HomeMy WebLinkAbout17LSM21b STATE LANDS COMMISSION DIVISION OF STATE LANDS PREPARED UNDER W.O. 1242 :. a PSB . _ MEAN- HIGH TIDE LINE - - /} .. _" ,: \�. ... 37. STATION COURSES' COO RD"P ATES (3) 1A G - NQTE met BEARING GIST•NOE % l,693,e 3T.Of T 363614.33 �P P33 - Equations from rnm Parl90n Of•PG.6f c00�d' ,nates ifh talifomio C dinote Sy.ten Zone m- P I 588•30'12•E. K92•OT'O :S 332.22' I,6B8,16T. ISI Ya' 491. `4. P paw S6 `♦ coordnotas of TS. NO t and NY:S Light. P 2 P 3 1[63•26'06'E 2.7. 29.07' 293. SOf Pit P36 _ - N. SS•04'a6'f. K42.39'10'C. Ia6.4T' s2a. 3%6.BEARINGS 622 : -m03. 0 CA, {� North(Colif. Laard.System): N 1T•37'59'E.(PG9£ Grid) P. S _ :66•'32'2T"E IBz. I6' .52255. ST.Te' edly iso - North CovedSystem)= N O.5259"E(PCSERecad) :.. P 6 -See•12''t 6'E 72.01',_ STS. T9a ,.. ►28 -" P29 - ,(Cdlf - 'a- DISTANCES r'T S13•Y7•ST'E ITE.I Y' .. 647. _.791 -:. -. .. 6•� O - ,y.T 1000.00ON. (Cohf Coard System): 1000298 (PGBE Record) F. s S 61 • f0'Y2• E. IT2.43' B 12 Tea �`6 - - .' PipKBO.50'll 566'06'6{'f. 1,686,963.08. 99.b5' T,O63 ' 961.86 - 622 Pit rjr ..i ,PIa E. flf8•Y8'S5`E. 31.404. 35.47' 087. 6,Pp,E 6l ` - 1 iB•12'a8'E. 32.02'pis 125 ' - Pio K88.66'38'E. 116.81' 261 6861 G - �r Ftb :55'22'44'E : Ste. 18' 2ST.TH .816.66 124 M"•� - - PIE 68.Ot'S I'E :83.18'59•[. GO.IT' 314. 18.18' W. s P lT iB3.OT'DI'E 393. 129.99' TOI. `' • 123 / �/ I- .. 3pII 622.06 8854{. ^ -:, PIG- K66- T'}3'E 128.65' f00. Vit. - (-1 - SBf•06'Si'[. 44.10' T2E ]70. T23 T2s �v P22. P21 ' pit 790.00 TT46fl V P22 _ PEG K 9a• IS' 17-E. KT? 16' i T'E 846. 88. I Y' 436 K/ TBI. ✓ BOa (E Q �� CERT/FICA7f FOR - Bbl P24 PYB K 14*14:14:1 : 5.29'Z6'r 32.66' 96113 a3.e2' 933. e A "I'.83 ,y .865. Q Pao RECORD DF SURVEY MAP - `� - PIS, B. (Licensed Sur ors Map) "ey 1 P28 :35-29 T•12'Sf`TL 9481' 5T6. • �v �� . 960. �� Appr-d tar fiNRO Be a PEG K 5'21'69 C 34.06' BTT. 563,934 ,1\ `, Record 128 :6s•36'Bs'E. 17.06' 1,597,883. 364,006 `� '� of Survey Map uoW, ma p/ovisions of A,ff Ao 5 6 '1 E. ffT•66'IT'[. K S•E4'2o'E S-.4-2. 244.93' I, 696, 12Q 41.19' 663,908. r t , Cbopte/ f3 D%Ifi%gT 3 of tee PiH �'" - PSO : i9•{E'3i'a. 124. 58.30' 363,948: ` Q� ! Cef/farRla BYSiR6se andPra- ,� Pal K28•S6"D8'f. l0a 1263' 68{,002 � � Q P17 t fessiMi CedeOn g-- BTef t" - ■aY- PS3 SB 7•50, zee 53.04' 111. 013 C - •p• P. 1162.60 21' E. 164. 8 1.40' 564,011. lie %/ ishan-SUfYeyo/ _ OETPIL iT4^38'28"E, 229. 6867' 683,%2 Aaod Co#Mis o P ad 351.43' I8'E. 274. 8086' 649.64 \ O 8y%� 1 �Road BCXjaymJmissiaeer-Surveyor r3H P37 :BO.41'a4'E IIT.a5 364. 936. PIS Deputy f - - is P3f P3f K48.56'21'E. It80.32' li'E. 470. 431x' 601. 24.33 i, 398,625. 1ST. 997. P14 a8•y963 iI/!d It rapaasJ of '- _ - - - --Victor m Sao', "B - - - - - - Road Commissioner-Surrsyor _.. . P PIS -J Ike.3 $ a h N 12 P9 PM r. to. Paef�� - 1.6 _ NOTE _ NOTE of TM Mean Nigh Tide Line I. delineated o! n• - rA The mean high. tide line of June 1952 de- Caanry Rsc infer - N an Novation of 2.8' above Sea-level Dot um of 1929 (after the Coalinga Supplementary Ad- lineated hereon was - obtained from topogroph- ��/� Jus.W of 1943) of Me US Coast and Geodetic is field nates by engineers of the Pacific Gas By�"/f'�y - - Survsy and Electric Company dated June 19, 1952 D.PPty C.1141y Recorder - California Caardmate Control wait established - -. by a survey party of the State Lands Commis- - -... fWn ia_Jomrary of 1953, al which... time -a check - on Ma: accurocy of the afar-Honed hpagroffite v- v,- CERTIFICATION NOTE - 1, David K. so ar, Req Civil Eng. No. 8091, - 8-Mgs, distances and coordinates shown - - ... citify that INS asvey was -,O ted under my duscfim an these Plots conform wdh "California Coordinate , _ sed that dl morcsnems shown on this plot achKft edst System,Zona3" and for this survey are based. on - and Mei Posit)ms cite shown correedy. the coordinates stated far the stations designated - .. - - by trionoes All bole stations were positioned either by the U S Const and Geodetic Survey or posdioned - A -- _1tY_L(9 .c✓_Rn><X-"` by extension from the Surveys stations by rigidly Y Engner, Div of State Ldds adi-ted second order tnongu/otion of the Division of State Lands. SURVEY OF THE - - -Distance, contRated from a .-P-1-- of me NORTH PROPERTY LINE OF P. G. &E. - St.. p , .. ApproreA: toordinafes of two pomfs and distances shown - ON THE SACRAMENTO RIVER E4r pHWi'•' _ -:-9_!Yv_TG - upon theplats are grid distance- The carespondup geadetic d3lonce u Obtained by-stlwying the grid - VICINITY OF PITTSBURG ,STATE LANDS. COMMISSION dean_ by 10000580. - All stations moewmented - - CONTRA COSTA COUNTY, CALIFORNIA � . ... yrI/v-. o/e designated as such an these Plots - SCALE / IOO FEET fEBRUARY 1953 . _.. ,bT LE.jMVER JR CME- L ENG GD. ROBERTSON A61T GVIL EN6 STATE OF CALIFORNIA b STATE LANDS COMMISSION DIVISION OF STATE LANDS PREPARED UNDER W.O. 1242