HomeMy WebLinkAbout24LSM23RECORD OF SURVEY MAP OFPROPERTY LOCATED IN THE SOUTHWEST ONE-QUARTER OF SECTION 26, T. 2 N. R. 2E. , M-0. B. 8 Af , r CONTRA COSTA COUNTY, CALIFORNIA - August /963 Scale / "- 60' .CMa]l fine al'JSd+Kww»r Ou- yusrAr er/'.J>r. P6 C. C. Co. M. S. No. 134- 63 Ism a CYPRESS ROAD - (k' rwd-ro9or�•.a'a—� A i si. as —`/a✓f u e!'sv' d. 99.0 99.0 /96LM.tb - 'bMH'/+ Surveyed at the. request of Mr. B Guinn Surveyed by Jerry Thomas, Licensed L and Surveyor, L. S 3014 s BASIS OFBEARING.' 3334 4.: - - - North line ofSoulhwesl one -quarter of Section 26, N.89" 50'E per ti This mop correctly represents a survey made by me or under my direction Survey filed in Book 19 of L. S. M, at page 50, C C.Ca records. in conformance with the requirements of Chapter 15 of Div/sion3 of ki 4 p 54 MONUMENTS SET- tGfS 164 /"Iron Pipes, 24"long, with boss togs attached !!. o -.� I- _ This mop correctly represents a survey made by me or under my direction in conformance with the requirements of Chapter 15 of Div/sion3 of Me Business and Professions Code of therequest of Mr8 Giunn in Auqust 1963. !!. o -.� I- "�•--. a. ef' S" • �. P97. a �... ,f; B9' S9' N/. /.98.0 .� „{a! Alba. ,irAYr .�[ +Ya•M Pjr .. - - - - - Ibis mop hos been examined far conformance with the requirements ofGhapter 15 of0dsion3, of7he Business and fYofessians Code this L� day Jee7 zz ax r of— 1963 . - .. —Ti eos w�asrra — s•..+ro. . - Fi/ed rw rw,w'tvo��rd Intl Yv — dq0 �C �16r'- ,1963 dfe`AM,M800* . - - .. -. a(• s "! d[ pogr of it. req.esl o/ Ala Boot- Gum.