HomeMy WebLinkAbout19LSM14.;f,.,,.,,a......_.-mi,...,nP:..w._�:..,«dara�...-R�-.:..:=: rxa:e.-nx".a.::rxa.r.,.w:�...�,..-„.f�erw'^ra=r^....,.,..�u'•r.+.:•xa.tias.^,5r3:* -,•.....”zF'.:..; :.:. SURVEYORS CERTIFICATE KfIGAN 441 This Map correc/ly represents a survey made by me or under Jet 2"x 2' rwd hobmy direction in conformance With the rerlu1r2M9,1ts of Chapter Set 2x2"rwar . hutr 15 of Division 3 of the Business and Prafes-ons Code at the --- -- -- - _ _ re nest of Robert J. Hagan in April, /961. Bearinys are teased on Williams Walnut Division Map boob 3 1 r > page S7 {filed June 2/, /9/0. h MOV/DA ob 0.-0204 Acrea ry R. C. E. Na /2250 lYIUNTY SURVEYORS CERTIFICATE F F Th Es reap has been erarmned for conformance with the t � apfer /5 of Drvatan 3 of the &I.51/70S,5 iecrutrernents of Chs I Set 2'.2"r -d. h✓b Set 2'x2"rwd. hub and Professians Code this /B day of1✓�r.� /9 GG. _--------- 177= ----_ - _ S $6'30"E if/cfor !4!S4uE+r• L _ Raad tomwissioner- Surveyor 1 �Oeputy t kacAN Road Cammtssioncr-Surveyor tu 1 : tJB/ we 4441 CM N RECORDERS CERTIFICATE C3 Lqa rif d or o d th /fes f rec rI2is<s den Z vie Book <y 0 at page at the request o{r- Q a � r County Rac order tg , Found /Y" brass Mon. By k 1 Deputy County Recorder Q3 1 _ _ 40 - l 1 , _ ... - ';. Found /Z�.•, brass A,Ioit - - - - RECORD OF SURVEY MAP OF A PORTION OF LOT 7 X- OAK GRDVE ROAD WILLIAMS WALNUT DIVISION ;. CONTRA COSTA COUNTY MADISON M. SIEGEL R.C.E. 12250 - - - 34010: t' -J0''/ April, 1961. Checked ky: 0.a. :.10 .;f,.,,.,,a......_.-mi,...,nP:..w._�:..,«dara�...-R�-.:..:=: rxa:e.-nx".a.::rxa.r.,.w:�...�,..-„.f�erw'^ra=r^....,.,..�u'•r.+.:•xa.tias.^,5r3:* -,•.....”zF'.:..; :.:.