HomeMy WebLinkAbout51LSM29County Recorder oeoay County Recorder E DYoter Front Es/ob/fished hY Board 041p Tide%rid Commissioners � 2� n LOT 6 S a SOURCE 004c SURREY DATA 1, iL/oo A/0. / of So// RorXh 01701 Tide Z ai?o's situate in the. COU171Y of C0171rO Costo, S101e of C011?brl7io /872, which mop was fll&67'117 1,17e office of /he Slale Surveyor Genera/ of Socromento, CaIIIO'Irl7la 2 Ha� of >he' Sal Pob/o Rancho "f1%ed March /, /894, Contra Costo County Records. .3 Survey by Eost Boy woler eolnpoly doted, October //, 4 Survey Mop of Parr -- Richmond Terming/ Coro. Properly Occupy- iny ROrlloWS of ZOIS 20/, 202 % 225, Son AZ610 AWWh0, 00911"a C4VIO e041171y, Calllo"1-17io, " dOfed ✓u/y 30, l94S, (Fie/d No/es -- Aoolp,�Ier FB 43 0page Cl) by R C E Na 884f. S "Survey of Porgy P�ooerfy, Por/ion of Zc-21S 2t:7149*202 f 22, Son Pvb/o Rancho, C0171ra Costo e00/7/y Callfbrnip 'do/er1 February 7, by iP C E Ala, 4958 6 Alhal DeCl-ee of Rorllllow of the Rancho Son Pablo entered in the Superior Coin/ of /he Stoke of ralllolwla e171111e0e Henry F Zmerlc, ,o/oinlif>,' vs Henry l! A/�o�adq Adminisl�o/or of &U4 Estpte of ✓uon B 41yara&o, deceased, et a/, defendants, o Cerll;elee cvoy of n�hich rvos recorded Aarch S, 1894, gook 649', Deeds, page !, Cont�o Cos/o Coan/y Records 7 Descri otian of Lot 7, Section J6%. T 2 N - R SW.. M. D. B f R.. f1le 6y is l 0 T 9 z l 0 T 4 leoundQry� PORT/ON LOT 20/, AfAP OF SAN PA 8Z 0 RA NC110 0 " LOT / 1 PORT/ONS OF LOTS ?, 34d 4,0 Sp. 6, /6 t /7, SECT/ON JJp0 .4N0 Z OTS 7, 911F 24 SPORT/ONS OfZOTS 9 f /O, SECT/ON de, T. 2 N. - R. S We M D. B. 1M. RICIIMON49 CONTRA COSTA COUNTY, C4LAPORN14 .4N0 PORT/ON A97 24 SECT/ON.�S, T2N. - R. SW., M.P.40, lAol, ANO PORT/ON LOT 201 4vlf44P Otx R44WC110 SAN A4404Z 0 " CONTRA COSTA COUNTY, 44ZIA49RA1144 K/STER, XoSAID/0ge' RE/, /NC LANG SUR4EYORS f C/✓/L ENG/NEERS fL CfRR/TO CAL/FORN/A DECEMBER, /968 / SCALE /"•200' 500) JlOf Ad. /8) (50 L 0 T 3 0 L 0 T 3 I i L 0 T 3 2 L 0 T 2 5 � lTOIo/) M N Se "3DJOE - 4,184. 40 041m C. st, SEC. 26 SEC. 25 SEC. 35 MSEC. 36 L 0 T 3 f L 0 T 2 � Iset 2 978. 8D" } 9 z l 0 T LfGfNO 4 leoundQry� PORT/ON LOT 20/, AfAP OF SAN PA 8Z 0 RA NC110 0 " LOT / 1 PORT/ONS OF LOTS ?, 34d 4,0 Sp. 6, /6 t /7, SECT/ON JJp0 .4N0 Z OTS 7, 911F 24 SPORT/ONS OfZOTS 9 f /O, SECT/ON de, T. 2 N. - R. S We M D. B. 1M. RICIIMON49 CONTRA COSTA COUNTY, C4LAPORN14 .4N0 PORT/ON A97 24 SECT/ON.�S, T2N. - R. SW., M.P.40, lAol, ANO PORT/ON LOT 201 4vlf44P Otx R44WC110 SAN A4404Z 0 " CONTRA COSTA COUNTY, 44ZIA49RA1144 K/STER, XoSAID/0ge' RE/, /NC LANG SUR4EYORS f C/✓/L ENG/NEERS fL CfRR/TO CAL/FORN/A DECEMBER, /968 / SCALE /"•200' 500) JlOf Ad. /8) (50 L 0 T 3 0 L 0 T 3 I i L 0 T 3 2 L 0 T 2 5 � lTOIo/) M N Se "3DJOE - 4,184. 40 041m C. st, SEC. 26 SEC. 25 SEC. 35 MSEC. 36 L 0 T 3 f L 0 T 2 � Iset Sgt \l 2 978. 8D" �l r4426 D. R.2381 l 0 T LfGfNO indicofes Ri07�ond City Limits --- 117dfcnfes Board off' 71d0lal7d Ca1n1771XX10v7e1-S Lot line. • • • indicates Rap of S017 POA!M0 RaI70h0 boundary. - - - - - - h7dlCale S 1117e of "kfeOlders of D�d1;7aly 111g, Tide C19 T1 " o in6ylcaleX 112'0 1r'ol7pipe, un/ess ofher,wise nofed. C911M Aa 1712) e 117d1cafes 9'Ft1r'o17 ,olpe in cont. � conr fIlleal rnvl7ul7enf O indica>es s1017dord Cl /Y monument. o indicates 6"x 6" comic. mol7Umenl. R R. 1;76y1cates rAl%rooa' sol,rre LOT 2 1 irrdico1es BoArd of Tide%nd ea1n1771XS1017er S Lots Af,0 `ti1 irrdicAtes 1770P� rne�sure. ca/c. rndicates co%u/oliol7s based on reference dofa SR 69,E il�dicofes RaO of SaI7 R04Na Rancho nUmber row o exlerlor PozIl7clary/7011`71 see S411 -yes, Dap nofe 'f2) indicoles 2 ;t' 4 x /4f foot redwood slake set 1n rnud fo shayv abovee. (� ind�cofe.s sel Abr 11;7e�- ■ 1�7dlcafes 24x2'0 redwood �ia4 (w1th tay,01712) Sgt \l i �l l 4 l 0 T o cv ti N8S*560JO E - /, 320. 00 1 ----