HomeMy WebLinkAbout17LSM15I , a E. Ryon, da herciy serf Fy Mol I am o duly registered - - Lvnd Survnyor,uaderlhe laws of the St }e of Californiv, lhol lblJ - - - -is a map ofa survey mode A149ust1956 under my direction and (/\ - supervision in comph"ante with the pro risions of Chap}er 15 D-viai n III of the Businass and ProF ossio Code of }he Stole jt of C.AFarnia, os amended, showing ihn ac}Oa/of osif'an �erlain `' t' P v m nnumnn{s in Tract QZ03 De /in)a Yisfa Unit 2 City of.Richmond, 2z/ I - which wasfifed-Ju1y19,1955inMap Book39 otpoyes e01.30, Records Y. � or Contra Ca sta Couniy. '� of D. E. RYA . 2452 UTAH DRIVE �a DfSfRET DRIVf d? :I t e:R +'� or e►� c 2 2 -2zx chis is to certify that I have examined the above map with respect to its accuracy of survey and mofh- emallcal data, its conformdy with other records and 'SHOWNON.SHEET 3 TRACT 2203 ih compliance with the provisions of Chapler 15 of tho Business and Professions Code of the State of California as amended, and that I find such ma#ers _., 5Utfi eie nf. m Dole cc),1, / sc oyaa(Gammissroner- 'urveyor 2N 2Jo 44 Ls9 2se -a6r' l Lk�fvly Road Comm is sioner- Surveyor Q —=� filed at the request of V. W. Sauer, County Surveyor, ., rr:oo ve] n Sw a ewsv at past $ o'clock on the /oa( day ofa;4&— 1956, and IrfITH DRIVE Z recorded in Book 17 of Surveys by Land Surveyors at page is" in the office of the County Recorder of Conlra Costa County. Deputy unty Recorder SHOWN ON 6Hff7' Q . TRACT 2203 RECORD OF SURVEY - ff OF RELOCATED MONUMENTS IN 29e I rg' TRACT 2203 DE ANZA VISTA` UNIT NO.2 CITY OF RICHMOND SCALE. 1"•40. OCTOBER 1956 ♦ Q Y.L JONG CO. ENGINEERS OAKLAND,-OALI FORMA ARAN WAY LEGEND SHOWN_ON dHEET 6 --TRACT 2203 h'f*74finen1s set, shown Ib UJ •-- � ... Monu/nenJ9 moved /O new pOJ/l/an Sl/a Wn t%N!J -V�— - - -