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.5-ell-vey of Portion of F Property of John Roici7 017d'EliZ460�h ROich, his wife 6e/r7g a poria rr o f L o fs Z a3 and 20 4, ar .staid Lo b`s are de -f ifnoted orr R N Burge Gorr�pp/7y.�' I''I4� /V4. Z, y�Q/rr ut L.Qr�rls,� �`he map afwhIch is re corded in Book 4- of Maoa.s al Rage 92 ofIhe record3m-of Cogs ra , COSfa _ county, C4liforrria. LQC4fe d in Rancho Jif o nle del Diahlo The coarse of Farm Bureau Road Wei taken Qsbasis for beorinfs scale /0 o` May l939. A1742 'orf fh� requ��f of .lvs• w r, le -211.9,41.9, o1...-5)77i� j �w Wk v� �c CPO tt• r © T � ran . )K A'-, • )FeO, stercd Civil Erwinger No. 8249