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PE CORD OF SC/2 VE Y OF L Q%I, ANO A P 0,2T/ON OF LOT %2 OF 7 -,AVE - 7 .fI YE�E'S PWAICH SUBD/✓/S/oN, 6'OIV7-PA COSTA Co. CAL /FO,eN/.4 . /N eAAICHO MO., --V TE DEL- DIAeL O. 0;,OR -JOE FOSE ✓R. 7'h/,s is /n ccrViI' e thol /. A?nwc exomlr7ed the map -o/* this sures y, with r-es©est h� ifs accurvcy and rr}ot/ emcrfical data; i/s' cgrnformi/y /v other records 0/-)C/ ifs cornol1a0r?ce w1th the �Drov/5ior7s af, Chooler 1.S' 0/, DIV115iol? Ill of the 5�61slr?es,s 012c/ 40 Profossiono/s Code Ole- 1,17e 5101e o{ Ccr/1f0'r1710, os a/nendec/ Coun Sur v cr of Con Alro C to Count Pikcd of /hc re ques 1 of �To e rnll?u& s ,0ast t /_? /w,, 0r7 the _ 2S, _ _ day Ole- 1r) f-1r) Volume _ _ _ %S�_ _ _ �.5urve s b L ise f)sed Sc�r�fe ors or) o e _ 3 _ _ /r7 the office of the Cou Pecorcler of Col )lra Co -510 Coun/y ,51ale of Califar--n� tz Coul5t e order 0/, 60, a Cos/a Coun/r W T. Pooseh, Coc1n1`y C/erg and Ex - C.�f/icio C/erz- o/' the ,$oaro/ of �S'u,r�er-viso�-s of the C011/71y 0/ 0/7,r0 Cris/a, 510le 0/- o/iforr71o, do hereby certify /bol Ih/,s mop, consisting of 00 sheet, w4s ,orescr>/ed fo said Board of �SrJ,ocrvisors vs pr0v1d cc,1 by /ow, al a reyalar meelie?q fhereof' he/d on MC�'. ±- 0Y 0/'- _ _ _ _ - - _. _ , /9. 1 and thal said ,�9oor-o� bf Supervisors did fhercupor� by reso/utio rJ /y ,vvsscd one/ vdoot-- ed 0R.4/-0ye said map. In WiAoess Nhereof, /hove hereunto set my hold this boy o/r _ _ _ _ /96,/. . C'ou►n�y C/cr,� and �'x - Df/icio C/er,� of /i�c �or.�rd af` SuperYisors of C'on fro C'os Cain/y Sfa/c ol- " Deputy C/�r� I, hereby certify thol the Plannin y Commrsslon of Co of ro Costa County, .Mote of CohlarIx o hos- approeed the tentakwe map ruoon wb1cb fhls ,Pecony of cJu/'vCy rnop is based. Technicion of` The P/dnn�ragC r,rniss>onof Cor�h-o Costo Cerui7fy dole of Co/iforn �n . 15ton .-e r I, hereby certify thal lhis mop �s mode from o 1`r -u c 'd complete ,5rz1rvey mCole by me during Me mon/,6 of �or� l9s/ and ou ori ed .by woe .f-'©sc Jr. /`he 0w/7cr,- Abc onur�aen is ore �n the ,posrfioos o n d ore o 1" The r7 ©%ure rajovrr nn M,, s /nap. v/7d core .sof{icn l fa en rib/e lt} e survey be re/i-oced. TA21:f pOrCCI eo nAoin,S 9.408 /QCI-05 011 beorm9 s are based on the C.o/rfor-rr io �ricJ ,Zorlc 3 L.�ccnscd ,Cold Surrcyor 2//z 4To�cr� 4f fht �asr` o *s'3 s"o - .sours, cosrc./y Ca.-