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3si 0. R. 2 53 N 0' -4.3 0 30" E /5'42.0 4 Z02.04 4-40-00 280.00 15X/ 0. A. Z33 ht 14 3. J49 Ac. :i 3.l65Ac. I h 2.433Ac. f h ~ '� rte'' � 'S• .24 y,....•� # f ,RpA19 �• *�30 n -tea. rs�, i YA N0) \n t11 0� Q 27 49co N f � t` 0. 308 Ac_ 16) 2. 424 Ac. .2- 167r4c. f .c Irj (b 73.4 G. R. /34 �t 7 ,�. �' h�. 5' -k �� •s n 19, A (? ID -140 or 3 �00 Esc -�' -� Q r 4- �, a N. IK U ' � y / As/s QF Eemag CA 4i T f y i- ��` of SA iYS (28A G ATE J II T Z es shower ori ?rials Ailed h7 ofriee of CoV,'7i Releorder at Corrfr� Costa Ccvrrty' in Vol .97 df 1�MP.S, Pb. 47898, cam Art,ril 17, 194-1. 0 Derrotes 4 -off Pie Morrurne�►ts 2 6 0. 0a c RECORD OF` SURVEY FOR Ja "LICE Me • E,Rb -577 96.6 2.078Ac.t PARCEL 0F.4AM0 RECORDED IN VOL. 684, OFFiCIA4. 23 L r D¢ RECORDS, PA S, SEING A f+ OR 77 ON OF THE 4 RANCHO SAhl MIGUEL. 360 O.R..Z8-3 „e460 00 ,2. 88 9 4 C. �6 1� RECORD OF` SURVEY FOR Ja "LICE Me • E,Rb -577 96.6 &SING THE eASTCRI.Y PORTION 0I0 60.41 XCRE PARCEL 0F.4AM0 RECORDED IN VOL. 684, OFFiCIA4. 23 L r D¢ RECORDS, PA S, SEING A f+ OR 77 ON OF THE RANCHO SAhl MIGUEL. '. 6B9 A c. :k ! ; 3,596 Ac. r o � y�i 1 r �4 r 44 r � rr r l r r � . � r � P lip .6S y r� / here1 r ce• 1`ify that t/�e Plar7r71r,.g Camrrrissiorr d/ the Covrrty of Contra .costa, State of Celifrrr7i.v, has eA, rcved fhe tri&- iive Anz,,h 0r7 whirh this '..-ecc.0-d vely rrra/!a is ,bas r e. TeeIMICIarr P/arr,rrrrg Commission of the Covaly of Caf74ra Casta, .State of Ca/iforrria c.� STATE OF CALIFORNIA }. � 0av/Y7Y OF CONTRA COs TA J /, W T. Paasc/r, Cove t y Clerh and Ex - Officio Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of the Cot."ly of Co,rfre Costa, Stott of Califorrrio, do he"Aby rer1ify that this carisisthr q of the sheet ON w/ric/r this certificate i8 writtrn, wss preserr,eed to said Bcsard v/ Supervisors, os rovided .by !aw ee a._ - - --rrreerirq the"of, held vo the l' -r" day o { ' e "~''��' /945 and that saitf Board of .Sv/ver'visorS did, thPreufaor�, ,6y res alvtio,? di,/y ibsssed arrd ado`bted, �plbro Ve said ,na /N W17W.ES W"EREOF, / have hereunto set my hand this. %" day oft -f'"' Co vn i y Cler. k and Ex- officio C/er�c c f the. Board of .Scr/a er visors of t/re Cavrrf,,y o f Corr tr1 Co s fe, StatQ of Cali Fa rn is . /hereby certify that tfris n7 Was ??rade f'r0,77 ,77y ower Jure}' cf the 9t'©t�nd durirr9 the /T1o?th of5��terhber 19.45 aid on the order of Mlltorr T. v4vaders/ice, owner; that the irronu- merrts ere of the rratvre •vrrd in tl,e lecatiQrrs shown an the rrrop acrd are svfficlerr t to enoble the .9urvey to be re traced, that me part of the property shawt7 4erieof,► it within the incorporated /inyits of any city or tawrr efrrd th.ivi the fErosis ofAt 4VrirrSs is as show,? here orr. L . CEDRIC MAC EE, R. E. lVf SS"!O APPR 0VED: .3evotemker_g.� , / 45 ~� county Sur veyor d ee re9fvest of !.JCS /.94,5' , at �� rrrirr. has t ZR, A. N. Ca m y Re c or r RECORD OF` SURVEY FOR "LICE Me • E,Rb &SING THE eASTCRI.Y PORTION 0I0 60.41 XCRE PARCEL 0F.4AM0 RECORDED IN VOL. 684, OFFiCIA4. RZOOROS, PAGE 178, AND V01. Zu9Os OFFICIAL RECORDS, PA S, SEING A f+ OR 77 ON OF THE RANCHO SAhl MIGUEL. ALAtur CREeK CORA COSTA MINTY, CALl"RNIA o � p .SfPTfIN,BE/S S, 195 SCAL E : ! _ /00' c.� STATE OF CALIFORNIA }. � 0av/Y7Y OF CONTRA COs TA J /, W T. Paasc/r, Cove t y Clerh and Ex - Officio Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of the Cot."ly of Co,rfre Costa, Stott of Califorrrio, do he"Aby rer1ify that this carisisthr q of the sheet ON w/ric/r this certificate i8 writtrn, wss preserr,eed to said Bcsard v/ Supervisors, os rovided .by !aw ee a._ - - --rrreerirq the"of, held vo the l' -r" day o { ' e "~''��' /945 and that saitf Board of .Sv/ver'visorS did, thPreufaor�, ,6y res alvtio,? di,/y ibsssed arrd ado`bted, �plbro Ve said ,na /N W17W.ES W"EREOF, / have hereunto set my hand this. %" day oft -f'"' Co vn i y Cler. k and Ex- officio C/er�c c f the. Board of .Scr/a er visors of t/re Cavrrf,,y o f Corr tr1 Co s fe, StatQ of Cali Fa rn is . /hereby certify that tfris n7 Was ??rade f'r0,77 ,77y ower Jure}' cf the 9t'©t�nd durirr9 the /T1o?th of5��terhber 19.45 aid on the order of Mlltorr T. v4vaders/ice, owner; that the irronu- merrts ere of the rratvre •vrrd in tl,e lecatiQrrs shown an the rrrop acrd are svfficlerr t to enoble the .9urvey to be re traced, that me part of the property shawt7 4erieof,► it within the incorporated /inyits of any city or tawrr efrrd th.ivi the fErosis ofAt 4VrirrSs is as show,? here orr. L . CEDRIC MAC EE, R. E. lVf SS"!O APPR 0VED: .3evotemker_g.� , / 45 ~� county Sur veyor d ee re9fvest of !.JCS /.94,5' , at �� rrrirr. has t ZR, A. N. Ca m y Re c or r