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-- - 2W All cYr E..Y A-,e ,P/�v .mss 3 �s3 SAP OF SURVEY OF PROPERTY LOCATED /N LOT 207 OF BRENTWOOD N. IRRIGATED FARMS SUBD NO. 5. w cya.� n by 'e G. 460"-"7'7'-e/¢ .c .� , ,oa9p �v AND A PORTION OF THE NORTHEAST ONEOUARTER of SEC TION 12 T IN. R 2 E, M D. B. 8 M. CONTRA COSTA CO, � a� c c. co F/aid c�,tro/ CAL IF©RNIA, I r ^7- ,) rt 7 R/K� Gin, ct ,.d aY x .vcs Ju /y /966 Scale:/ = /00' �-- i✓ G (✓ i .sit. by GC. Ca. $t! ed at thB re /"rX' /t/�a,/ eS'rfirtner < •," ?" -' 7• _ 4i'S��i e sy' , r`E'y ljwst of Mr. E. c/enlons. Sr/ Mc» ,348 N. 09 A6° E. 774..r.0' A s 9', if/Mow.a, a Surareyed by Jerry Thomas Licensed Land So ,�► •� ryj*w, � ti. Mrs/ o $1 S S/S 4F BEA R/NG•• I; . • a Centerline of Lode a,(- , 1. (sued. Rd ' "1 a/so being( . the west line of Lot 207, due North as per Map o.: Brentwood Irrigated Farms Sub'd. No. 5 filed in j c. c.� �,•,�.,r �� '� \ Book 1T of Mas !.I P page 3T2 C. C. Co. Records. Lof L,iaes ` v �?SS.sf Acs � Ar c -- seo' —; 3� MONUMENTS SET Mf 'vKz hy C� 5/8" Rebar, .30"long, with /-1/4" Aluminum caps, i stamped. L.S. 3014, unless otherwise noted. . Sri ,Lfon. 16" - Ar % z ai 3°~ �► This map correct/y represents a survey made by me �. i 115,11W.X0 O under my direction in conformance with the requirements of the Land Surveyor's Act, of the I ' ` rust of Mr. C/em s, ir✓ k4" aer 54 "o, u pAND �ff�' �. �\ `9� 73'��. ✓ omas, LS3014 QK �� - Sef ,„ , ��5 • ��, \ .'� B.7d L its d Land : urw�er,�r. LS 3014 x ih o'aed Al C C. Co. F C. fs! Diit Carrfctr/ii�rt of id4orsh L'rE ( ry^�.o a.t of or torr r�sCr,ra a/ 8rrnftvarxv' 4 i frriyo%i' Forcrrs c,Sd6t.' � S � by m Q /7 ,iV .•-'72 ! Amro fv Gee Coirvcry�d c., i� r`his map has been ,eromined for conformance with fhe ,�. 65-� Acs o rt4quirernentS of the Land Su ��- rveyor's Act this 2'''L"day .-i . .••.'0`/.i :c.�i v� ``�. \ ""o�'b � Stt /NOh � 1 �„ � Gf ���.f r" ♦ - �,s: ctor w Scrc�er � f!"/eC %� f3caa�• 2 c�� !. ` R'aod Corr ' sraner-Surveyor . Aif �}' Lxeprity �5'aod CamavrissfonBr--Surveyor C i�frir/iire ori' /Ylr�rsh C-e-ek ��_ ��, x- -f 47r RO, - rrrcr v ori � ra1Tfan1 Trvcl � �. � � "� 4•- m� } s 8 r `�°- "" Fr/ed for record Ais :— day of G�aQ'!` .'.._L Of L. S. MOPS at �f P page -�- , at the �'- request of Mr. E. Clemons. Al Waiter T Pocasch f. •6 CMTOY Recardtrr � �^ G C°• /' _.1 lie�. e e7Si s lr� ffa Z "w, 440,0aa .tsuvr B " wr ,irfrn �Q t'/ �, f9 �� �" L. S' sr � t. 3 Af zr � BY PePutY Cauniy Retarder - J - - - - - 'v w