HomeMy WebLinkAbout15LSM20(/o f /,5- 451 2c+ to // I Axy �" 20-W - - - 2/3&3 v MAP FOR agC _ - - ,-- - MEMORY 6AR,0ZNS OF CONTRA COSTA, 111C _- _ BE/NG A SURVEY OF LOT /O ANDA PORT/ON OF LOT /, V) e': - 'GOVERNMENT RANCH F/LED /N VOLUME D OFMAPS, PA6EB7 ( CONTRA COSTA COUNTY, CAL/F0,4/V/A, �I on /Ar map and a1 sufticienf ena6/e Swrey to he rey°rareo! SCALE f'=200' AUGUST /9S/ 6!. 90/ C. A. hOOZ16R, .ante CC AYORMAN T- R/FFE- CIVIL ENG/NEER OAVrizvvA?IA h "JJ _ A MART1NE7 CAL/PORN/A \ CA G (/o f /,5- 451 2c+ to // I Axy �" 20-W - - - 2/3&3 7 -e A7 the W e': ( on /Ar map and a1 sufticienf ena6/e Swrey to he rey°rareo! 6!. 90/ ACRES b JC heirh�qg certif thafthis survey war maoh u�r our dliretion ydurin9 the month o{Au = CA G I 1 IRV and as the order of Memory Gaideos of hfOR,4fAAl T. RM, -e C/Y/L ZY6'/,YEf.Y Q"ait-NON q nt C�tra Casfa, /x (/o f /,5- 451 2c+ to // I Axy that fhe A.&,7V e//tS are of the nature and ih the /oratrois sharrn -e A7 the e': ( on /Ar map and a1 sufticienf ena6/e Swrey to he rey°rareo! 6!. 90/ ACRES I 1 hfOR,4fAAl T. RM, -e C/Y/L ZY6'/,YEf.Y a�O 4j :� /✓ nsrd Sur or A'a 9/ k ! v h . � Examirx+dsnd tiundsafisfxtory as reyiviisro/Lr/ v (4is66 JiNa 8766 at"Busrness ar�f3ufessiaas !.cdr 52{'DO'E Ca,c Monomer't Foond !� �: l���if� Ri� ty ntJ! Surrey • I. P. Monument fauad �G. < - w [; tLd Z" Er o- T P. Monument Set _ �— I. <� Monument w fh Cox. CO/e Set � Z a 2'+2fi'ob Set 3As _ Seaaa Fi%d at fhe rey?c&-s_t of �; this aey of /93Z at M. miiutcs past _. - _ Z Counyy Recoroder BAS/S " OF BEAR/NG D�eputrJ Cavnty Pernrder East Ime of Lo/ /0- Gorerr/n,enf Raxh ' N 2i'o0'`V (/o f /,5- 451 2c+ to // I Axy