HomeMy WebLinkAbout38LSM42�..,� taszsa 2.503 t .4 88 - ao' m• RECORD OF SURVEY MAP OF PROPERTY C LOCATED IN THE EAST ONE—HALF OF u �- 47 �o� B9Y7EJ9S __ L6 iZ04 3a' ,E'fii64 SECTION 9, T. I N. R 3 E., M. D. B. & M., CONTRA ( t COSTA COUNTY, CALIFORNIA. /s64/sts Oct. 1985 Scale: I"= 100 �� _ ` C.C. Co. M.S. N' 215-65 Q I AC ° North line of Simoni property N. 9B' 44'E as described in Surveyed at the request of Mr. T. Kibler �N diff PW -CEL A - � N deed 1834 OR 309 Surveyed by Jerry Thomas, L.S. 3014, Licensed Land Surveyor. k /O.63 Acs. t /s64/sts �� 33878 5' ` BASIS OF BEARING: North line of Simoni property N. 9B' 44'E as described in a �+ deed 1834 OR 309 MONUMENTS SET r� ® 5/8"Rebars 30"Long with,)-1/4"Aluminum caps, stamped L.S.301`4. S 89'44' W *SO. 70' - .Skt � This map correctly represents a survey made by me or under my �` L direction in conformance with the requirements of the Land r qi Surveyor's Act at the request of Mr. T. Kibler in Oct. 1965 • - • RRY NO 43, L.S. 3014 4- 31 17 Ar,, _Q c R This map has been examined for conformance with the requirements I � 7�'f da of the Land Surveyor's Act this y of L7Ecf,.rac"e ,1965. � f Ri Yi�raP kf S lure f ROAD CO SS1ONER-SURVEYOR N. r:, - �L°'Q{/O'frI/qqv"O P%�er L/lJa 133a ce �BY DEPUTY ROAD COMM 3StONER-SURVEY , � d'6 3 ! & Fled for record this-YAday of AGG 1965, ot�4�M., in l ° 4 . Books -Y -of L.S. Maps at page's -Z at the. request of Mr. T. Kibler ,'.. COUNTY RECORDER I L 8. dOro - - 4TJ.40" V. 99'44'L: (Awad J3,,F*v 43/59' "o, BY DEPUTY COONTY R G DER Fd lfw % 4,&,M fis 4�' 4 Ac- „ ..: eev- 4 Ab Tog _ - .�4 •�.r.�Jy, SEC /O - _ id--!'/. Apo 2FSlN a.. s L.na - SOath L/ins o{St¢ 9 l94L as' - Fe4!0pw EB c,7r�y _ 7./n/. 09E,, M. D.S.¢NC f ,.w 7 f