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Q Ib,r7r t©,.e ,y seg'. 272-9- SAIZ� -/-.? -JL� 444 OR 2e This mC,o has been eXo°mined for c01740r17-76-717ce with 1h re�irements of the Lord J'urveyor's Acf this F; 7 c/cry o f' F�brUO /-41 19 G� , tor YY Saver �Pocrd Co�missro e - J' v�ya� e By Dep my Road C"omirtissiorier- J'ui��yo set ��'�' 2-70-9 �Y lr �� O,17 34'p � 30 A Fi'/ed I -"o r° r c° o r d 1h 4 f 4 /,g G7 �° �� : �?, In. /rr a o cat the r ues 0,10� r � .�• e I" wo r, County Recorder BY Deputy C'o my 1Pecorder ,4117 iY 9ASIS aF BEAR/NGS Tract 2C45-4 72IW22S23 Rec 3- /9-69 7171:5- 177 47,0 C0 rrec1 1y Cr cPrY&y ,67&& by rye or all&(gr Iny d1;'p-ec711;017 117 C0 7)0''r1??a17C60 with the reguiremen45 oi"" the Zal7ol Surveyor's° Ac -1 a/ 117e av' t/. Al BAYXTON F4W ReIA RY , 1964 RECORD OF SURVEY LOT G, TRACT 26 6 4, CONTIF14 COSTA BOUNTY, C14 Z IFOIFIVII4 SCAZZ- /""= 40' MS / 7.S 63 S CHEl Z- &MARTIN CIVIL ENGINEERS &SURVEYORS A FA KE T TE y CA Z- / FORNIA gj vow- zi 476-63