HomeMy WebLinkAbout19LSM24Point Gaordinatas Y X Description cooret�s+ea,te. y:� dala��s r,w,.r..s m 1rc Califwnla coo.�t- _ � ;'w4•a TIDEWATER- -. USc. &as. Disk feat 5ya1<m 7--IIL. 9 - RICHARD _.522,159.50 14574dG.29 USG&aS. Disk 2 52d1357.Ge 14575ot.50 L.AT. 12 13s ezzreo.tl. ixz.�. 1 3 52,1390.7$ 1458553.09 L p. d d _ W tl�45aTtl'- 4 528054.01- IdGOf 11.75 L- AT. _ _ it i.m. 14 5 S25GSd.9,- 14G08G2.49 1-R G - 533349.84. WG3955.52 See Sheet 2 for .. 7 s3<.tcoo.ot 14,14403.99 L P - 8 53"BezG 14,14707.04 L.&T. 3 538537.37 14,14928.18 I. P. - 10 557914.27 14�R.RSpike - e - f t 537,100.,13 14A825d.Ok • _ 12 5380054.o8 IAZ45 6".42 13 557914.83(472000.53 14 537,1,1 1.93 I67388G. 12 R- R. i ke d G - LEGEND A, Base Monument A , is&T. - Lead and Tack LR - Iron Pipe R.R. - Railroad USG.&CzS. - U5coast&Geodetic Survey .. 3. SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE: 2 �TIDEWATl.R COUNTY SURVEYORS CERTIFICATE RECORDER'S CERTIFICATE This mw Correctly represenis a survey made This map has been, examined for conformance Filed for record this 414 day of CALIFORNIA STATE HIGHWAY by me cr under my direction in conformance with v ifh.the requirements of Chapter 15 of Division Ter ms I9� at i6_aog m: in MAP the requirements of Chapter I5 of Division sCONTROL 0 3 of the Business and Professions Code this Bock. fq of 'l-5, py. at pages 1 � of the "Business and Profrssiors Code at the x G day of ✓tine 19G! at the request of V. o� W Seo r#—t of the Di�isrrn, 0 fttahwaus. j RICHMOND TO SAN PABLO DAM in A ri I 6GI ' P t (sy ,i) �c�o� �4'/� Csg m) W. T. %masse% e-14' t •n�es«ke, + RICHARD ^.«a--s .� c��` P" j' CC'254-Reh's9b, A <> LS.(crRGC)Na _ ♦tl 5-55- Scale. 1'-1000' Sheol 1 of 2