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47PM19 - Parcel Map
%e_1 �rok 4117Y liVGIMMX6 C.Mn�FICAT,C This mop conforms with lht rApIremenfs cor the Am vision Mop Act and Lo'' E. I/.1.A /or, � ,)c�' �v � �� William E. Chapman 11580 Ci+y Engineer f4l VICINITY MAP Elm • fr1Ga, fh>s�°'da� of 1976, A>'rr�, PARCEL. - 1002 BEING A PORTION OF RANCHO -EL PINOLE IN THE CITY OF HERCULES, CONTRA COSTA COUNTY, STATE OF CALIFORNIA PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPAW 77 BEALE ST. SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA, 54106 {4t5i 7at-421t M AY 1976 SHEET I OF 2 Q1§6 W ,Sheet /of 2 ., ., ,. � .: ri'..,stq ..Y4Xf...:"h'„4�`P�'..,.,,..�',1&.'���d•'...s.#.t"'J!�"'��"-' ','�,. �"^'`�'wym,�'� O yx6,,1? 5 ce,e l T - d Q rCS ate•. +�' p®fie' , �� 1�a:. t��yl� df facr>�ic G vs arrd ilearle GDmP,01 r hereb cerfi�' that I am fP�C owracr. y y aF and holder of 6ecurify inleresl f�1e No. or hove some right; fit/e, or, inlereof in and fo the real property inclvded .6=2 00 wtihin the &bdivieion shown upon this map, On beho/l' of owner orad his •,,, suctaworar in infereal, thal upon opprovo/ or M16 lino/ mop br/ the eifry of Hercults, ma o9ret Mol in relation to the ores involved in the rjfk bdirisror .�� o// /ol and pore/ Imes, a!/ roadways and easements, and all ofhcr feofarea shown on Myrorm &6d1v1$1o,? d,Pop rr!farrsd *`Pb hereon and no Mown on f r Chia dna/ p, e/ry»irt ed fcv' all pvrpoatp�. f�l�'EhfG'�YT' h'OL1JEk'S : Deputy) Count �,y Retarder The 3yn1ff!//r5 W )�9e ICIPA MY record easelm7l hpldere . Vice ioriaidsnl and A46t &cr�efory hove hoes om>r`led'm occvra'ancG wJ%fh .setfiorr GG�36<�1 !'/1 Arninv4J$.A.rl . , Ir7c, 0/ the jrperrmenf code, as their respecfiYe eosemenl: corral ,STA TE' Or CA11iYJ,fi1/1A ripen intro r fee. COUNTY 10 AJI/!y�',��S' - Ulrron ail 401n,=17r of Ga/iforrlio=. 2�4i 11. �: ,�S' Jr' krd la ipo �tllf/( Pislrcl: 4/4 Gt M,h .: d Nolar� rid/ic in and 1vrsala� Cvurr>y srrd .3f�►lc, per.,,�anriJ 57:Td 11 ,i! AG appeared': C. ,5�tAp♦ r-,� , knoavn to m'C lQ bes % be the .5`dcre>'©ry of AM1N0I4 U S. A. 1W. Me corporofrorr lhal e =,=led *e oil,hz;7 k) 10, '40 me map *oe prtpdrrd a,/ Me trwp/m/ of 4fflino♦ll1. %I., b be the per-wo1w iYAP & ecaled l/.4-- nvil'`hir71'rlslf an AoAWY of AW17er, and )?',Cif"ic 4900 arrd Z1ech-iv �'vrnoon�. )7ze rrylarrli' i`%7C c4rpdrd/iQrr ?hwri17 .unread ,Ord vC�rrOA✓/G�r' �O r1fC �i�o� S.rYC� hl%117Y The Colnleo'rrce of Aonael / /o Aechrrc gr" oyw 4%al,7C y G'Oraorrr>`iOn 4r'eCtIlMl *e .r1jffj,17 insll-.r�,�rcnl,trrrrsdran>< >h its is rlolw Componyr far The eonslrxrclrer r of o 1ve! vrf pmrprrr pldr,►lp d !Or p rG30lx/r�10r7 !!/� �1t brwrd Of direee; f a/�r. slaTr�� lolr, >�s�Ct/J ` i3fITiVES� 7n� hdnd v>td o�ficia/ .seal. . _ a •. MURIEL K. UONAL:� _ z iiX C14N4f'.i EiCow" •. �N �II p fYYIYy e 1h>S 111`® 1��► rG rear d ,re 4ry lin. e. rJio and sser>' vavrr a}eld say in eanf0rlwrree! �►'ili3 . _. the rc�rr>reorcnls cf'><hc Srrr'rrri >on hlop Act a113'e rr,f df Pacific Gas and z1eC1ric C0 0, 7Br, an A41re , 1974 /-oyyl/",ryo /+y I henehf eerfrf AWAY fer7laliye M,rV 0/7d lh ' G �narr/rvns"o,0 apx►ror�rJ . - � � �`� ' •` �1�� P,eler,�' .JYillery,,o, ,i~..S 3 !3 . No ?,t ;..4 ay t'=:. •, IZ77W74" Q1§6 W ,Sheet /of 2 ., ., ,. � .: ri'..,stq ..Y4Xf...:"h'„4�`P�'..,.,,..�',1&.'���d•'...s.#.t"'J!�"'��"-' ','�,. �"^'`�'wym,�'�