HomeMy WebLinkAbout38LSM31TlN, e 3E, M. O B §e M r=mss '"'S RECORD OF SURVEY MAP OF PROPERTY LOCATED sic. a sEe. s - yjo 9"Rwp, s. roy. � ah�f�� - ,Yo.lh G>,i of Ssc /6 - , � �� IN THE NORTHWEST ONE-QUARTER OF SECTION pr 16, T_ I N., R.3 E., M. B.D.a M., CONTRA COSTA CO., M. U. Q E B. ' CALIFORNIA. sEc. /� SEC t6 z B October 1965 Scow, 1" = 200' e - C. C. Co. K.S. N' 230-65 y Surveyed at the request of Mr. H. J. Fertodo. - - 1 Aupi'a OR 3-S& Surveyed by Jerry Thomoa, LS. 3014, Licensed Land Surveyor. r e , Z¢. 096 ACS u ry sz BASIS OF BEARING: North line of Section 16, N.69°42'E., as per deeds. 4 4.761- ae 57C. 4 MONUMENTS SET: 5fE"Rebor,with FWAluminum cops stamped L.S.3014. h This map correctly represents a survey made by me or under my direction - in conformance with the requirements f the Land Surveyor's Act at the 2 L.tif�S request of Mr. H.J.Fertado, in C r 11965. ;atY1, O/F 374 E8,4 L,0'7:: C b 5 m° This mop has been examined for conformance with the requirements of the LandSurveyor's Act this f.9 day of A/oYa_ KBEe 1965. . � y _ _ of VECTO _W ;SAGER ' �� /9.035 .4CS. o _ er aauN R°aa wn�„mn.. -Suwr w .3777 777ember' $ F'004 Fled for record this L,� day of /k 1965 at —M., in t V� Book of -L -5 ,at Page �%Lat the request of Mr. H.J. Fertodo. WALTER T. PAASCH . ... C°unfY R.eard.r QQ y "'LR -RSP' Co%e.Z,LH ®Y. D.9uM eounry roes«, 1689' 4d' W. d4 Hr Gb0 LiiR Bs' iJd'2b Z6z>O' 2T Srf Bo/t itbl'%Ci .POAp aufh L.:,e o{ A.lW %¢ o! SBc /6 o>` GwsB�i Zo/f _