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c - - Qq/, W. T Goasch, Counbj Clerk- and Ex- Of/cio Clc^e of Phe Soord of Supervisors } 2 Q Of Contra Cosh County Stole of COl/tarn/O do bereby certify lho/ this mop consisting y!/ f�nc' - ��CG�D OF SuovEy Of (/. I sheet was presen/cd to so/doord of Supervisors as Prov/ded by /o.v oto _t�P m sf r rcyu/or mcchi/9 thereof hc/don the -L_ -day. of- �s .s.}u �c.C�- 1953, and ihol said - LrBs � 3 �, - /OO_-T/o^l OF LOT C /i/TCNcocr .PANG" 3. ,Board of .Fupervisors old fhcrcupon by reso/uAon dy/y ,00sseand adopted opprn✓Ea ' eK „ .foANC"O /ir10NTE OEL/ABL©, CONT.EA COSTA sd aMop. - ao f 'k. « COUNTY CAG/FO.PN/A. cTUCY 1553. y /n Witness 102erco! / have hereunto se} my.. hand thisl day ofS c � /95J. Z 22 oy 4v w l Counhj Clr i- and Ex-Off"/cio Clerk of Fi/ed at the re ucsJ of A 2 Hansen of The Board of Supervisors of CaniM *, u 4� Costa, COt Atl. Stale f Co/ifornio {/•� 1. 2 Fd �P 1 r Sc`s`/� a! minutes /vost_____!Y! on the---- _da of 9 9 -- -- Jd \o t/' __ ____19r in Yo/umne-----Surveys y_ gYl `rPr� "' � by Licensed Surveyors on Dcpu/rf C/erf `v�F I 1 the office of the County Recorder of Contra Costo Countij, Sale of California. ga �PNry o/.3 a, t Coun/y recorder of Can/ro Cosla to tyit s Pt 3Lla County Slate of Ca/iforn/o. y 8y Dcpuf Pecorder 9-6 This is /a ccr/ifij Pho/ / have examined the map of /his survey .respect to its accuracy and rnalhemolrtal data; -'/ls con - 0•` I v lormi/y to other records and ifs compGar/ce wilh Me p-aw-r- • {ons of ' Choplcr 15 of Division = of The Bursmess and 4a professions Code, of the Slalc of Cal/forn/o, as amended co and Phot find such mollars su6fie/eni Oored_�en��h<r! _ /953 Goanty, �5tate Gas of Calfa n o ty Deputy County Su!veyor certify /ho/ /h/3 mop /s mode from o true- and a wQ comp/e% survey mode by.me during The month of y° duly 1953, and 0ulhori3ed by A R Hansen /he owner; Phe monuments arc in The 0os119onZ and arc of/he S1°7• Z�;� Q ` p nature shown on Phis m op, and are sufficient to oY04 �Fdo/ N✓� enob/e IbC survey /o be rclraced This parcel L) - J!P conlains B.55 acres marc or /css 01/ bcorm9s arc Ca/ifornio Grid Zane 3 ,P==a.d` ._. ._... ..._-.. oGi�•�oq� _�----- yQti B L/eensed Land 67a emkor!`Z//2. - f k esu f%4IV-f j Lor C g 33 Acres J :.- i