HomeMy WebLinkAboutE-M103A.. "'•. iii' e� � '.x. E.. °C+b� `..'.s" .. . To All lihom It msy � Concern: e This is to certify - that the unders i�,- fitt; 422 l®Dnd Promotion Syndicate, a corpora tion, • duly orguUzed and eft under and byv3rtue of the laws of the State Of fiaUfornier, having Its 20 r principal place of business at Richmond,.Con�= Costa County, State of. 19 Callfornia., is the owner of the within descxi2i'as4�t of land Y as the H#2and •et - !7 6 1 IN VIMMS WHRRECW , the said Hichmond Prow tion Syndi ca t 4 ' �►� s 15 tw . t CLirp©i'atj.o22, .baa -emsed its gate name to be slab +e& -'And its corporate _ s $esI to be a=f[ed, by its Pre, nt and .Secretary, thereunto duly 4 12 8Vth prised# this 17th day of fty, 1904 ♦oo R10MM PHoMvTjoN Syl ICS, : 15 9 &N 01- "_.4f a A • 104 - _ t. w u lit P%2.1 L_hl - f t x r 4 F� N 3 )as v.. t -ry COIL��,+�,� -6 t ail _A - On yt$ 7th day of ,y, in theyear of r Lord one t xnaad nine: -hundred and lour,-1e`fore me J. i. , a Notary-INiblic ::W aw-, - - -for .the,.-Ctmhty o Cnritra fasts, State of Cal3.ibrsia, doiy coassd of sg U - _ notion £yndic e, the corporation that execut#d the trith#.n .J38trxiTil$�t ,aod ;the . y, lo :.:abe tbueft, "jjrw.ei% `coAxecated In witness whereof, IT -have hereunto bet my hand and affixed my Official seal., at try office in the County of Contra Costa, the day and year In this certificate First above written. Public is and for Contra CosLa County, CAL la t 21 t t 20 > .1 a #8 7 2 X17 o 4 • 15 5 > 14 O 6 � 0 13 8 •� 9 a : 7,t 12 i/•ZT AW so Sao 60 ><sso ,� io r 6a► 3 4- 5 5 6 a 7 8 19_ 10 'evy 60 JO"rl ycz le fr'r�a Ears¢ Seo. evxfF. /QO � 22 e °21 422 20 21 20 �` gr 19 4; Y !7 6 1 15 = s14 +� 4 12 ♦oo a ; i o 60 416, e 422 20 21 3 �` gr 20 4; X19 6 : 17 = +� a ; : 15 9 : 14 • 104 lit P%2.1 Loi r1 I G H LAN D �l RAC T ad'Voi*nin� City of Richmond, CONTRA COSTA COUNTY,. CAL J Property of the Richmond Promotion Syndicate, and being portions of Lots 87, 88,90 and 91 of the Final Partition of Rancho San Pablo. /l" a v o 424 #jP ezI cS'arveyed in May by A. /YI Ic/ylahon, C.E. Scale, /vo feetfri theinch. /YD m ar W© /6 • o e Zo ..�. �` gr gr r1 I G H LAN D �l RAC T ad'Voi*nin� City of Richmond, CONTRA COSTA COUNTY,. CAL J Property of the Richmond Promotion Syndicate, and being portions of Lots 87, 88,90 and 91 of the Final Partition of Rancho San Pablo. /l" a v o 424 #jP ezI cS'arveyed in May by A. /YI Ic/ylahon, C.E. Scale, /vo feetfri theinch. /YD m ar W© /6 • I,( E-10 3 o Zo ..�. �` gr gr I,( E-10 3