HomeMy WebLinkAboutE-M104, 7- Marine 71ry Awanu,_ as SPAd avenue is ],,ii err
an'os -te-
car, .':a or.-rer of ,rtion W I ,t -:--. 47 Of t*�e 0- t-'-Ic Vic-oll Sir-b-,11,i,ie Torn ;11L,1l_Qn
lot is nxru,�arst! � cels vested O_-_ t' -e --in-1 --,1- 0" 1, -io- a"(, fn,'1:7;7jr_ t7le ;cajj,'ori,s ofI
c.,id Sout:-arly inel. Sou":reser
6f t'- a '10 -_,.Mcho, C:mnt:-- O_-C3,.of erl- sires of s-11' ;.-,irine View Avenue its entire I en,t, wricl
C I ifor-lia, rhic:" is c ont t:,e ao.-e:_ec _)I�t of s; --id said tr:�.ct of ten feet ir, a portion of Lot 7c. 44 t o _czatj
tract, !:i2r':ed 'U" , i:,,t out i-- t .e blocks, lots :,n(l P:JcA0 1, --c the sLr-e is ilum`erce 0- t.' -,e 7!,_ c- "ill.A P•.r_
str:ats are res:•t�ztively nur,,'_�ered azar. =led 1,� on said titicn, of !7.:. P.,,'_10 ---,n�: c;1j,' stri-
a;-_,)_ipan;,in_plat, axcapti_,G portion of 70. 27, as is :oro _,.rticulrrl :escri, ed J_,_ d,-.�.rZ! r.-Lefl J,
Co Vol. 93 of,
is n._L-:iBd ml_ I:A.' out u -yo c --Ar: 7:.' -., bf r rtit ::)-ads, -afe :127, reccrriz; of Contra C .
ion Of s�:id S%:i 2a Io 7anc`o, t :1e 'I-reby (Iecic;,tes to ! zai4 M:rine 7icw Averue heretofore ',car dedicr-ted to Du"_
pu*Aic use a]'- o-' t',e is _-nu .-. j -1 3 y z 0: ani , Z,; o:n in 2 i _- Use -JO :- t"O -7rrt'ierl-: r.nd !,ct%a,Isl.erly line of s. -id
2a :,,t, 1 -aid out an=t in thle._!=•_i S,Id rlat Tea -foot strir, of 1.7trict-hcrein-re-ferrad to an(-, t, --e s
t'-.iz i-- fu rt 1 to c art ify t 3---tioD of S�At,, 'eei-_: M1JO"r,-JrC, BAC en.cor, cre,lycs,,Jc;te,: to
7c. 27 to is upo sai., i.-_or:-ori:u1Aic use eE u lie s d
strip 01 top feet i"
_ .3C ii-Audod t i:. liras o" ' Ll ztr.tv,on wilt' - as -rt :.Lrc portio -0- ,a
s �A,: :a "r . s t Aar fro the poin, v s i' T. ,c tOfOre der!lc'ted to suc� use.
_',v-,nue interzpc',:: �:,2 ae 7=02,
of NT -.y of t -.a S e.ar
Ah *,: -at',_ 0: to -)oi-" .-* er, id in- s. t it
o 1., 79n2.
t s,reet n=ed "7i_-*io, '-ver.uew biltuee2 _-Id i
5 -j o,� ,,._i+: :)]at Kor`.',erl-Y sL' :1OC4,
ITs. 27 is
i:z_or-.Ora'a4t 71t'i t7le Ii _es O_ ":' 101-tia- 07 "-a
strct n -.,ed Bis -_o: A,!=;je f_-3 s icl
i1_to.:-A-:enu,! -t sei,' -point 7_,at-eon i% B1 oohs ".0. 2 7,•C, 5. A
IS f133d 0-,137 -z; t-- t�- On thi.
T' s J.' .7':.t -t -ortion 01 State of (falifornia, I day of in the
t :ITY ARE) COUNTY OF SAN FRANCISCO. year One Tbot—mi Nine litind-d and re me,
said lot 1T0_ 17, -7hi_` i:. included ritli�2 s ct�-c 0 (1 GE:0_ -r- KN(DX, a Notary Public in and for said City
'33 1 eys ` C - and County, residing therein, duly —d sworn,
-ai,e y d-dicated to nu.Iit- use a-, t'le 2 oc:_ nd 1 ot3
personally ,j,p--[
icti-re uVo�t s.Litj deosi,= ted aaj] i_ezd '_w�., nun,2e rs
s it tract s.)!nteC aa,",. IA-_wl--t is n --.ad an."
known to me to be theper,on described in,
,_GUn as whose wbose name. -Y
sulr.;crilc[ to and who executed the annexed instrument, and he
':iis is fil r' � z; --- to c -t i -y t: -- ,t acknowledge,1 to me that he executed the
Cr; -.ea S-,enzer, is also t:ie o7,n,� o_7 i„'rij) Of
IN WITNESS 'WHLREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and
'--.-:a --but er!y "i---ps of affixed my official seal, at my office, in the said City*and County
: 7_1
of San Francisco, the day and year I.,t A --e Atten.
In -d f. the Uk, -d 0---- - — , ryy _,.