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9TH 5TRF-ET t th C 2fi1eet a5 1oczerecl. as located fTorn cuYbs ! yom cuYhs. K 130.00 W V 3400 lO TH 5TREET limited of Hze re9uesl of Jos yV. Bat (ley , /947; afro mit f04sf 1pM. c. oOfj Y Rec der . Approved: c obee Pa.,IMr urr y Surveyor 30.00 g 8952 �A E '7 8�► a.00 Z 4.Oo pound Volpe Sec. 18 sec.19 13 �Medf Wilbur A ---=ff.3Q--- co t U_j` 0 Q_" ! ' (j} LOT G LOT '5 0 sb.ao ' 16LOCA .109 see 526 OR 136 toy t1nese cirrlCYlStGti5 N qtr W � a x tt) co t U_j` 0 Q_" 8 q LO a 0{ U) ?l Csa.bt� 7. SQ 60_6l - rO.ttO H 89x57 ZO'IW A as .locaied {Yom �. No'T'rtr of 15 StTaet-no "Ybra- as 16444eat tay rr"61Jrin$ East distance,#Yom is fags fecOvdtzd c Street M expmnsia, joint incetYlCT di paviMA Off 9tH and iOT1{ �5tfeet-j. W w cI RAS" ER NAL ORDER ©1: EAGLE 5 ANTIOCH AERIE. HQ 785 in BLOCK I49 RECORDED ILI LOTS 5 A 6 ns Zfi*"% 0% MhP5 t TOWN OF A"T1©CH CON-M.4—COS-TA COUNTY. CN -.FORMA , 1 pipe aY-cot- SC•�t-E. 1'�— GO' of tttit of Lot' ?.-Ini 5x5- BA515 of BF_ARIHQS-latest line of Nk( 114 of 5ec.Y%a ► 19 in sett Subdivision 8oalt `T" 2 K, R 2 E, M: D..B.'RM. assurne Worth. Z2 crf Mays laa8es ` Surveyed in .June 1947 $of owner by J.G.BaTnaYd, R.C.E•M2 5161 0 Yepteserits iron pipe set dutin6 tlri►s survey unless dMeTwise noted