HomeMy WebLinkAbout20LSM45Giz/ar% of so..f/, cas7`cor..<.� L)is �dnees in aien fii errs die recd pp EST79./4 0.221V 2•LP. PE7.Rr P Fa 3°•°oT=� EAST �9a zc _� /B STREET _ 7os .-' tAsr� W Y¢ Cen Sec. /9 Cfr Sec /9 ..:t.��..W.,�.,:..�,..�:..,,.:n..�s,...-..,....gym.......,....,_.mom-.,.:.�,h.,m.., �.,..,•.•..e - ....i �... . .�¢«-.w.��ae.v.av-war-s�.��w�u'-_#Rea3,a•�'.�rwn.�.....vm3�cnti3:.,..tR V.6.M'&�T-:"au�!.0 �."�Ik'��'S2A �N:��ffi<:t'Se.:2, +"f_. �s+f16'Y,,...sLLR, -.. .wuxx, _:: w :,.. .. _. �... ,.. _ RECORD DF SUR YEY T.hs " ����t� ,aa,rsen�r a s�r�e ��da 6y us in c�vs{zrrnance wii/i fha ra9u/rrfinen/s a�C/ap/er,c5' CHASE' COURT PROPERTY of Division 3 of the Burineu prfd profestionJ Code affiic rryarrf of D//i"rr O. /darn/ris, ✓une /9c2 abRr1oV of NW 114 OF SEC. /9 772A, ?2-- 2£W wCo, A/FFE, SH/P o o ✓ , / vc. ANTIOCf% CAL /FDiQN/A 3o.oe � �Sec./9 { Ge+wcretr wse....,rren . .. ,5<� �✓ crn ry or N 2471 SCALE /145o' ,/UNE /FG2 Th/.s ins/o har been eXdrn/;IBC✓ fr Ccvi{orn7ancm rvi/✓i rr9airls1nen1s ale ' b*7a/ /S, of Oivis or> 3 offfM Business and Pi Cade ffiir /3 day o ! N F Na /6` T oferrrbns /9G•Z. _ _ SB9.36'34E �`.ff 'SP' a 589'36'3 E . _ V"A" lt!Seau�r $ 266.oB �h- (2cc.xs) STiQ.tCET — 333.33' �8720 °: �.?33.Sv) Deputy L3/senisria7er-Surveyor R.e•s7 � ne t> ' VZUSIPA LCL' "' !'lLL.4GL•' � LCL! LJL G o � k 0 7�G/f-..'fi/L•L� _: �23 HAPJ732) }. K� p, - 3313 o.,r. 29 !"0.0 ' 9976 R.t.23l �.F .'e.33 A. �^ G fsf.zs) o.23 N IFR.e C24¢ 0.09 N d+MMi 0.33N jl • rP• �. fa> M �y. 3/9.60 5B� 3 SPA/ 52.5¢ 51.28 OJSazBEN. A/89•S4S4'W 2o.2/ C. chiseled/ cross ' CHASE C01IRT V N � �v Filed for record fhl.r iS � p f ,�c✓r�•6r /962 Y , o ai ro SA1 z Y7. rn 2.020 Ae1.le/� S- .7;f�7e_e�92 / �e�or• . _ iY Sauar: N• w. Cai 8 Cuc. Na// fc20.6'/nrn �rso./BN�o./zA' EAST 621.21 E"d, res.rc"✓ P. i .e dw1 arzE W %-/�A.ote% Counhy Recorder- _ Ic"4 « /6/.33 EAST `V /GSou) 214.90 \2 Gs2e98 (3/S-//) �� IR o./7N 2' ses �efa.% Qe 9, n �Bcori�er I chise/ad cross Al r B•C«e Wi// M c_ P"Gne no fa - 1� s1o/e wa/k /.r o•oSN /s o./GN p _ k y 3 BAS/S o//157 3. Wert /ii�e afNW is o�fSero� { O Af�Z:.C_ LlUlLL-1PIV6Cb S!'L-LI:/!Y S'7G!_'L=S h (� R R' ;4 0 M � - /9, T2 Al, .P2E M•0.6M. - LSM. by Barnard (//L 3256 0-v/9? (3156 a.es79) (33BL oR 241) nj p M ._. �ro'yf'I4�vf East -'0 iron 101/0¢5 set '9r¢ - e rc' ia99ad L. S. 247/.. Giz/ar% of so..f/, cas7`cor..<.� L)is �dnees in aien fii errs die recd pp EST79./4 0.221V 2•LP. PE7.Rr P Fa 3°•°oT=� EAST �9a zc _� /B STREET _ 7os .-' tAsr� W Y¢ Cen Sec. /9 Cfr Sec /9 ..:t.��..W.,�.,:..�,..�:..,,.:n..�s,...-..,....gym.......,....,_.mom-.,.:.�,h.,m.., �.,..,•.•..e - ....i �... . .�¢«-.w.��ae.v.av-war-s�.��w�u'-_#Rea3,a•�'.�rwn.�.....vm3�cnti3:.,..tR V.6.M'&�T-:"au�!.0 �."�Ik'��'S2A �N:��ffi<:t'Se.:2, +"f_. �s+f16'Y,,...sLLR, -.. .wuxx, _:: w :,.. .. _. �... ,.. _