HomeMy WebLinkAbout10M228A /' e;z zy—'- Nor -. No porleon or purLzbns cI this nzap rn�rh ed drod c(esivilated f/zereor/ &Y slrrei�, Zvenues or °fyerv✓e "s e, fi.3 VP her /� O�' are de dz Cd fuel Cu ff, r /J -S, Cf thr FJUf /z _s h =�hr✓ays• cr o�h_r:r��s° ,., /7a /bar /on/ Tracl 15 o su6dvision in /o /"S ofa�orlrm of /ol 7t' Cl y- /`.✓o, as sa.o /ol is ale //nenCd dnd so a,f S1 /e0' on /fi�a�t ce/t/p /n Map enfl/ed ­%%alo of 1/7e .5an Pa9lo It a,7Cno 7JCCamFlony'/Iy and 10r177- n9 a Far/ ol" /fie Tina/ reluvrl of /fie telerees in Fartlion "Ir,ed /n 1/7e o /lice o //he Count' rPecorcYer ;n and for /lie Count' of CanCa Costa, e5 /ale of 1ne 171ar6or1 o/7/ really Company, a corporalon as owner and Proo//eCr 17470 E.1 L)u Ponla'e /Yemours I- oI✓0er Company, a corporation as ln? -,l7a9ee, be717y allot /fie Persons Whose con- ceal /S necessary la Pass a c %ai title l //ie lanes' a'e.3r9na�ed and Sfiorvn w /lfi /n /fje red hoes on 1/ /s %lap, des hereby co sent /o /fe ma,� /nq and f /i�q Olffaia' /lap _and de1/.ca /e 5 y % woe too 96 h q 2 39 M h 3 38 N q 9 q3 N S 42 ti y 6 4i q N 7 �O h y 8 39 v N -9 3e M /0 37 N N /2 N ti NU 4 /2 3S N ti /3 28 h N /q N 33 N /s 26 y 4 /6 2S h u /7 3o y N 0 2: N /9 29 N 20 27 h w 2/ Z6 M N 22 1S y� M 23 24 N 4 % lee roe 40 q 2 39 M h 3 38 N 9 37 N 4 S 36 y h 6 3S M h 7 39 4 M 8 33 h M -9 J2 h h _ y N /2 N ti NU N /2 29 h ti /3 28 h 33 4 4 N /s 26 y 4 /6 2S h V rs 4 2s b zs 0 2: N zs N s W 2s 2s conch /C, ole-, f,ower liar..: , le%p/7one and l,6yto/✓ lines and /Holes on, ovet, anc, alony /lie sleeC, a✓enues and b °u /e✓ards _ -s sh, -1,7 upon so /d yap W / /&/7 the red lines. IN W171VE55 if t/EPEOF %fie sold 6 rations have e -ecuCd /fese PresenC thts___ /s� cic+y of O . 1913. E./.OU PONT OE rYEMoURS Po oER coMPANY. THE /1A.PBORFRONT .eEALTY CO17PANY N/ moo loo -46 a H 2 45 N q 3 -9-✓ M 4 !/ A3 N 4 S 42 N S 36 y 7 q° 4 N g 39 y h 9 38 N h _ .-37 h N /2 N h i O JS N M /i 30 4 /q 33 4 4 /3 2B N k M r7 3o y N /g 29 N N /y 2B h M 20 27 h q 2/ 26 q M 22 2S y y 13 ?q y N/ lee too 4o M 95 y y 3 N 3 38 y q 4 37 y h S 36 y N 7 90 N N 7 .3q y N g 73 4 h -9 3? 4 h i 3i N M /i 30 4 y /2 29 y 4 /3 2B N k /9 27 4 M /S 26 k 28 y N 20 27 h 0 e V 3S m SS b 15 o ?5 N 2S rNv 25 W 2S 0 e •tit 2f P /owe/ y oF,'�i /o,v 4 / lee lee 96 9 y 2 95 y y 3 3A 4 q 9 43 N M s 36 y 6 3s- N 7 90 N 4 g 39 N N 9 39 M A N N /2 -zt' q /3 N /9 33 q 27 w /s M /G 3i q 2s "y V Pt 4 /B 29 N y /9 28 y N 20 27 h y 2/ 26 N 4 2z 2s " y 23 2q y y / moo - - -wee qo q M 2 39 4 y 3 3A 4 M q 37 4 M s 36 y 6 3s- -73 y y -9 3z A N /2 -zt' q /3 2g q q �q 27 w /s z6 y h /6 2s "y V Pt 4 2S b 25 p 6 N 1S ti 7T w 25 d s STATE OF DELA�'YARE. 5.5. COUNTY OF NEN/�pfASTLE. On /h.s_l�!Tt �/ay of_• - - -:n /he year One /houses / itte fiu/ndr dand thirteen, he /ore tne,__ �_Ei�AIZIW - - -lr N4111y Pubh� rn an fat /f/e Cauny c/ Net✓ Caslfe, Slate o/ De /atrere , test,417y lhetem, du /y cammiss.�t {one /d,/o�n�d St✓atn,�etsonpa /y ap vred ,mown /o me C he /fie_ -Pres /dent and .Secretary of E. /. Ou pool We Nemouts Powder Company, aCorpotalon, one of /he CotporaCons a'e3cr /bed 11'7 and lhal cx-ec,,Xw' 16e r✓i/i /n and forego /479 1;7-5A rnenl, and also 47ow/7 C me C be /lie fieisons Who execiCed i/ an 6elia /f o /s!x /a' CorPotalion E. /. Ou Pont de Nemout3 _Powdet_Comnanu_ ones' c/u /v __ L STATE OF 14L11OA'N 1A. COUN TY OF CONTRA C 05TA 6.5 CITY of R1CNMONO. fit Counc,? ol1/ie C;y ol* Richrrmon% hereby eer! /y /ha/ Ae foreyoinf -lap Was fire°senCd to sa /cu' C/y 6`OL/17C 1I of the C'//y of P /,�hmonc/ �j y / /e of sa.d Cy Gounc/% 5c %/ as � Counc // dip' the /e upon hr lle'eso /uCon �_resol' /hat said Giy Councul 9'116AQ _accept on 16e6a 11 01/5e Pubtc Coast Alley, Ha ,-6or Bou/c wa,d, Channel S / /eel, Seaport -5/zeet, Got% -51,eel, f_asf noni'o/nery .511-eel, Coe /sea Avenue, Ro,11a d Avenue, Seaynle Avenue, /YeWtoorl A ✓enue , and /hal f of land 30 feel w /ate a/ /fie Nor /her /y end of B /oc t'5 /, 8, and 9, a5 Public /horoc.e917147te5, and a5 G/c1 /healed on said Map. /N W17-NE55 WNER£OF / have hereunC s/yltea' my ncrme 0171' af/ixeel /fie Sea/ o/ sa /d C/y %/iis_ �2 -h- day o/ - -- tq'A -- -19/3. --------------- �� k,_1_�h_u� -- - - - - -- CiC Clad and C(°r f of /he City count// of /lie ciy of 2ichrr.ona! oep�.y e;y e %rk. STATE Of CAL /FO,PN /A - COUNTY OF CONTRA C05TA 5.5. C/TY OF 'e /CNtIO'VD JJ _ /, /f1 /+!' 4ilhe , Ci y AudiCr of 11ie GC o/ Pich/nond do heie6y eerCFy /ha/ / have exp/nitteo' all ,tie Ca. ro //s ii, my Office and C which l have Access, re /a /in9 C hie /racl o/ /and a'e%i eaCd on the r✓t/liia /lap, qna' 1 clo hereby cerh/y /Iial /here a;e no /lens for unpa /al m"c/'C' or/ taxes .v9Aiitsl said /tact of 11717a7 or any pat/ 01ereol /Y /YE }S iyHE/PEOF / have here C sei my - - -- - - !� !o. � life t�• of .P.�.Sme.,c% Drp.ry G!y Audl,. STATE OF CAL /f�RN /R' NCOVNTY O s. 'ra'"e+. oa 5.5• On /his_ ?4? -day ol_'% /n %lie year Onc /ho �nd/ nr hunclreci�d /h /r %en, 6e%te m e, _ _ _!_ /. L._ Et c�g� c. a /Yo/nty Public • /h and /or 1h�CounJ oi��s/,n; 51al . ,! 6 1/ -orn ;- tesrdny /There //7 des /y mmis�neo/ and SH/Oln, OelSOn ly pyqy(G�ppfepted� - CGIo -- ---- -a /nd��/s.R'L_"y�Or1! — /mown f me o//le Harhot/ro / f'ea//y 'omliuny, a corpotalo one o//f/e Corpofalons descr /bed in and /hat ete- caled /fie wi/fiin and foteyorn4 1;7S1'-a177--171',,717a1 also 47ovI7 f me C 6e /he /iersons Whe erecuAd ////'7 6e/tal/ o/sa.d lotpo.afon, 1f/e Yar6or/ion/ Peaty Company, and C/uJ 17.lf20 ✓ /edged l me /f/o/ suet fore otoCon _eyr_ c/.ld Ae s --- STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF CONTRA C05TAj 5 -5. f, A . N. 5 u / /t�9er, Co unC Au�/iCr ol//je Coal' a / 'onto Costa, S/aC o /Cc�l /iornta,do hereby 7etlly Ilia/ /have exam /ned cr// /he 4,x ro //s tomi Of /ice and C r✓hich / ho% access, re %/:ny f /1e /�e /e /r aesct /bed 1 /ac/ o/ /and, a'e /nealea' on /fie wil/ir/7 /Jap for /fie /purpose of asccr /a ;n- /n9 Wlwe jet /here exlsl any /lens on sa /d /artd lot unpa /d Slate of /-04//7/y /axes , and / do hereby cerlly /f7al /here ate 470 lens tot Unpa /d ��ale, 'puny, or olhcr taxes a•9ainsl said Cac/ o//4ha' at ony Ibarl l/e -eo� so /at as apPeais /rot" .Said %ax tot /s. //i /!//TNESS /YhEPEOF / hq ✓e heteun %n se/ my -day o _ _ d. /9/3 h 0 El 0 6E / o coysr 15 r r /✓o7E " " NO por(ion orporltons cf fi:zs nz.r/ rrt<ty {i ed ctrrc( c! s, yrzated f/rereorr ds slreeES, aVe -aep or •frier -eve se, baYeheerr or ar-e w7T de< /z cafe�l fheus� eftfie /z r'yhr✓a e °-a l7rarbor�on/ Tract is a sum vision in/ /o/s alesparlor o /lal Tiyeny -,Vo, as said /ol is de/ineo/ed trod so desJ9nafod an /,lest ter /ern Map enYi%led `%'Taro of %Ae San f'a6 /o /Pa,ocfJO accompany /iJ9 and farm- /ng a Parr` a�//eio/ eporf or l/�e re %reel 1i7 �arfCon F�d 117 /Ae o/fice of 1Ae Count' /Pecorder in and far f/Je CounC o/Conlra Costa, Stale o/ Ca//i/or77ra, /'laic /7 / S/ /S9g Tfie Harhor/ronf �ea /ty Co/77/7any, a cor/joraCon as owner andPropr/eCr crud E.1 Du Pon /de /Yemours /°or✓der Cor77Pany a corporo/ion, as /7ior/gagee, being a / /of�i7e persons n1/7ose con - Senl /3' recess /ary to Pass o deal 1%111 l //Je /and a23 Ona/ed and - 517OW17 Y✓ /%/7rrr /�e red /1;715 on //J /s /Peso f/o hereby eo.7se17tC /Ac ma.Fing and � /r9 o /said /"/ao , qnd c%�i�ate as aodfor /oubhc //orough /ores /bc /oarce /s oFground lnler7ded for Pub /c use as shown on sard r jap / qs iof/or✓s : - Coasf .9 /ley, flee bar Boulevard, Ciicr -one/ 5/ -lee /, Seapor/` SCcet, Co.l SCeef, Eas/ Monl9ornery Slree/, C/7e/sca A✓cnue, Por/ /and %/venue, .5eaga4 // *enue, Newpor11 ver,u and lhaf sC o / %nd 3o 1161 w /de at lilt N r//er� end o� B /oc�5 � 8 Anti 9, a5 S/7own on _sa /d /✓/ao. �c sard /7ar6orfionf .Pea /y Company f7ereb -y reserves to i /se %; its successors and assigns iarc✓er /lie r /9/7/ % consluc/ /uy do vn opera% and r oin - lain gas and wafer 177a1n6 d %1165 serve s, e %Crc I 1 to O' O � u 0 � p a� o� d t / 1 .c 7 > >e 8 3 " 9 2 s q 9 N b O 2l q • z= ; 23 N 2q N 2S �6 N N o/ 2 h � h rO Y 8 h O 9 y Y W t y N (4 /L 4 /8 /9 h Zd N 7/ �2 N 23 N 7°30'6 /6 N y � b1K 2S 25 25 2s h'A'e80rP 7-- 31 6- 05.70 305. ° � zs 2s 2so s s zs 2r � ev N u �a :4 °, 14 4 e v 5 /✓ 7.Z 33 � v 33— h q 2 45 h h 3 3g M N 4 I" I" Mg A ^gin q S N2 N 6 JS M Y 7 90 N M 8 33 y q 9 39 � h /O 3i q ; y /i Y /1 3S Y y /2 'N,, /3 y /9 J3 eN, y /S 32 Y Y N 27 N 4 / 3o h 26 A N /9 2g M 20 27 4 q 2/ 26 M 22 H Y /s 35 24 q d SS N 2S y h e V 3S ro 75 e 17 -r4 4 1S W 2S ; is 207 � N p h 20 3/ y 0 oV 6 7 �e- P1 ek 4 N N W N w 23 20 M y /q N N y 24 27 � Y 4 �y4 z °O STa�3n'E. 1r zne S.To •3o'E. EA 5 T moo ,7o •,1oE IVO/YTG01"/L:'ey S> E Y W t y N (4 /L 4 /8 /9 h Zd N 7/ �2 N 23 N 7°30'6 /6 N y � b1K 2S 25 25 2s h'A'e80rP 7-- 31 6- 05.70 305. ° � zs 2s 2so s s zs 2r � ev N u �a :4 °, 14 4 e v 5 /✓ 7.Z 33 � v 33— SL�,4GOJe T 4 / /se h q 2 45 h h 3 3g M N 4 43 q S N2 N 6 JS M Y 7 90 N M 8 33 y q 9 39 � h /O 3i q ; y /i Y /1 3S Y y /2 'N,, /3 y /9 J3 eN, y /S 32 Y Y h 27 N 4 M /S 3o h 26 A N /9 2g M 20 27 4 q 2/ 26 M 22 2S M q 2-3 24 q SL�,4GOJe T 4 / /se 'o° 40 N H 2 39 M h 3 3g M 9 37 N M -s 36 Y 6 JS M 7 29 4 M 8 33 y N 9 �2 N h � h /O 3i q ; y /i N y /2 'N,, /3 29 N cN, /3 33 N h 2g N Y h /9 q l6 27 N 4 M /S 3o h 26 A N /6 M /9 2S M a zr 0 2s b 2s 0 zs ti 2s ti 2s w ?S d SS zr 1 s 2s 6 CITYO F R 10 H M 0 N D CONTRA COSTA C O . CAL. Sccr /e.• / =loo.' y D � � 4 p k G L w ( i C �f N/ lee /eo 16 y _ 9S y q 3 44 Y 4 93 N S q2 N 6 q/ Y y 7 40 h B 39 Y M 9 3g N Y M i 37 h J7 i q // N /2 Y 36 N ® 3S N 'N,, /3 Syr i /9 33 N h 33 y 3/ N q l6 3/ 4 M /7 3o h M /8 29 h M /9 2a 4 M 20 z7 y q 2/ 26 M y 22 2S N y 23 24 4 r IW O t` O 1 i D lH.9P,+/AN 5 RAV�>y 2 'y 3 X63 .n, loo °e 1i7oo•!o'Ew A y of o S T.P- -E T a `` N _ 9S y Y 3 3g 4 4 93 N N 4 36 N Y 37 4 3S Y y 7 90 y M 6 39 Ny, 3s M M 7 t 4 /0 a N 6 .h q 33 h N 9 y /3 3z y Ili /O 33 y 3/ N 32 N M h /s 2s y 4 /7 3o N k /g M /3 4 /y ae N M 4 /q 27 N z7 4 4 /S y 2z 26 4 v J6 N 2S y h e V 3S ro 75 b SS p� 25 1S ry 25 W 2S ; is r IW O t` O 1 i D lH.9P,+/AN 5 RAV�>y 2 'y 3 X63 .n, loo °e 1i7oo•!o'Ew A y of o S T.P- -E T a `` u 2 \ y\ 9 ros Z7 v Y 6 r. N �Y Jros �z N N 9 s zr z Y ®,y lee \\ a 3.70'30'£ 3101 W GO eT ST,Pz ET �9 ° S - 7- 3o E. 296? s q 2 0 M +D H 3 c�.P 5r6 ° ,N, \ N 6" p• �. -5 TefZ7- e°S.7o•306- S1 u 2 9S y Y 3 3g 4 4 93 N N s 36 N Y h 6 3S Y y 7 90 y 8 39 Ny, h 9 -78 a t 4 /0 3j N .h q N 29 y /3 2,9 q M /4 33 y y /S 32 N M h /s 2s y 4 /7 3o N k /g 29 y 4 /y 2d y Y 20 27 N y 2/ 26 y y 2z 2s h 23 N u 2 \ y\ 9 ros Z7 v Y 6 r. N �Y Jros �z N N 9 s zr z Y ®,y lee \\ a 3.70'30'£ 3101 W GO eT ST,Pz ET �9 ° S - 7- 3o E. 296? s q 2 0 M +D H 3 c�.P 5r6 ° ,N, \ N 6" p• �. -5 TefZ7- e°S.7o•306- S1 ,606/Z EklAeD -5 7. -.3 S 2 15 1r � 6e � 2s 15 7S SS Ss S J 1s P � 4 A I' jn It C 0 h 2 39 h Y 3 3g 4 A 3J 4 N s 36 N Y h 6 3S Y u 7 3q y �N 8 33 h IN 9 3z t 4 /0 3j N .h q 4 2 29 y /3 2,9 q Y �q 2J w /s 26 h /s 2s y Sr 1S 21 6 SS 25 SS z ,606/Z EklAeD -5 7. -.3 S 2 15 1r � 6e � 2s 15 7S SS Ss S J 1s P � 4 A I' jn It C 0 6. mt1u . Property of s/2 John Fay_ .o s// S STATE OF CAL /PORN /A. COU Y Ty OF CONTRA COSTA -5,5, o C /TS' f P/CNMONO. J9. C. for /s ,City t',/e,4 and C/er,f o/ the Cif Counml Cif o/' 'Pichmond hereby cert<y /hat /Ae foregoing .yap was present d /o sale' Ci/y C111r7cr1 o/ 1151 Cry o/ .eiC! m 017d as �7ro ✓i ear by /aw , a/ 4 m_ 1 ( C u 13 1/ /iy C 13, pn0/Aa/ d Ci%y Councr/ dip* ereuPon 6yrPeso %.Con sard doesQ_acce/]t on 6e/ra /l o ///7e Pub /ic COaSI q//Ey, T7ar�Ot UDU %vela; C4,11111 S%ieef, - .Seopor/ Sled, Gor/ Steel, f_ osl 1ll7o1717o177ery .5/reel, CAe /sea Avenue, Port /and f7✓enuc, SeocJat Avenue, Ne„Port r9 ✓enue, pod Aa/ , of sia /and 30 /eel w/G/e G7/ 1/e N0114er61 end o! B/oc FS 1. g, pod 9, a5 �ub //c t/jorou9A�ateS, and a3 do /inealed on scridMap. 11V N1171YE55 WhJE PEOF / hove here",710 _ -- sr677ea' 177 ✓ na me J and a «i red fie Gt/s_—�ayo/ /y � MA1- -- _1913. ----------- - - - -�� _�-- - - - - -- C/l C /ark and Ck F of //re City Gaunt /1 of /�e STATE Of fi9L /PORN /A CDONTY OF eoNTRA COSTA 5.5. C/TY OF P1C11r,7OND J15' /Yl` {/ire , Cit /9udi�r of the Ciy of rPichrnono do hete6y cerC /y ///a/ / have examri7ed a1/ Cfie /ai ro /1s rn n]y Of/ice and C which 1 have t�cfess, re/aiin9 C //7e fret% of //and de/i7ea/e,-1 on 1/ie r✓i/J7in r7no, qnd /c% / hereby cell!} kal //Jere a: e 70 111,23 /or Un oa /d n,,?,"lbal lases a9EJinS/ s ,7ia' /racl o/ /ant/ or any par/ /hereof , /N AE35 J! HEQEOF / have here l see` my nf/ 117is3r y'- of _ _ 1913. - a Br - - - - -- ------ - - - - -- Con u/ s, o e3 oeP,c,/y L/C A °dlo >.. , 1rOwer /ores, /e %phone undC/c9ropli STATE of OELA1'VARE. STfITE OF CAUFgRN /A' /ores and loo /es: °n, over, S 5 rii , 1va 5,5. STATE OF CAL /FOQN /A ant' afony the sleets, '041NTY OF NEri/ CASTLE. _ca / t4 tCouNry o s_ _ COUNTY OF CONTPA avenues and boa /e ✓ara'3 >s 5ho✓r7 upon s ,7r /n /h COSTA} 5.5. day oF_ ?� _ _ _ _ r/J /hc e ur °/° v✓//lj/n � Y f A . N. S u///n9er, Count AadiCr `1 /Ae red /irJes. year One /houses /ne hung dandlhi� /een, One /i7o a' ni /JUndred d /AJileen, be %rc IN W/TNE55 r✓ffEQEOF //Je said co r rafon5 .be %re 1771 /� o/l/je eoc/nr of Conra Cosa, S %r,✓C a /Ga /for171a'do ( /' E/= � _ tt No/or me,- - -Lfl- CZ±*f�ti a /Yo�ry Pub /ic . hereby e-e, Aq 1i al 117a ✓e e rammed a /11/71 /ar .ol /s Piave ^ eXecuCd /cJese /oresenC /h /s- ( day o/ Public /J7 an for %lie Cocvny of /✓ewCas /fe, in and for //,e <Coan/ 0�� 3° s /ar D. 1913. y /n m Of/ite and C r✓/71Gh 117,7✓e access, re/a%:ny S /a /e o /De /ar✓ere, residii79 /f7erein, d' 6' Ca/i/ornJa, resrdn9 //lereJn duly mm:5 al � 7e f7r er7 descrJ6ed /racf o//andr ale /netr/ed /60�3177777/s5 /OgGd,,Oan�dL ss✓orr7, ersona /y alb arty/ pod s�✓orn, ersonyA a eared __t!� -o _ _ DE EMov P5 Po DER COMPANY- V/C 4zs �2�Gf0fG%_ and��E�G %�! �l �! ' /% 7°,l, //7 /iurPose oFoscer/a.n- E. /.DU FONT - - - - -- P y on //7e wi /n a o7 e - -- _ _ar>� <. 1.t _e- - known /n� r✓fJC er /17ere exlsl any /lens on s4JOr /and mown me C be /Ae_ _ _ Pres /dent � me f he /Ae_ _ _ _ _ _ _ President and S�reCry B- --- - - - - -= -- for unpaid Scale 0reounC /axis, and /des hereby y and ,5ecrelar o/ E- /. Du Ponf qre /Yemours _ y o/ /he yar 6or /eon / Pep//y Company, a Gorporato cerC /y /lief t/7ere Are no /e77s for unPaia 3/a/e , Asst ki �„ -- f// Powder Company, a Corporalon, one o/ the one o/hye Corporafons desur6c°f/in and that eye- CaunC or o/Jier /ales against sard Cac/ o//ana -- - e�!'j'✓os u' . Cor/ooratons c7esfrr6ed in 47d /hat CO- culed the wi/Ain and Fore9orn3 /:>slrumen/, fr77a or pny /earl /Jjereo/ so /ar 73 appeals from Ile r✓i %iin and �ore9arn9 /i7sturr7en; ands /so a /so .%mown C me /0 6e 1he 41ersons *1117° erecu,�a/ SAJaJ %ax ro / /S. mown C me C 6e //7e /ieisonS pule execul d /1 //,'/.7 6e17a// oiSard CorporaCon, jj7e Har oorfron l fly 'W17 -1YESS ____ r P mpny, an aus J 1%701 such CorporoGon e drecf u C d �re ✓ S/amye. / C f c - ry-� - - sct /77Y . y /7ARBORFiPONT REALTY on 6e/a// d E- / y de Net7ours Powder *e a /Company, and dme -4'D. 1913 B '__ _ fTnOV /C!% 9 ear /O me //al S4lA / N f7a ✓C here unto 5/97711/ - Allesf eXecufed /lie same. 777y name anor a1 /7xea' 7y Oft c/a /Seal al my CounC Audi %r of /Ae Coen /y j z-. oleo fos/a her y ice e7 /7 Y/TNESS Y17EREOF / ha � oiConla Cos �i S /a% 01 S10 < o l Cah /ornia+. 0 name and m y a// /,red m J OFhuq /Sea/ of m y Ca /forma, /fie gray fend year m ih /s serf /icaC _ 0/1%66 ri /% Coun%y a/ New Cale, Slat o/ Oelaw ,a /'/rS/ /a6ole rvr.%/en. - /he may and year in this certf /fa% �isl above �i%�t7 //�1 �j - - �� oB/°<ry �JOf� /Yo%oi P �e rn onc✓Fr /h�Counl' 9/ /✓olpr, }y' /ic in ono' Far the C°rrn y f NeW �> /rvr// /%l.cB =' /9/� Cas/Je, Stale q/ De %w�.re. /7t' �'vr.,.,«,; °n �p;r�s �,�ai�ip/�. � �.K, ��,.,.,,.- � `� ��%`�✓. 4` Y si 10 m zzs -f oN Z N a 4 p N 3 .h q 8v s 9 �a Y M 6 0 h 7 PD \ w p b 207 C114N/YL`-L -5 e N 2 ek 4 •\4 W N C R 4 9 4 �y4 r 1r 171- 10 9. nl ry ly•. .y04� 6. mt1u . Property of s/2 John Fay_ .o s// S STATE OF CAL /PORN /A. COU Y Ty OF CONTRA COSTA -5,5, o C /TS' f P/CNMONO. J9. C. for /s ,City t',/e,4 and C/er,f o/ the Cif Counml Cif o/' 'Pichmond hereby cert<y /hat /Ae foregoing .yap was present d /o sale' Ci/y C111r7cr1 o/ 1151 Cry o/ .eiC! m 017d as �7ro ✓i ear by /aw , a/ 4 m_ 1 ( C u 13 1/ /iy C 13, pn0/Aa/ d Ci%y Councr/ dip* ereuPon 6yrPeso %.Con sard doesQ_acce/]t on 6e/ra /l o ///7e Pub /ic COaSI q//Ey, T7ar�Ot UDU %vela; C4,11111 S%ieef, - .Seopor/ Sled, Gor/ Steel, f_ osl 1ll7o1717o177ery .5/reel, CAe /sea Avenue, Port /and f7✓enuc, SeocJat Avenue, Ne„Port r9 ✓enue, pod Aa/ , of sia /and 30 /eel w/G/e G7/ 1/e N0114er61 end o! B/oc FS 1. g, pod 9, a5 �ub //c t/jorou9A�ateS, and a3 do /inealed on scridMap. 11V N1171YE55 WhJE PEOF / hove here",710 _ -- sr677ea' 177 ✓ na me J and a «i red fie Gt/s_—�ayo/ /y � MA1- -- _1913. ----------- - - - -�� _�-- - - - - -- C/l C /ark and Ck F of //re City Gaunt /1 of /�e STATE Of fi9L /PORN /A CDONTY OF eoNTRA COSTA 5.5. C/TY OF P1C11r,7OND J15' /Yl` {/ire , Cit /9udi�r of the Ciy of rPichrnono do hete6y cerC /y ///a/ / have examri7ed a1/ Cfie /ai ro /1s rn n]y Of/ice and C which 1 have t�cfess, re/aiin9 C //7e fret% of //and de/i7ea/e,-1 on 1/ie r✓i/J7in r7no, qnd /c% / hereby cell!} kal //Jere a: e 70 111,23 /or Un oa /d n,,?,"lbal lases a9EJinS/ s ,7ia' /racl o/ /ant/ or any par/ /hereof , /N AE35 J! HEQEOF / have here l see` my nf/ 117is3r y'- of _ _ 1913. - a Br - - - - -- ------ - - - - -- Con u/ s, o e3 oeP,c,/y L/C A °dlo >.. , 1rOwer /ores, /e %phone undC/c9ropli STATE of OELA1'VARE. STfITE OF CAUFgRN /A' /ores and loo /es: °n, over, S 5 rii , 1va 5,5. STATE OF CAL /FOQN /A ant' afony the sleets, '041NTY OF NEri/ CASTLE. _ca / t4 tCouNry o s_ _ COUNTY OF CONTPA avenues and boa /e ✓ara'3 >s 5ho✓r7 upon s ,7r /n /h COSTA} 5.5. day oF_ ?� _ _ _ _ r/J /hc e ur °/° v✓//lj/n � Y f A . N. S u///n9er, Count AadiCr `1 /Ae red /irJes. year One /houses /ne hung dandlhi� /een, One /i7o a' ni /JUndred d /AJileen, be %rc IN W/TNE55 r✓ffEQEOF //Je said co r rafon5 .be %re 1771 /� o/l/je eoc/nr of Conra Cosa, S %r,✓C a /Ga /for171a'do ( /' E/= � _ tt No/or me,- - -Lfl- CZ±*f�ti a /Yo�ry Pub /ic . hereby e-e, Aq 1i al 117a ✓e e rammed a /11/71 /ar .ol /s Piave ^ eXecuCd /cJese /oresenC /h /s- ( day o/ Public /J7 an for %lie Cocvny of /✓ewCas /fe, in and for //,e <Coan/ 0�� 3° s /ar D. 1913. y /n m Of/ite and C r✓/71Gh 117,7✓e access, re/a%:ny S /a /e o /De /ar✓ere, residii79 /f7erein, d' 6' Ca/i/ornJa, resrdn9 //lereJn duly mm:5 al � 7e f7r er7 descrJ6ed /racf o//andr ale /netr/ed /60�3177777/s5 /OgGd,,Oan�dL ss✓orr7, ersona /y alb arty/ pod s�✓orn, ersonyA a eared __t!� -o _ _ DE EMov P5 Po DER COMPANY- V/C 4zs �2�Gf0fG%_ and��E�G %�! �l �! ' /% 7°,l, //7 /iurPose oFoscer/a.n- E. /.DU FONT - - - - -- P y on //7e wi /n a o7 e - -- _ _ar>� <. 1.t _e- - known /n� r✓fJC er /17ere exlsl any /lens on s4JOr /and mown me C be /Ae_ _ _ Pres /dent � me f he /Ae_ _ _ _ _ _ _ President and S�reCry B- --- - - - - -= -- for unpaid Scale 0reounC /axis, and /des hereby y and ,5ecrelar o/ E- /. Du Ponf qre /Yemours _ y o/ /he yar 6or /eon / Pep//y Company, a Gorporato cerC /y /lief t/7ere Are no /e77s for unPaia 3/a/e , Asst ki �„ -- f// Powder Company, a Corporalon, one o/ the one o/hye Corporafons desur6c°f/in and that eye- CaunC or o/Jier /ales against sard Cac/ o//ana -- - e�!'j'✓os u' . Cor/ooratons c7esfrr6ed in 47d /hat CO- culed the wi/Ain and Fore9orn3 /:>slrumen/, fr77a or pny /earl /Jjereo/ so /ar 73 appeals from Ile r✓i %iin and �ore9arn9 /i7sturr7en; ands /so a /so .%mown C me /0 6e 1he 41ersons *1117° erecu,�a/ SAJaJ %ax ro / /S. mown C me C 6e //7e /ieisonS pule execul d /1 //,'/.7 6e17a// oiSard CorporaCon, jj7e Har oorfron l fly 'W17 -1YESS ____ r P mpny, an aus J 1%701 such CorporoGon e drecf u C d �re ✓ S/amye. / C f c - ry-� - - sct /77Y . y /7ARBORFiPONT REALTY on 6e/a// d E- / y de Net7ours Powder *e a /Company, and dme -4'D. 1913 B '__ _ fTnOV /C!% 9 ear /O me //al S4lA / N f7a ✓C here unto 5/97711/ - Allesf eXecufed /lie same. 777y name anor a1 /7xea' 7y Oft c/a /Seal al my CounC Audi %r of /Ae Coen /y j z-. oleo fos/a her y ice e7 /7 Y/TNESS Y17EREOF / ha � oiConla Cos �i S /a% 01 S10 < o l Cah /ornia+. 0 name and m y a// /,red m J OFhuq /Sea/ of m y Ca /forma, /fie gray fend year m ih /s serf /icaC _ 0/1%66 ri /% Coun%y a/ New Cale, Slat o/ Oelaw ,a /'/rS/ /a6ole rvr.%/en. - /he may and year in this certf /fa% �isl above �i%�t7 //�1 �j - - �� oB/°<ry �JOf� /Yo%oi P �e rn onc✓Fr /h�Counl' 9/ /✓olpr, }y' /ic in ono' Far the C°rrn y f NeW �> /rvr// /%l.cB =' /9/� Cas/Je, Stale q/ De %w�.re. /7t' �'vr.,.,«,; °n �p;r�s �,�ai�ip/�. � �.K, ��,.,.,,.- � `� ��%`�✓. 4` Y si 10 m zzs -f