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l �".�r►,�'vY'+rg© ✓,:�✓ /?ate•'✓ /t�33 t,�►" . =R?ITTCATE OP LICM183D LAND SURVEIOR. to J• So f'3A2T &L eons*& Land Surveyor of the State of Calif*rsia, h442M poftlltoist• Ne. 4W, loomed by the, Snrroyer 4oneral of the State of "llfusta or tiny 17. 1911. do hereby aertify that I have been asmeissiousa Ow Iee *me" cad prppriotors of Lot 7►3 of Blook B &ad Lots 19 and 13 of 0, s^U Lots sad Rlooks botsg delLnoated rod to dssigaaatsd s■ that wools!# may onlitled "A)LINGTON ACR13" and filed for record is the offise of tha 12saft lsoerdor of the County of Contra Cents, State of California,, ea pour . iglto in Toluaee 17 of Yaps, pogo 354, to establish cad mark upon Us Smad tho boundary line between said Lot 7-3 of Bleat B and Lots 12 and 33- of D3aak G. and in particular to detsraise the boundaries of the roadoay, 4"isastsd ens the ateresaid map as 'BYGH CATS ROAD', along Said boundat•f Use. I farther pertify that, as a preliminary to said work, I have pa"Loaiasly examined the, dap above roforred to and also an offiaial map oatitIod "A3DBD x11" OF ARLINGTON ACRES" which was reaerded in the offios of Us Md& Qeuaty Recorder of the County of Contra Coate, State of California, Le Tolosa 1 of Official Yap*, page 80: that both of said maps in identioal savor deliseato said boundary line by a succession of straight line aourses asd a roadway, designated as "High Gate Road% having a width of 40.00 feet, *10 tho Qoste,r Ilse, following a winding aourse neer the said bomadary line bail asol o*Laoidisg therewith nor any dimensions by which the exact oenrso of tho r"dway night be determined. I also consulted the map of a subdiviaion of said Lot 13 aad Lot 14 of Block C. This stay has net been filed for reaord* to s• -far as this. last mentioned reap definitely loostos said roadway, the dlnss•lons ooastainod thereis have bees accepted and followed iaz my work. I ales !taro examined the documents by which title to said lots has horotefor* bmw orad cad find nothing therein which we,isld detern"s the location of said rw coy. I tamer certify that I have oaxsftaly run the bouadary liar on tkrs onad 04, by oarsfa a•saar*moat,itave deteralaod the axaot looatias O 4: ks+s ws a►e now ozlstia;. the load has besar graded sad pawed to a of. dim Iofeet with about 90 p*roeast thereof lying to the Southwe*t r t r of Us, 40 foot roadmW shows an rho sb.ovoawatiessd maps, This T b0om U no* forseveral y*ars th*uo I have not boon informed as to .�tt of #te +ss<totsa. Tho roadway am shows on the wi.his map door i harels ooiforms so nearly as possible with tho requirenea"Vs of Vo StfLaW naorts and o astor a s to the * o&c3 Lt 1 ods found to exist * a t t� rs s& sad -is aaosptablo to the rwsers sf the adjaosnt prop*r%7. fs roadway X UI doterraiaod by the dimnsions shown on th* maps ab o ro ; e f* rr ed !a ihsouooat the balasoo of its entire aourse cad the point of bagianisg "d the paeirt of ondiag as given in the description oostaisod herisla are f 117 •aetabliahod by said maps, I afarthot certify that the location of the roadway, kacwn a* 011011 CA" ROAD"t as above referral *to. has been carefully aeltseatsd gpoe the within sap: cad that the boundaries thoreof, throughout that partisa Uoroaf wish have, heretofore boon undetermined, ore indicated an said sap a rod Lima; and that the oenter lino of said, per%Loa axtosdia# scrota satire ]farmers frontage of said Lot 7-3, Blogk D. w:ki_-h is also indi*�,93a. N said map by a red line is de,saribod as follows, to wit Beginning at ■ point is the seater lila+ of High Oat* Road, at the Northeastern comer of Lot 7»B, Block B. as said Read, Lot and Hlo,ok are dolLnoatod nand at deaignated an that ser!'tis sap entitled "A31I]tGTON 1CRE3" wad resorted is tho offioo of the County Raaorder of the Conatj of Coals Ooetes Stone of California, on Oeteber Rl, 1919, in Yolume 17 of Napo, page 564, ran. thfnoo Southerly 115.63 foot sl*ng the aro of a eLrolo. tangeat to the venter line of Nigh Gate Read which bears North 480 49' Yost fro& said point of the radius of said aro beingg 56641 feet, and the aonter -lag loested South 410 11' seat 66.41 fest from said point of b*givaiq,g, to a point on the boundary live between said Lot 7-B, 31"k 3, and Lot 180 Blook C, distant thereon South 680 38' West 34.81 foot from the, earner common to Lot 7..3, Block B, and Lots 18 and 130 Bloch 4; thence South 680 38' 'Root 31.03 foot along said boundary lino; then** testerly &ad Southerly 66.5E feet along the aro of a circle, tan ant to the last *earn*, the radios of said aro being 32M fret and the center being loosted Santh 210 920 East 33.60 fest from the point of b*ginnLaS of said aro to a point on the boundary liras, botimon wain Lot 7•B, Block Is and Lot 181, Bleak 4, thence itasth U6 07' East 5,65 foot, along *& 113*undary liaoe, to the louthoset earner of sail Lot 7-B, Blook B. IN WTfUq5 YNMO?, I have hereunto subscribed my ansa and affixed. my official seal, 'this -4-0 day of Nov*ab*r, A. D, 1932. *"sod Sand Surysyor. {Cortifiotte No. 7901 CBRTUiCATS OF PROPEM OWNERS. to, the mdaralgnod, hereby certify that we are the owners and proprlotors of'Lot 7•D, Block 2, and Lots 18 acral 13, Block C, said Lata aid Blocks boing delineated and so designatfd on that aertain nap ontitUA 'AitL]3#TW ACM" which wait filed for record in the afftas of the Csna-t7 B000rd*r of the County of Contra Coot&, State of California, on October 21, 1919" in Toho 17 of Maps. poggo 364; And we further aortig that we have causal this Survey of said Lots to be, made. and this may to be prepared for the, purpose of letarysini.ag thw ozaet looation of the roadway known as "RICH OATS ROAD"; that aro have sxmiwd this rap; that we have inspected the survey on tho ground; and that we to hereby approv* the looatioa of said roadway as dalkneatod upon thin rag. IN #VJTMS xHAMOF we have horountesot our bands and soals { th1A Ljj 4 ef-Yotremb►rg -A. D.- 19320 w e �? r A5 - .r�arrrly� LCfG.�37'i�iy � Zavll At' AffZ lN�.AreZ7 avV /o7AP arc so .-Ir a4ler v y 477 oe •- • vim. � . � �....r- - •; , f �v� -� k /�Dy��7�c`r�y /�32 L. v. ?r.QG- T 0,�r je. �2,-4WN o .,L4N-127N_ 1933 19;'r JV 4flAl ,W..Y IZA. AK //1� rfiC ,CWf/� cy'r, s r , CO vWZR 0x• CON7 req c�.5r-4 COVIV7 r, �Yr.Arz Or (zov ,"MV4 .. CmW7,YMerge �".�r►,�'vY'+rg© ✓,:�✓ /?ate•'✓ /t�33 t,�►" . =R?ITTCATE OP LICM183D LAND SURVEIOR. to J• So f'3A2T &L eons*& Land Surveyor of the State of Calif*rsia, h442M poftlltoist• Ne. 4W, loomed by the, Snrroyer 4oneral of the State of "llfusta or tiny 17. 1911. do hereby aertify that I have been asmeissiousa Ow Iee *me" cad prppriotors of Lot 7►3 of Blook B &ad Lots 19 and 13 of 0, s^U Lots sad Rlooks botsg delLnoated rod to dssigaaatsd s■ that wools!# may onlitled "A)LINGTON ACR13" and filed for record is the offise of tha 12saft lsoerdor of the County of Contra Cents, State of California,, ea pour . iglto in Toluaee 17 of Yaps, pogo 354, to establish cad mark upon Us Smad tho boundary line between said Lot 7-3 of Bleat B and Lots 12 and 33- of D3aak G. and in particular to detsraise the boundaries of the roadoay, 4"isastsd ens the ateresaid map as 'BYGH CATS ROAD', along Said boundat•f Use. I farther pertify that, as a preliminary to said work, I have pa"Loaiasly examined the, dap above roforred to and also an offiaial map oatitIod "A3DBD x11" OF ARLINGTON ACRES" which was reaerded in the offios of Us Md& Qeuaty Recorder of the County of Contra Coate, State of California, Le Tolosa 1 of Official Yap*, page 80: that both of said maps in identioal savor deliseato said boundary line by a succession of straight line aourses asd a roadway, designated as "High Gate Road% having a width of 40.00 feet, *10 tho Qoste,r Ilse, following a winding aourse neer the said bomadary line bail asol o*Laoidisg therewith nor any dimensions by which the exact oenrso of tho r"dway night be determined. I also consulted the map of a subdiviaion of said Lot 13 aad Lot 14 of Block C. This stay has net been filed for reaord* to s• -far as this. last mentioned reap definitely loostos said roadway, the dlnss•lons ooastainod thereis have bees accepted and followed iaz my work. I ales !taro examined the documents by which title to said lots has horotefor* bmw orad cad find nothing therein which we,isld detern"s the location of said rw coy. I tamer certify that I have oaxsftaly run the bouadary liar on tkrs onad 04, by oarsfa a•saar*moat,itave deteralaod the axaot looatias O 4: ks+s ws a►e now ozlstia;. the load has besar graded sad pawed to a of. dim Iofeet with about 90 p*roeast thereof lying to the Southwe*t r t r of Us, 40 foot roadmW shows an rho sb.ovoawatiessd maps, This T b0om U no* forseveral y*ars th*uo I have not boon informed as to .�tt of #te +ss<totsa. Tho roadway am shows on the wi.his map door i harels ooiforms so nearly as possible with tho requirenea"Vs of Vo StfLaW naorts and o astor a s to the * o&c3 Lt 1 ods found to exist * a t t� rs s& sad -is aaosptablo to the rwsers sf the adjaosnt prop*r%7. fs roadway X UI doterraiaod by the dimnsions shown on th* maps ab o ro ; e f* rr ed !a ihsouooat the balasoo of its entire aourse cad the point of bagianisg "d the paeirt of ondiag as given in the description oostaisod herisla are f 117 •aetabliahod by said maps, I afarthot certify that the location of the roadway, kacwn a* 011011 CA" ROAD"t as above referral *to. has been carefully aeltseatsd gpoe the within sap: cad that the boundaries thoreof, throughout that partisa Uoroaf wish have, heretofore boon undetermined, ore indicated an said sap a rod Lima; and that the oenter lino of said, per%Loa axtosdia# scrota satire ]farmers frontage of said Lot 7-3, Blogk D. w:ki_-h is also indi*�,93a. N said map by a red line is de,saribod as follows, to wit Beginning at ■ point is the seater lila+ of High Oat* Road, at the Northeastern comer of Lot 7»B, Block B. as said Read, Lot and Hlo,ok are dolLnoatod nand at deaignated an that ser!'tis sap entitled "A31I]tGTON 1CRE3" wad resorted is tho offioo of the County Raaorder of the Conatj of Coals Ooetes Stone of California, on Oeteber Rl, 1919, in Yolume 17 of Napo, page 564, ran. thfnoo Southerly 115.63 foot sl*ng the aro of a eLrolo. tangeat to the venter line of Nigh Gate Read which bears North 480 49' Yost fro& said point of the radius of said aro beingg 56641 feet, and the aonter -lag loested South 410 11' seat 66.41 fest from said point of b*givaiq,g, to a point on the boundary live between said Lot 7-B, 31"k 3, and Lot 180 Blook C, distant thereon South 680 38' West 34.81 foot from the, earner common to Lot 7..3, Block B, and Lots 18 and 130 Bloch 4; thence South 680 38' 'Root 31.03 foot along said boundary lino; then** testerly &ad Southerly 66.5E feet along the aro of a circle, tan ant to the last *earn*, the radios of said aro being 32M fret and the center being loosted Santh 210 920 East 33.60 fest from the point of b*ginnLaS of said aro to a point on the boundary liras, botimon wain Lot 7•B, Block Is and Lot 181, Bleak 4, thence itasth U6 07' East 5,65 foot, along *& 113*undary liaoe, to the louthoset earner of sail Lot 7-B, Blook B. IN WTfUq5 YNMO?, I have hereunto subscribed my ansa and affixed. my official seal, 'this -4-0 day of Nov*ab*r, A. D, 1932. *"sod Sand Surysyor. {Cortifiotte No. 7901 CBRTUiCATS OF PROPEM OWNERS. to, the mdaralgnod, hereby certify that we are the owners and proprlotors of'Lot 7•D, Block 2, and Lots 18 acral 13, Block C, said Lata aid Blocks boing delineated and so designatfd on that aertain nap ontitUA 'AitL]3#TW ACM" which wait filed for record in the afftas of the Csna-t7 B000rd*r of the County of Contra Coot&, State of California, on October 21, 1919" in Toho 17 of Maps. poggo 364; And we further aortig that we have causal this Survey of said Lots to be, made. and this may to be prepared for the, purpose of letarysini.ag thw ozaet looation of the roadway known as "RICH OATS ROAD"; that aro have sxmiwd this rap; that we have inspected the survey on tho ground; and that we to hereby approv* the looatioa of said roadway as dalkneatod upon thin rag. IN #VJTMS xHAMOF we have horountesot our bands and soals { th1A Ljj 4 ef-Yotremb►rg -A. D.- 19320 w e �? r A5 -