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5 e -t '%Z In pipe -- Var id tion ! 8*0E. between iron p1pe at 5.E.Cor. D -5D ,�a5i 5 of bcarir� 9 s taken as N !a W P P . O Uri ow 6 /4[V I reel - acre parcel and it n pipe at fV E.Car' Della lel pc� H.Ecar.l)djollcourt prepert 4.s. described to Vol4ZO of f cial Records page 450• "'-Found A m- iron pit;. " grya;et 4,tro o- © d Set iron pipe at d 5b { 5. VV. Car. BONer 145.0 2 9) 7 ff c r;e 'TrV2C t t� a5 destribedinVol 418of Deeds.9 Paye 10 6. . �/�d of fhe re9uesfa�'�'. �'Arno�c� )4/10*_i9> 193 7471'301771n'. P0_'f APP/n A pp ro ve od; N o v. 19, 1.93 7 eounty 5urveyvr Porton of Delia N. C&urt property in Rancho Los Tunt05 for W. F Mellerup. Contr(:7 Co,5ta County Calif. October 1937 Scale 1#7 : 50ft Licenced 5arveyorN,,.Zj,06 Staff pfCQ/.