7iaq fo fhe suf-yey 117ere07C:• tha/ a// /o>Ls, blocks, acid stree7{s off' saica' sub — a'iYiSion c71-e o7c'fhe sij e, shc7pC, ar715P( crs _5170Wr7 on said rr70p, 0,-7a' Thai fhe ,aorfior7s of :5c7id /47,- d des�gr�afed 7_:>EACA1,. C AAE577"L17 O 7/< RCLS� AL �YiD�YD S TR E� TS PALAl, 1 11VI M147RT/NE'Z , SHOE _S arm hereby , ��ra'ica%d /a 51alC 07t 60`k'r77is CCU,7-/ a{C01I Cosfa15.5. Oh /his X 10 day 0{5ep1e177be1-- ii7 thee year o{avr �,� or7e fhousrar7d rI hZ,0-7dred 241{pee17, be{ore /77e, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ = - - ci• Notary Pub/ G ir7 4717d 9r fhe C0I y of -15011 fra Cos /4a j-5,Aa/e off' CA/1,"orr71c7, 1-es7c7'117 y there r7, dca/y co/771-7775'57017ed c7r70l sworn, Appeared .1. 23ouc7Uet, B, 56hraplro c7r7a' ScTrr7ve/ Po7`7`er, /c' cwt7 Iv rr7e 6 be fhe pe7-.sor'7s yvho Subscribed' a`o //ie 1Creg0yr79 s7ra7`emer7f car7d c7c%nor�v/e%eq' fo -77e .711 7rhey execca7eed fhe sc7777e, In l�vifrI YYherCO," 7c7t/e hereU /V set my 176rr70" onca' o Xed rr7�y secal, /he day and, yec7r-ir7 fhfs cer>`iFcnfe ,�rs� c�bove yYri75rer7. . :rift /Yof077X14,b/iG 717 671d ,G- F041177'y 40{Car7/rc� Cos>, Sr�Crfe Of' Gc7�!>�ornicr 5ta7te o {Ca%/rniq Cozen y o7c'Ca777`rcr Cos7�Zr� s . s . . 'i h''we//s, c�our7y Clerk o{y`he County o{ Cor771ra Cos/q, Sfra7`e o{Ca�rr7ic, c7r70( ex-o>cio G/er-k o{7`he Board o7c'Svr7er�- Visors 0f's17115/Coup do he -M y Cer7`i>y /hat fhe annedxec/ rnc7p o{i17'R�T/iY� . LAND -GVMR, ""9 r TRACT N22, wars prC5en/ed fo said �vc�rd c7s7vvrvrided by /criv g7ra re9ulcrr 77'7eefir79 o{said Boaard h�/c�'on fhe +� ��"cdc;_ y ofSco�inber; JJ/5 - CV7d that said Bard d a' 7`he7-eupor7 by , reso/v7ei0r7 cr'u/y passed crn�►' aC,1 tea' a/ saia 7>7ee7rrr7 y, a d/3rove 547id rr7a7e; 6717d dici r7477` c7ccep,14 CV7 beho/{ CV4_ fhe pub/10 ar7y o>< Ahe rherao77 c7s o><fer�' on sc7ica' . rr7c7p. Ar ,41441 vse / �ur7`her ce�-fi� �hc7f a bor7d cona'i�`ior7ed �r fheperyrner7`©f'a// frax�.s yvhiG,�i c71 fhe Time c7c-�/r79 ;II mc7p rare e7 /iet7 C754" 7sf crr7y,oar7`7<hereo7` e 67ncr'r701ye1 puya6/e,y 47,0proted sA7ca`Bc�rd c7r7dP/ee>' Wlih fhe Clerk' 7417ereofc7s prOVIIc?'ed by ICZAY. /I witness Whereof / 0VC, hereun/o se7`my xed fhe sec7/ o7C'Sc7id Board this_eVo�'d y of-Seofein.5e✓; /g/� o7r"117e \ •'� B O U � / 07� � rrQ C0s7 �f /, lea/ph �Arr7c d udu/y iice�7sed surYe�•a, o,c'7he S or CcP/i7 orr7ira, Cour7a j• SurYeyor at'fhe c:©vr7/y o c' I�/OI I do her-eaby G6rfifjr that >`he .5urveyCf, e 4fART'17vE7. GFaA"o conf,ogAl 7'R.9GT N�� My 7:5 17747c7'e 6y rr7e cr77c�' 1,60-7der 1-77y 4!i-ec-apron, c�r7cr' 7`iicrf Phis ficro /5 G7n c7ccurc77� r`�reser77Tia><iOn o�'suid SrirVGy, �v�y..J�'u7-v'eyo � Cclrs�iz7 Cos74� �� �o/ia�v'r7rq z 0 �a