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UNIT TWO ' t .n• � nv✓sl - ROLLING HILLS �� �► fa%sa m.✓say 230, - 'OW'(/a. 230 Cans/!!i v/s 1i'a✓<'.speress l�j- 4 i�'\ nrm6!/M! s t one/r �✓o! r� lyq�cn+l Odds/<!pe - - 1 ` J ThlpiopeilyclPlrir�lydfreie0izlam�i�ses aParhort ollhe 92.63 acre lracfol/mrd shown ort /ha/ Carlo it y���m! drd<rolroir ir<op o/,o vPeily' al' .Pou�rrq N<lls Manroiral Par.E lamlad rr !a! r3i� ra3 eo<wfe �1 Plofs aAt es goledlrare!a,'l. Ea!/r giek•.spale s rd o%so.,P,abro reto�dtd <ir !//a ,Pelf+ivris oflrlr o!Canlir fav!¢ Ceunly !a/i6/irlr[., air EM ORI A L PA R K _�= lj-35- o naloi9'Parb!<i yr and fo so<a/ Gounl<//ond slofe a°isogar/ ap�raie'd Frorrcrs L. W.rLsorr andit!'E Ala6v/!„E'nawn la lv be tfia <vitudaaf KITPAA9CN 9=0' it ltrrglh by 3' 4" /aj313 J in wriltf< esrspl /rte .andAsslSeCrelor� iespeCh✓elyp{,Pal/i.7y/!r:'!s <Hex�lorrirLPar,E•, 1lrP /axPa lin lhel errcrled GFe Ividzrir rrrsliuiner2! and ol..Eiro,.//ldy6d fo/rnl�, Feta/de/ . <oudlr/olCa2/in lash, .. S.b e o!!a/r:CaiitiCG . dedicated extlusi✓ely� /o LenTefeiy p ipmsas. 41/7Le !ha! said' Co/protrvir exelu/ed !hd same'• Tht undecsryxred caipv vlivn rtsei✓es f/u j/rf /a iasai. ag E/tpnParly i"s"fi„s h`„ �`h'ro✓`s`°e�`s-`" (a 333j !/s !r•ir9f/r LS/ g=4^ (t 33sj /ir width. ONCT CONTRA OSA COUNTY, CALLFORNIA ���r3, (963 NslonJ Pu,6Gf in vnd,6✓ lbt loun!?t i Tihlr a! ✓= s4/ f9R 374 tlr0.rye dots /rat rL.'slaib !!re ri2ferred/r/nai.Ls e/avyr a/eltas�persmr. - —.�.-- 3/s- SpiFe in po✓emrrrl -dma. . -- AUGUST, 1962 SCALE: 1'-20' r x.i477,soz.vi4 /heie6y Cerfif lfio!!h/s /3 0 !/ue ondtviii-a!/ce/aloilile O– 2- hwr ffpe Sef p� ad r/a/,Ilr1 P'9f18(f.(/ slrOwrl kwon a! the Same has baa/z lrd srtfJeRfisia2 iR Arrfrrsl, <9G2. Sru�� - - e�o�E - -- — r' Ivn Pyo! For/nd RICHARD K. RANDLES. � dAs/s av aEAeiaGs SecEivrr All.S - CIVIL `ENGINEERA(0'S/7Z SAN PABLO '6 osedon.... b - Is lis lof.' lasrt!<:ra/e.3vslem/one3� J CALIFORNIA � ,,, rAls x �(, �►_ `Z DLrIonLCs ,�%ar<¢ asap gRa✓nd eisfantCs. — '� .. - .. _ �. To caa.e9-! fe dim//!' bl•999 30l . 9 i 9 k OLL/'V.S 31. t//L L.: r/E'.•i Jz/il V. F�6/.:C'..:' ... T,:�'sv _ _ ,✓yS/•22'f _ ___ __zZ7y9 __ rrs L -.r3 bs uY� i f . s�' I1� (.3 _ - 1.79, _ - - ac• aa6' � I• � _ � . i b H•P}•il+�--".`_ _ZI.oG rwygr � ✓ - y1 Vy; ,. kLL3f �14' iq - 44C f47 s46 dos . itf L43 LK GN 64a f3JGib 437 L36 4iS "w 7x p /// ,tib yy �,33n Sof .s48 547 s44 14s -W A" .s4Z S!J .440 5.39 s38 s37 536 s35 d,3F 333 Ltr Lai can LZ9 c2A Z •. O� w. l XI eqy bti - s3r sir ssa s29 s;d s29 W K � 448 447 444 44x1.. 444 44J 442 44/ 446 439 438 s31 43/' !30 419 t4zB 427 Ag t6 I 4 ►y t 349 t 348 347 !4L 3fS 344 343 34Z 94r !40 339 338 337 33L 33S 33f 333 3K 33/ J30 3;% 31B 327 32G L _r�2 S: _ _ � o11J'FJSt. .4Wit€fv .ZS/ Zs0 "y ;48 X47 Z'0 ;43 144 Z�/3 Z47 Z4/ Z44 23J 238 z!'/ X36 Z" 136 233 m Z3/ Z30 2Z9 zz; 2z, /49 /48 147 /416 A" /44 /43 142 /4/ /0 /39 r38 - /37 176 /3s /!4 (!3. its /3/ /3o - A /18 /.C7 /ZL /25 • - .�� ` �3d'_ Z � _ .. ;Y r /3f�• - - - � • ton . - Ale 2s• l .�_ =r _ _ relf.ff' _ _ _ � 1{i __ /OB.LL• �� � __ rn7dl• _ _ __ _ _.~ �!^ .90.5/'22-W (6AS/3 OF BEAD/N63f 4/0. L/• r9uRfo' - X=/, 477 50Z o/4 ! B TvLPa fleie � 0 It ' ThlpiopeilyclPlrir�lydfreie0izlam�i�ses aParhort ollhe 92.63 acre lracfol/mrd shown ort /ha/ Carlo it y���m! drd<rolroir ir<op o/,o vPeily' al' .Pou�rrq N<lls Manroiral Par.E lamlad rr !a! r3i� ra3 eo<wfe STA TEOFGAL/FOP.✓/A -� lou.VTYOFCO.vT.e.9 <OSTA�'S S - A!le�dloi/ecoid o�rd2°loro`ed rir�o�>«e ollfre ,Pecaidei e z -v/Cv tl2z l�st� leuit! r.�r Baa _el ,1, f' of tid dog�v/J+ya7o.jz rd o%so.,P,abro reto�dtd <ir !//a ,Pelf+ivris oflrlr o!Canlir fav!¢ Ceunly !a/i6/irlr[., air �� //usl�_ o/ s ha/ye me L4ti,,.�y •. �ce�et, -���/9 Z A it s; 4a,. in .Bao.E' 3.5 r o! Offitrol,[ Plaids v! Po a r54. o naloi9'Parb!<i yr and fo so<a/ Gounl<//ond slofe a°isogar/ ap�raie'd Frorrcrs L. W.rLsorr andit!'E Ala6v/!„E'nawn la lv be tfia <vitudaaf KITPAA9CN _ The 4gde/S/9?ad lO�jaO/O!!O/2 �v urr<Ls !a lhePiePo air ond<r`o� - o%ii{ss map and.dada.-cv !h«r{ lha p�a/xily de/ .1 lad an !/sis �<ap <.'s lie liy /rte .andAsslSeCrelor� iespeCh✓elyp{,Pal/i.7y/!r:'!s <Hex�lorrirLPar,E•, 1lrP /axPa lin lhel errcrled GFe Ividzrir rrrsliuiner2! and ol..Eiro,.//ldy6d fo/rnl�, Feta/de/ . <oudlr/olCa2/in lash, .. S.b e o!!a/r:CaiitiCG . dedicated extlusi✓ely� /o LenTefeiy p ipmsas. 41/7Le !ha! said' Co/protrvir exelu/ed !hd same'• Tht undecsryxred caipv vlivn rtsei✓es f/u j/rf /a iasai. ag E/tpnParly F9y lommissian Eies l•,...kr dP/iter/e•dar lhrs Wrap and/e al/ei !/re stir oird,sbape allhep/als.rfiown /raieon a11d tv �/e /oi reloir! or e<nPnded /ergo lhaiz-o/so .any os sac! ���r3, (963 NslonJ Pu,6Gf in vnd,6✓ lbt loun!?t Oe'<a°'!y r/rtl9r'eecoldP/ - tlr0.rye dots /rat rL.'slaib !!re ri2ferred/r/nai.Ls e/avyr a/eltas�persmr. �— Lllurly!lsla, Sfala o/lv/i/aiirrict. .FOCL/NG !//LLS HEMO.e/AL PAee '- Alorparo(iaa /heie6y Cerfif lfio!!h/s /3 0 !/ue ondtviii-a!/ce/aloilile p� ad r/a/,Ilr1 P'9f18(f.(/ slrOwrl kwon a! the Same has baa/z lrd srtfJeRfisia2 iR Arrfrrsl, <9G2. Sru�� - - e�o�E - _ ,_ -. tsl - _i✓hL'f /.Sb. tali} .S.'-lf'r ✓a. 0ArE !ll of aaV, "V SHEET --------------------