HomeMy WebLinkAbout38LSM40a -^r. u -o, nroN• L/Nz SURVEYORS CCRTIFl"TE i
_. ��' - _ ~`"'-------_ Nao•grdsa'e This mop correcMI /rprrser/ie a surrey mode
� 03, "b me or under my dvect an in conformance
MON• NO cR 33z fo < <Tzi R, ,�f vJ y g y
'T'.+'eo F R with the m uri-rmrnts of fhr Land J'uirr ars
t� y !�, sis Of CtAT/NGJi ~,9cf' vi'thr rrqursf of Mr. Prances Co//ms, Aflbm
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oroG IN s�'•x;E,•,. v _ IhiJ map hos been examrined for conformance
�l� - I� V \\•. t'h/3 te-4 day rot O cE of a.e',de .turns 965
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eus v Q 0 N (I d0 4 !ar ► Fi/ed for record this a'oy of.l�eC
..•1301 oA: 23/1 \N PAFTCeL r - r—i3 p /965 d72. in Baskof�.. at pope at
39oo40 Q i tke re nest of FA enc/s C12ZZA,vS
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CKLHPCN or-PiNoce b"i t g ss.o..'r.�eTaJ , . b � tl, J. "
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_ Lor s[ s7v'sr;✓ o b l hg"•r�} O rv. ¢trssr ,van O
LOT M ZEK1K/NGE,Z {4� F�0.t' �� 514
- /3[SO/L8 y+� � M STiF ��� STf•4S ,✓362.20 � (rbT•) � t6 /r2r
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s.zr „• '�s'w rsa•zs. /3Z.In' Noa N/tL _..
L T •' k s/s' '�-_ /f110' �' rca.co • 5l9 13 •H E
- ,..' J74•li,+ �` w S 7/'AJ'�W 7S• d4'
3URVCY NOTEcS - sm14' _ ` s�s•rs'.., - V - &. • NALLG;r v/EW E: (¢o'
"rYa{fmon" AI
designates a surrey d Got Q by Edward sw c c. 2 j p y Z
A. t/offm an and dated 4,ori/ !O, 1939 Lor o /oz zo' rao.ao
o.To' ro siP tl a1.zo• V N7f •4a'e (eaevA v/JrA)
iY06 Hr%!" delr9notrs Nob,Yi// SubdrYiS/an o{Pira/e (6-M-39) --d._ . 9 sT+a<s'.✓ zoo•oo• 3 t NTs•sL're'e <T•rreG e.c s.}
"rhnreB/rJs des/gnaies 7'breeB/nfherrSubdivtsion t, -M -M-3) - rw ALJ Y •� ! e
"BurnaYnfo"drsrgnates Rema Vista Sub'd-, Unit Ne-/ (23-M-7/3) DETA/L [5 W TN/3EE BP,OTHEf3S `y S UB D'N" V tree or PfNOLE
Proco dart of furvey: Csnterhire of Sue)Ja Y/sfa Drive aw cox Lor o t h COUNTY or co"T&A Co6rA
(Corrected to Nob Hi/! an d There Bras- bearings throe h a Common H. S. e > V srAre oP c,tL/Fo,rN/A
Gael form the basis of bearrngs for this map. ;he south RECORD OF SURVEY
corners Were set frons iron pipes found on the t of Buena Y/sfa ry
.91 -ill and.rhown on the mals of Buena kr/ita Subdivision. MAP SHOWING SURVEY OF A POKT/OH OF
Tht north corners weer 1rf fiw,. G B. M. (/ O- monuments -iiror/n� _ - - LOTS N, O, AND G, "NOB HILL SUBD/YlSION
oo Hoffman`, map and fled fn the 3oufhc corners Coorersron O Avalefrss a•/ -P- A60ee_r/LLso wmw eoNc, pou,Yo OF' P/HOLE"'
of bearings is -t 0'02I0" (NE -SW) from r Buena V/J to 0r1Ye o /HO/CArEs /EON Pyle PaiNO _
fa f B• M. U D. monument ///Te • u /No/GATES HIS ANO TACK FCJfI /O SCAL S _ /'-.0' OArF r NO YEM6E.P 3, /96$
_ • LNO/cA rGS /'•TION P/Pt' AHO r4a SET
- - ■ /NO/fRTEt 2"xL^ CSOA.e Ha$ ,¢NO 7A6 SCT f0�: Ge'O.CG& N- A'No U-'A/AFT LOOM/5
i -/o /. r OwYeA' J<.
- _ • /NO/CArlt NR/G ANO JN/NFI SET _
yozr 6L AevNrE ArF-, aAKLANOr C4ZIf ?
.. ,. .. - /2730 SAN PAQLO AYE, .0/rHMONO� CAL/F, t.
/O/7 7F1-E,Vr 41e• P/NOLG', CALIF
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M:.s - .. _ vzasa`Y`F �� +.�`4Y.M"au�+•z