HomeMy WebLinkAbout38LSM35sfc i3 sEc. i RECORD OF SURVEY MAP OF PROPERTY LOCATED IN LOT 145 OF BRENTWOOD IR- RIGHTED FARM SUBDIVISION N23 SITUATED .. _ r.,4.s.ehan X6/nuf B.Yd IN THE NORTHEAST ONE-QUARTER OF < sEc. �a sEc. /9 SECTION 24t T. I N.o R.2 E.T M. D. B. B M.o CONTRA COSTA COUNTY, CALIFORNIA "�.""` vrivey vrva Sept. 1965 Scale;l"=50t naval C.C.Co. M.S. N° 240— 65 f ,Kx raQ-cs tccra .w,.v c+w c to/ [qhs --- 25 25 - - Surveyed at the request d Mr. Fronk Sciortino. - �� Surveyed by Je4Y Thomas, LS. 3014, Licensed Land Surveyor. of 4tY s�rA I cc:rfss -dr(' BASIS OF BEARING: Or Centerline of Road N2 5, N.00'08' E. , as er map of Brentwood Irrigated Farms Sub'd. N23, filed Sept.11,1917, in Soak I& of Maps F Ia Q N Sig at page 324,C.C.Co. Records, N4 Ot t MONUMENTS SET; 5/8' Rebar; with I-1/4"Aluminum caps stamped L.S. 3014 448-1 R .'J7 �• $ -S j u4 This map correctly represents a survey mode by me or under my direction in conformance with the requirements of the Land Surveyor's Act at the request of Mr. Frank Sciortino, in Sept. 1965. SSriMon1Z i 26096' ZS_ ._ JERRY TNONPs. LS. 3a l4 - S d9"Si'd0'W I11. 4o' \qy C� �y f S*.EcKS This map has been examined for conformance with the requirements t fff zsra -v rjc of the Land. Surveyor's Act this_._�e� day of.tr°vEnrBE.e , 1965. 3R.SYTDV '%t % tP77_=.? F4,4�.9:: VICTORCONW: SAUER RO�a NISStONEfl - SURVEY Ofl _ - 6Y OE aNNlsslaN Efl- S EY Ofl , sfa� to 25 n t°t��eq Filed for record this 157' ofeG 1965, at (470/9 X, in Book-�y_of 4S4 at page�.�_,ot the request of Mr. Fronk Sciortino. WALTER T ,PA ASCM - - _ _ .. �.. - _. ,:: ' _L=._fes-- .%h. ->✓/V - - Fi�Sa•E'G"P'•C - ;-.. MY a UTY COUNTY RJ§ OROER Y