HomeMy WebLinkAbout38LSM30.fr. A&V irr .V y 4 ar RECORD OF SURVEY MAP OF PROPERTY c.yss LOCATED IN THE SOUTHEAST ONE- .. QUARTER OF SECTION 22, T.2N. R.2E., D B a M CONTRA COSTA COUNT Y 7 CALIFORNIA OCT. 1965 SCALE 1'-60` C C Co. M. S. No. 224-65 AIA-ICEC B Surveyed at the request of MC L. Honey. &. 26 Acs � d asrs SRN Surveyed by Jerry Thomas, Licensed Land Surveyor, L. 5.3014. .. ` t.. �. MONUMENTS SET OR FOUND Agoavcd �, - As no tedon map. .o'Fl Eaur..�e 1 r6v / �fiorr /Np.✓u i 0 - � WALTERT PA ASCN E Leun ry Reco re rr sry BASIS OF BEARING. `y ,az-iRp /l*z /LIz 'South line of the Southeast one-quarter of Section 22, N.89'53'W ,fl: asaz - Sid as per survey fired in Book 18 of L.S. Mops at page 47 and Book 26 of LSM.. page 14. k _ ' - - - This map correctly represents a survey made by me or under - �:- - my direction in conformance with the requirements of the -' A 42 Aw..' �� :' t jjjjjj//.f!?"/Hp'r Y 4 R Y JONAS, LS. M4 � cf° A�s4',acn-ea •sr .r�. f1ld i:Y �.t ffi 4.Rf+�gr. 2b' 2G' of the Land Surveyors Act this�day of r✓°� �a6� , 1965. OAPCEL A `SSS .. .5.60.'ges, . tYtCTOR W SAOEA �.ea am mr..eon.r urve7or _ „ ..: 9Y DeOv IY Ra vG Ca m •r yr vs - N aT s3' Filed for record thisE,�dayof��, 1965, atgM , in book of e�asst r g �_at page -�O , o t the request of Mr. L. Honey. � - OA.YLEY 4 • 'fir �' 6! /"B�sT iYii X_'ib ° ecs,Bs A'VK0 ,fbufh /r%re oF' S u cieorf arae- Gvor/er ai^ Jtc: PZ -. .Ac. 27. - Af e9� S3's.� /d5S?S s h i 0 - � WALTERT PA ASCN E Leun ry Reco re rr sry BASIS OF BEARING. `y ,az-iRp /l*z /LIz 'South line of the Southeast one-quarter of Section 22, N.89'53'W ,fl: asaz - Sid as per survey fired in Book 18 of L.S. Mops at page 47 and Book 26 of LSM.. page 14. ' - - - This map correctly represents a survey made by me or under - �:- - my direction in conformance with the requirements of the -' - Land Surveyor§ Ae1 at the request o r L. Ho.&y in Oct. /965 -; - - �� :' t jjjjjj//.f!?"/Hp'r ,Tap Bred ��cr 4 R Y JONAS, LS. M4 This map has been examined for conformance with the requirements 2b' 2G' of the Land Surveyors Act this�day of r✓°� �a6� , 1965. OAPCEL A r// .. .5.60.'ges, . tYtCTOR W SAOEA �.ea am mr..eon.r urve7or _ „ ..: 9Y DeOv IY Ra vG Ca m •r yr vs - N aT s3' Filed for record thisE,�dayof��, 1965, atgM , in book of e�asst r g �_at page -�O , o t the request of Mr. L. Honey. i 0 - � WALTERT PA ASCN E Leun ry Reco re rr �� :' jjjjjj//.f!?"/Hp'r ,Tap Bred ��cr iV r Dsau ry counr d.r 2b' 2G' ,✓. d9" SY' i✓. r�ro o r// ,U. a 93' W 415.'K �'. P?. :fec 23 - - N aT s3' w. -- ,. e�asst r ° � - OA.YLEY • 'fir �' 6! /"B�sT iYii X_'ib ° ecs,Bs A'VK0 ,fbufh /r%re oF' S u cieorf arae- Gvor/er ai^ Jtc: PZ -. .Ac. 27. - - 7 ?.tt.P.2E. rUl. D. bt 'f�