HomeMy WebLinkAboutE-M106AState of California, 01i this, day o/ -z4,— ill the, pear otte thotrood right dred all it nioelli me. a Xotio-11 Pliblir, in aced for wid ( ountq .......... ... revirlifig Ikereill. ditty romini-itille d and strorit, prr.vono/111 appeared known to me to be the per -,ort de,rribed in 11-hae iiaote stibst-ribed to and who rxerated the trilhin insli w7leat and lrknotrlpitqed to we that he ensiled Mrsame. in Witness Whereof, I hore hrreivato ,i-/ my fraud ('oil olli-red AW/ 011irial o/ my tifflre in the Z/- the day alid year ill thi., 'erliflrale firs/ shore written, loinrg Public. -x4 'VqV,v of Oz Me, Re7l-'rh-0 Cv'-ih-et CO'5'trr Surveyed ff6ee"We7- /0 -Iff4- • I *q A- 0 15 if #'o -' t*s-� 1014 Stale of Cafflorsila, 001177/# Of Ott lhi.e day o1'14;a!---' in the Meier ope thotmand riqhl 4.4 a X04"I'll hi nerd 14 raid (ottirig sirldr1l. Prrvoll'11111 appeared ?+ I sivb-.rjMrd to and xho, exeritled the trilhin I h7str(joirotnrknria /0 are thoulp merited the xame. In Witness Whirraf, / hire&rriinto (tx// hand Irli, ("'it affl-d /lit, tillirit'l 'raz' at 11,1/ "ITIr, i" /h, h' o"Iyalot iletir in 111i, IIIA,rp 11-rillet. x'w Public. 4\ A E-Ikx r\r- do 4. A E-Ikx r\r-