HomeMy WebLinkAbout24LSM35L RECORD OFSURVEY MAP OFPROPERTYLOCArED IN LOTS 197AND198 OFBRENTWOOD IRRIGATED 34M 7 H& A, FARMS SUB'D. NO. 4; S1 TUATED IN THE NORTHER ONE—QUARTER OF SECTION 19; TIN RJE., M.D.B.aM. CONTRA COSTA COUNTY, CALIFORNIA October/963 Scole /"-/00, C.G.Co. U.S.No- 246-63 Surveyed at the request of Mr. Leonard Gerry -r7- Surveyed by deffy ThomosLxensed Land Surveyor, L.53014 BASIS OF BEARING jO$ Nadhbi7e ofl&197) N89*3730"E as per map ofBrent wood 1rngatadFarm5 Su&t. No. 4, filed Sept//,1917, in Book 16 of Maps at page 325, C. C. CO. Records Z6. S2 Acs MONUMENTS S,FrS: Ilron Plpes, 24'Jong, with brass togs attached. Stamped L. S. 3014 IS a This map ct7rrectly represents 0 survey mode by me or under my direction in conformance with the requirenwes of Chopw 15 ofDiwsAonJ of the Business and Professwons Code at the request of Mr Leonard Gerry In October 1963 LIT P< K 7As map has been examined for confon-nance wiffi the feQul&vnents ofChooterl5of Dwsion3of the Buslress. ardicWessons Code IhIs— do), a f 1963. By jg-? p.W M,".W ar.w L.-,vd 6—Y. o,