HomeMy WebLinkAbout21LSM26i u � , tltltl r. RECORD OF SURVEY_ { BEECK POR. OF N. I/2, SE. 1/4, SEC. 17, T I S, R I W, M DBM 772 OR 394 CONTRA COSTA COUNTY, CALIFORNIA / _ I / RAY J. PETERS, LAND SURVEYOR — PLEASANT HILL LUMPKIN 3298 OR 197 P7 !/ HAYES i O 3979 OR 480 SCALE: 1"= 60' /0 - a/ < Q indicates 2x2 hub set rn LOT LOT LOT o b I 1.316 AC. _ 1.256 AC. w 0.898AC\�y 4) N 1 � o h <•>A�ty - .. -is op correctly repr Bents a i J co �� 111 swconfoamune with th=.o,_- rcmr-L, cf aChapter 15 of Division 3 of the Business q„/ �_ / '�� „s��/"l..•! �j and Profess"ons Code at the -eq uest of L+es.ee /1 �f/off zrom V ( D.D. MAURER n August, - /tfj= ,�G a"Bsi y ,rGs•.sc'so f'/meq, Xf- DoT ,� •— Licensed u ey,po/r No. 3045 .. CCCO. f MARKS ROAD this «.z �✓��iv� e�cc� / \\ —• N p has been examined fa595OR125`onformance with the r q r,tseo Chapters oro " ons r i ss •e/1r 'lam andn Praress s Code encs/ .day of arrsY 19 I, � sooner -Surveyor CHERRY VINCENT BY Deputy atl C mmM1-er-Surveyor "\\ 3512 OR 221 • 10147— 54 F!d for re a this `oda .. \\ Q2/ aff9� mat amt Pa_ge� S t the quest of y�ex�' . J6�o- ty/RAP r County Reorder i D PutyCwfity Recorder ?,- Z i