HomeMy WebLinkAbout16LSM5f -R6VE a V RALPH M BEEDE ET AL. .-�'"_- n`sfY ---_-""�•-, P'CoF SEC- t6-R TIDE GM{D 51JRVEY tis 271 �_ .,, _/ -- T'VYF:r..2 f•k, Fi 2 E, M.t7.8. BC M. 'TIDE 1In, 3-AV, 136.29-''7 rxzcc" ipeA"aot- CON-1-RA C05TA COUNTY CALIFORNIA \ LOCATION H` Z71 �* 2� Set162 TI-L.� 22lbct r,� v, Y7 1S 172 Ac'(es ' ,p 9 Z84 o6SLfamsa ^,-r Th 5 bea s 37 suneyed'�n AuHurt !948'�ft C.ri.AF{TR� R.M.BEE�E ET Al. �point d Cn Aug-1i o I 'VCM' 516\ V _ t:. trh� eytsb }i o. ISW z64o.op � - I�•�,, - � altdK89"S9`W1815.OQtrartl BASISoFBEARINGS:ThetWocOu{s¢sdtA.T.&sFRR 5E. in Section 16 *-n ,� yc _x ¢� �,!o*� line FranK E. Feabody to It P. s 8 \ _-,%- Bede 10$-1910 tO-20-1910IL-)D-Z7,5 iron corrtel at• SKiian l6 as 5t '. pOSt Ordinaryry Nigh Ylatel MaIK 19,541 Pili taBeedri`�i<i ca�tdirtate M.9.3Z229 • ��( - srwr wkNa. Sta�laM Commiss.an sE 2177A1 .. p - 38'Umon L.114E uments-brass caps —xin mn- ��W� _. Srye o�..ai .9£s. rer� .P. G. BE_ Cn CfCt< beat-J1-11ohs: FIBRE 1947 Ssc 5�g5'W 790.37 - BOARD 1947 5 Se' O3 LCi W Z073. 53 BMRDtoFIBRE X58*2057"E 1343x7 _ 1850 4S3 cooROtNA-t-EME - - 'This"AP LAMBERT Z01VE73 : ... .. - - M T %brebaafd ploPerty k E X Y FIBRE XareldG FoSler. 91x112 land 392416 irj6l.oi 1634 939.22 555,002-9Z . BogRO commis tan '322924 413,86 16-33751- 3- 554351,74 Fra+ioFPppoointe scr5e monument' - merl(ed P it tla2tys $89.52W LAO - - - On Yleat Tsiarid tl S.E•tk ZOOS by J-G9afnard 564020157.t0 16+x184799 556799)-9 6274 03 210.591 673625.23 55749331 - V On this --p t 112'dsl plQe. 4321.29 2t13.4! 1,635,557.61 555,42142 ._. - � _- 4 � e.. � NOTE: h rued ak xri{Xml this course was revised io a-o4440"E 2149.65 and the. next [evtse _ - ' Z SoutFa ie M89'�..,F3W"464--57 s - I hoveexaminedrhis mop and find it satisfactory with respect - - - ra Items A.B, and C, 5eehon 8766 Business and Professions Code. - M , A- Its accoracy of survey and mathematical data. '-. •- B-Itsconformiiy to other records. ' - - • - L-its compliance with +he provisions of Chap-tar 15. ° - - - 10 Divisiorl.� Business and Professions Code - - D- It does not appear to be the record of a 5ubdmi-son o - as defined to 5ection 1535 o{' 8usines,s and Pmfessions Code. F1aFiEEA4Rp - - . - -FT: - F*VDUCTS INC: ` .. .: .., - Counfy�. Surveyor of Contra Costa C---y C- ey--------------- �s undoldfence poets which l Deputy 5urveyor E as East One at X.FBeede... y Y Accepted for record and recorded in the ot'Pice of the n J . .. - ., W 4c 70 Recorder of Contra Gosta County in Book _--- aV Surveys > "c -- FnnK EF+saboayat ux.ta - - ,. - set 3pi'z3C'8al.pipe El .Mop Na-__ this,___dayof_'______1953, of __ Nours Santa Fe land lmpiov—nt Company 9`1-7-1906 ( - O ( -Minu+e,}---_M• [ :. i T38 - ---------------------- - .. Nl-U7 �o.+s East- l;Po running is ntb u ri tra.rl point on xctian line - t: Mat; et ux. '� County Recorder o4 Contra Costa County. c 66o-oa E at SH rnrner of r _ Vieta ouidr title 3-6-57 2850451, : t - - $ ,. y4 comer of sec- +am oris po.t a mncrete monument_amRed - FP abeam ow+d old 4ence post said. to be. sW cosei v = show-, W fire n yunind tloft4l ant en 5ectiar'r {1ne wt..att is 1857:1G c . lT ` 16 - West Z-00 and NO"048W 2ACI ., ti n? I'll. Mari nm Wet sE earner of- Sec_16 a5 1975.74 N 1•X '�15.'4i 9�59c ,70 16 ao - 2l See L.S. Map Sari. Fe land lmpravemlent Co. ct�'3o"E j b� 83TndYd,'��S• !`J47 tot bcatioiZ of tt, i5 I'iDTE: Ceu^ty Road w'16faund '1s as zSca oaoa W ZS.00 — N O OAW This distance as etmwn in FranK Itaciel to Fr—K ZI Z. 29.o0 Corney acrd section tine to East, shown hereon- See FfanK E. Peabody to C ntta Co5'1� Caurtty 6uteaoet at 'W0-48..7-26-44,79408 r-,- is 16-g7dt:. or 1113.42 h o - - 5-ss-t9o'r 5-4-mo3 98 D 5S9 for fecotd - - Zine ..+f R afHaf A-C'St9E n-