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C 0 ED 0,° im Ae VE Y A -P ae arl ON 0 F =rHE Giu5.=Ppz DIAJVDA PANCH eAlvc"o "olv r.= 0r=i. ,�/ABLE, C0/1/7 -,=A COSTA C04. -wry, CAL19-O&MIA. 1951 This JS fD certify that /, hove ex0moned the {areyorn9 mOP, w11h resoect /o rfs ©cc urocy of s-ue vey or cl moA` &rnOlIC01 C/er* and Ex - 01V'icio C/er� of the ,Boort/ of t5&pervr'sor-s of the /, w, r Pao -5r -h, Coun7101C Cour7l of Corlfro Costa, of Co/ifarnio, clo herebycerfrl M01 /`hrs mop,consrs}rid of y dote ; its conformity fo v1`her records ar7C% its ©nformity to one sheet </), woo presenAcd said $oord of �5zlpery ors a►s proYrdcd ,6 /ow cat o rc u/ar y 9 other r•ecor-ds onr its co/nP/once vi1`h provisions of Chapter 4f of Division 19 of the ;6ulsn e s s on c! Professions c oc/e , mcefih9 lbercof held ori the Lj"-=-dcy of .._ _ j1951 0/?Od /hof sold Boord of s..5ucervrsors did fiherevpcn by resa/v,616n duly pas.5ed a d oodorofed o ap.-,O v a so/d r>-747,0. of the SfoYle of Coilfornro, as amended onc/ Mot 1, 1•ir�d such /n Wllness Whereof; l tiovc hereunto set my hone/ this _ dory of /770ffCrS SU fi�-!C i Cr1 f - f� • County clerl- or?d- JEx- 0ffic10 Cle.,- - of the .Board Cour f ir-Ge yor of ira Costo of Jt ,oervisors 0A fhc Cour�fy of Contrc7 CastQ SiOAe of Co/iYornr0. Cour)SA7/c o f Collforn r c7_ -101-% -I,- 777c Bearin iys on this mop ore b os c d on 1 -he Col110r n r,o (`rrd ,Zonae .3. Ch.rcf` .Deputy 1, hereby c4iflVly /ha/ lh4s mop /s mode From a f -ve 4n d cornplcte survey aur�hor-�jed the reQ uesf of Gruae,ope .Dlor7d� owrn c ot- b oglaseppc Dlol7,do owner, o�+�' fhc ,raroperfy surveyed ,�5y me durir�9 Me nnorlfh C/C r-�u/y 1947.0 /ha/ .501d sur trey /5 the ,properly of 6,,a Teppe ,D lonclo; 11201 Me 177o1?41rn cn1s cage rnrnufes pastla _ on the ?s day o f _ _ �.. �. . - ire tie ,00srfians shorvr� ori this m,c c and arc .f /0 la moble the �5-arve y *4 be re - /9�/ 1,r7Volvrn e - � _. Sur s v e q h y - ._ 2 d ac med L. !c c f7 L Gi'�7 c,I SUr ✓ e D r o n y of" the Coon Oecorder of fhc COUnty of Co nfr0 COsta, ,5fvte of j,�o� r Co r� o /� / � Coun W.-Ize-oo DI"O�C� 3idoc Co/! c o rd l schoo/ ,Drsrricf !yam/� �hr�f"fit i,/ouscs {,7c. 45 •� •QO'dllfTfjl ��3 DErV.CEN G .FbA D s sop - - - - _ _ _ ._ _. _ . - f'!d► f04r0.7-0 b G �• rje�_ �a 4e- t 2'1u6 4-4-4,90 6 Co�c.i'for� {ourrd 3 9/.97 1 72, 33 1 70 1 70 • 7►0_ 70 tiSBE' sG NOOL 0 3'J �or�nd /ilu� 3� • r_ L /cen.S ed La/7c/ tS'ury e yo r hereby Ccrflfif 1970/ fhc 0101)nrn Commn issio of Confrn Costo Corinfy, t5wlalc of Ca/i0rc7nro 1)015 roed v Me len tofive mop a donyvhich fhi s Pecord o{• J"ury e p 1.5bos.e d , y TechnIclan of the /0a /7rr7 ComrMrssrdr� of- Con}r4 6-0-510 Count , •Sfofe o Coli,1'orr?iq. 0 . /yon. Cl.S�B,P G"Con t_ Monz1ftrA.E' 5`0