HomeMy WebLinkAbout17LSM12_ _ r I P. 3. t. 6 i. T. d. 9. /o. // /E /3. 16. Is. 1& 17 /n. 1s Po. PI et Ps. M. 26. e6. PL PA PS J1 JP JJ Jt JS J6 J7 JJ X1' 8 40. L1, AP OS, fA 4A 49_ E.uT 9BS.GC' BAD[ L/ME. h 0,4ffMONT MEMoplAl- PARK. \ _ - GARDEN OF fNSR/RA7/ON- M ���.���\ `�;\ - - -. .. SnAu•/'FlDO" Auausrl956. A PORT/o/Y,, of THE LANO eSNOWN ON THE MAP FiLEO /N TNC \' t` MIA ` 1 - *� `< OFFICE OF -THE GOU/YTY RGCOROER ON THE 3O OA.Y - or Avaysr'/.956 A/`/O DE011-4 ev faR Ci'EME TEREl M - g , +�--- We the undersigned_Jlr�president and 8ecrarory of '�-� , �>\ �, B/%anco /ncorporated, doing business os OaRmant ,.;, ��. �-- --� '"w �'- Memorib/ Porn, o Co/ifornio Corporation do txreby F' _n - i` �� - �� �� - certify that said Corot: oYion hos coussd fh/s mop / ' * to be mode and hos given consent to it being re- s and do hereby dee%1r that.. r i /..Said Corporation 1s owner /h fee s1i»p/e of the /and os shown hereon 1 2 The divis%on oro portion of the land os ! ' shown here on info Gardens, sections, Lots, 1 ono' bites •• is os provided by /ow. /Sec 8550 x _ Health old .5alely Code) \ 3. sa/d mop showing the �1010 ''a ofso - ;��, Corp correct � � Gyre Typicol.4sctian � � �\ '� � � ° � e President '� 1 `• * ' i ! Stofa afCo/ifarnio before rrl- $ t L. Herz=NvetFEic oNotory Pubtic in and for the obavr sora' .State and 1 \\ `�� // /�-`\♦ \�� j /! County personal/ 0W clop, known to me to be1i� President and A4• ofthe Corpor- IX no/wledged tome that Yheyexec ° q i �� 1 _ _ the foregoing %nstrUFnent on baho/fof / _ said Corporation /n witness wheFrof e c n B $ / / 1 /hove hereunto et my horxl ondseol on �j,flame andyeoi- ,rst above written i _ .. Not Pu /ic- TYP/CAL SECT/ON. �``. _�_��' 'w -.-.. �.�� " 1`1! M♦ w.ss.w c +cis. ecc�sctc as �tsR_ ' 1-. �O' _ _--- \ - � - �� \ is E. t0 This is'in certify that this mop was mode firm m own serve of h he monthof y y thground during t c o N.c� August 1956. ♦ r,oA� _ _ �" \ ~'� \ ` Cleansed Lond Surveyor No ,pllP o x_ .; d�� - - - Recordrd of Requests �i�ne � y4p/ D— b., am-« a.or `..-- n --.•rte,. h -t, Th/'sG-- day of Se /956- -.-o el I -k. �w 1-2'- :2