HomeMy WebLinkAbout19LSM34RECORD OF SURVEY OF PORTIONS =OF THE RANCHO SAN RAMON ,SECTION 3 T2S R1 -W & SECTION 34 T 1S RIM CONTRA COSTA COUNTY, CALIF JurvVed of the re?.est of MR Moro/re Reo//y Co. This map hos been examined for conform once with � I Convi//e Co/fwnio, by 6-9e S-. Mo/tc, Watnut the r<yuirements of chapter' 15, of division 3, of �1 _ - - - CreeX, California. - - the Cohfbrnio business and professrbns co de SCALE,: 1= 400 rho -8 _ day Boris of Boor: 9 : Ca/ifo�nia Coordin o/r sysacm ' - - - .Zone 3. Bearr'ny From l4eia /o /,bacnid is J26.5532'E i tar W�ue� . - Ro-! ny'.geianer Surveyor iron pipe manumrnt fauna'. l� //� 0 3" iron pipe set,r.draard Oluy, I O? t49, qE 7595. by . rAsmop eory eeepresenet�s oelsurvey mo e dCom , ur r E'IP. �dy me or under my direction in con formonce. F7/eal o r< th;s p ay of � r B.t96 yo f r card e t d zoos with the re9uireme41s of chapter IS, of �t—��—LM. /n book_GL ofLS�ot P sRR.R. �.s-zJos Q� �N - f,4 dv/sibs J -"'he business'dnd professrbns �On9 e—��= —at 'he re9u<st of lfv=T.-t/e ciffy.Co, the re9vesf of Morottc Reo/t}/ Ca- \ in februa y /9G/, .r- oL,rz„�w,_. Countycordcr Ooug/�Zca.— son Recorder Af R T. HUGHES ET.tic o � �y PARCEL A &5: 88 AC. PARCEL 'W' 71 4 °4'cg.. 5 ri' 383.02 2ljo. i - J 2Q'F9'03'E rosro,e.a. y � X40 Z '�$y{ zoo' y -^L�S3T' 545919' a53 -A3 -.�N69' O7"6 //4f.00' � ^ r • N'6 3�'07�E� 6 . 6 r v F - _ _ . ltvirae.nf (-arc.ezrcJ ='.' tel(-ri } SAS c`At-i:C:^J — �N4:i rZSi f1APPEC� YLbTJBS MAaanc �_XXcs -r rJ T /EGL AND ET AL - 3i2/ a.FLGS I i�hlf/EOEMAN aod do