HomeMy WebLinkAbout34LSM407 Sac. 3a 72N.PJE of Ya Gs! MAP OF SURVEY OF PROPERTY LOCATED IN THE SOUTHWEST ONE-QUARTER OF SECTION # 30, T 2 At, R JE., M. D. B. 8 M., CONTRA COSTA COUNTY, CALIFORNIA. -Aprd 1965 scale: /00, C. C. Co. U.S. NE 34-65 Surwyed at the request Of Mr. P. M. aryont. I Surveyed by Jerry Thomas, Licensed Land Surveyor, L.S. 3014, --wnc.-L ;I BASIS OF SEARING: ftw line of Northwest one-quarter of Section 3/, T21V.R,3E., M.D.B.am p pt A(.O(-47'17'E. os per survey filed in Book 29 of LS. Maps at page 42, C C_ Co. fiecords. moNumElas SET 516 -Rebors, with 1-114' Aluminum caps stomped L.S. 3014 -W A&- 7his map correctly represents a survey made by me or under my direction in conformance with the requirements of the Land .9irvelor' s Act at the request of Mr. P M. Bryant in 4&Z 1965. 44- b' .?:90/ 4'R r 7bhr map has been examined for conformance with the requirements of the Land Surveyor's Act this Z-- C4 day of 1965. . � Mead Commhslormr-Sar. ler P-4 % rff9W I-IA6 IZZAZ 6Z'r 261 516r, 30 SS V. ol for record M,, 2-7- �-dav of_jZ,,K__, 1965, of 31 7, M., in B eAf R Booker of at page, mat the fWuasf of Mr. PM. Bryont. fg 7 . . , r I Z. C 1, R.e 6,:c 36 6YjT 37r7 Z X A.