HomeMy WebLinkAbout12LSM9.. .. _: .,.. ,.._ .... . .. ., - .� . .,.,_ ..: :•-. _ ,.. ar ,+.-Nlw.:e�«...ws�+-,a:, w�r.r.w.,n-..: ...w-.,..:,e...-�..-t:�rxv :. w - �+..,.. .,..wm.seya+vr.•. - . :zxrt�.n.,.....v�r arty.'�..:,.,w,9::.Cw*....z+.wcsr-,.+..rvrs.a,e�.err,�-*.,�tium.ae.s,r,:r.au�w.�#-,.w.....w�.•...r.�.j+�rr•+r""<' �-.:+iw+ety�...wNY .r ..we. s..t_, alcx, w, �,:...w: -. ui.,.., ....f+.,,,woiw.wr,. �r�.�� • .:-..-.-... Asx a. .ti. �-. .. rr..K. . t+'. ..., Z wn.-, .._. .r -w,. ...:-'1,a.s.i ...i a,.. s. ti. � LA D5 OF H 0 0 DE R CO. W 7 9° Z8' fro" E FQ I � I. P. .SET I.P..-5ET 1.P ,.3ET LP r-5 Ey I.P. 17(59.14 '�' -3f-T LI? rS�T t.0 SET LP. 3ET I.P. / FQ, FEWCE COR, N.E. COR. O F BE R5 A PSE 207.45 2x7.45[Z017.45 Za7.45 207.45 24745 2o�.4s -3 b. 99 :57 g. 64 PACHIrCa TRACT T. A. Mt MAHOU SURVEY .�c4/e= /" 24D' 1886 LANos of 11 O O P E R 4 Co. hf 74' 5 Z' W Z7. 463 - Td FRA�K�,N CAµ��� Of L � GGOT 4 harabq carttfq that the Planninq Comrrtt.s�ion of fhQ Counfk of Contra Cos4-al 5+a fe of California, has cfpproved the f entatrve mala on wh tcM thta r¢ cord of s.vrve rnap is base k ¢c hn tc tarn Plvrtr1iraq Commission of fha Court�y of Contra Cosies, Sfat-e of California. EC0RD OF SuRvEy Fact A - K E W VV -0 T H Y bElNG A P0RY10KI of THE 65.,-,5 ACRE PARCf L of LAID iN THE P AtiCH0 1V 0NTE. DEQ DIABLa DESCRIBED IN PARCEL 1 , REC0RDEo AUGUST 10 1942 IN -134ok 659 OF THE OFFICIAL R'ECORD.5 , PACE 468 Colt-rRA COSTA C0U11TY CALIFORNIA L A M D 5 OF ° L C. L. COLVAR D 'r 0 r:• �A,3tS OF �EhR[tvGS is 'rHE AFL40LD JUDU5TRIAL HICIKWAY, CALIF. STATE ROUTE Ala. 106 {,E E 5WT. 13, 01i5T IV, C.G. CO. RTE..104 Svc. C ). \ �h 0 pass LSO W 5TATE OF CAI.I F: 0R04IA 5.5. C.oUiuT Y OF: C 0 MTA A Co»'A 1, W.T Pansch , County Clerk and Ex -Officio C I z r k of fhe ward of 5vpervt3ors of the County of Contra Costa, State of Colifornia � do haraby cerfif that #his reap , const stincr of f he Sheet vPon wiaich this eerF%I!cafe ss wrtttan ,was prese;�;� ,361J board. of SvpQrvisars as r ided by ow of Q m¢sf in9 (here of bald on f'h¢ day of i 94 and }ha+ said board of 5vpervlsors did +her¢vPon r bLi r-, 501 ufton duly{ passed and opp roved S41cl map. '41N WIT NE 55 vvH ER OF h¢revr%fo bet MCI h<1nd th15 day of } 19'47. Cowr+}y Clark and Ex- Of4 ici'o C terlc of # he board o -f Super v+s ors of -f he Covnt'y of Contra Costa, 5ta{¢ of Cal+for 1 hcrcby carf►fcf #hQ+ $his reap was made froar, rnj otwn swrvc4 of f he ground durinq fhe Imon+ h of M dt.1 1 9 47 'and on f he order of E. A . K c'nwor+hLj , owner ; + ha+ the monuments are. of the nature ar,,d in the lata+loins shown on the. map and are buff tCtent to enable the survatj to be retraced, that no part of the prop -ant{ s ho w n harean is w I f h I n } he to co r- porafad II rnti,3 of onq Cc tiq or f o wn ar+d that +he habt.s of bearings is a3 shown hereon.. A..5. L Eve Nn R. E, (639,5 A PP20VED Au USI 41 194 IF I "I e� C ou `4 5 urvetjor F, led at rzquc.st o+ JOsEPK W. 6AVLkLEY • !��? a��.Q�rntn as +t� co-orcier