HomeMy WebLinkAbout34LSM1..�..•„•-�.. ,�..�...�. .�--;z��e:.> ..mom.. ,. �,.. .,.... ...:.-,.w ,�,.. _ ...,-.t..��.F---..-...-.9-...r.,7,.-.:�...�-,. ,�,m-„ .,�-r. _>�..p. - ,.. .. r wc'�. .. a`,�.Y.� , k..r.�'.,-.a ..&s�?ws =-.cam.. .:_:. � �-'��'•r �, :sr,�-..e�a..- �a-^�.+" ;: .�s+..�r.,....e,."=,...�, :anx---=c':�� 0;tl4 (w _ :+v ' 1486 OR 39 24 SURVEY0S CCf{T/FA /GTE n/e .. - o ' ,. - ' This map correcf/y represen/s 3 ¢a a survey mode by me or under my ' O'K c.s . - - diiedibn In conformance cvi/h Me ;10 pie � regain-emenfs ofthe Land Surveyors" MAS,sy,F Act at the requesf of Mn Jock 0 �i 5aller io March, /965. - (or,o! _ /o G cRQco nP� - R .394 8E o d) - cs gne di _ A!'ixaCc✓ � ��."�— _ �Y� .. od bCAKINGS =z) r,"i :s bt OF Acts jg5.82 n COUNTY SUXVfVORS CERT/F/CATG rrs' N 23.3t 4/0 os 9 °A OAS This map hos been examined for p¢. e- h conformance with the requirements 1/ M% 23• /�, PRf�Aj53�, j z3' v of )%e Land Sulwe yon' Act 7/; day of /965 Z5'p t A_ F 0,663 SP' csrgneds t[ W. Sower od Co/n i on _c rw•yr (� ) - Oepuc`y Zoad ComrrN ssroner- rreyor zbr h LXDUSE v FM a /���� N sys Q 5fz'ze 9ffc09OEK'S CERT/FICATE x{ 13 v Filed for record thin 1966 3858 O,S 356 ' qe m in 600K 3 _ af i/# F wnt/ws aI payees_ of the reques of Y'e fie.- w Fs/gned) W. 7- s'wesaS r der - t K OlPefy nfy --ecorder c. 4569 OM 660 V1 , n � 6 • 'I PARCEL 25 . `; al h o PARCEL C J !O, 063 SQ- FT. /0 000 SQ. FT. `i u LESS EASEM'T u LES 5 EASEM'TS- yi p h t a h ZO-FT PRIVATE A:OA,0 !1466 OR 3957 N �- - - -- - - -- --� / 1 COUNTY OF CaNTKA COSTA '- - -- - oS - - - T3 9S' STAre OF CAl/PORN/A - �- zzo• -' "` >n� `•e ""� : �.Z°•rr'�+s-J�'�- 537'3/• /i• .✓ /so.ao.' za.00' IYECORL7 OF SURVEY is R� js/w ro j- r,;,, Fa/r ra j-rr�orN 15d8 OR 29 MAP .SHOW/NG A SUR!/EY OF A P0h'TfON' Pnc6 I'VError 1,146 OF LOT 4 1H rHE NORTHEAST r/s OF THE _ a y SOUTHWEST /4 OF SECTION Z7, T0WYSHIP 2N, PANGE 4 W, MOUNT DIABLO BASE 7o /3 70 oIs TO ANOMERf01ANr AND TtfE SUBDIVIS/OII 6e 2 [tcENO T -HL REO)- INTO 3 PARCEL S found Haid and shiner - SCALE: /'= ZO' OATS: MARCH 16, /965 _ ::. o Fo4nd t- Z' hub and Pack Set Irlron ie FOR: Mz• JACK 25U7 - • Z i Z'hub frtck 12730 SAN PALO AYE-, ZICHMO/JO Sf cedar And • e 6Y 00NAL0 C. PEA600V, ICE 9,393 72730 SAN PASLO ,4YB , K/C"MONO ..�..•„•-�.. ,�..�...�. .�--;z��e:.> ..mom.. ,. �,.. .,.... ...:.-,.w ,�,.. _ ...,-.t..��.F---..-...-.9-...r.,7,.-.:�...�-,. ,�,m-„ .,�-r. _>�..p. - ,.. .. r wc'�. .. a`,�.Y.� , k..r.�'.,-.a ..&s�?ws =-.cam.. .:_:. � �-'��'•r �, :sr,�-..e�a..- �a-^�.+" ;: .�s+..�r.,....e,."=,...�, :anx---=c':��