HomeMy WebLinkAbout24LSM2RECORD OF SURVEY BEING A PORTION OF SECTION 34 T.2N.R.4W., MOUNT DIABLO BASE AND MERIDIAN CONTRA COSTA COUNTY, CALIFORNIA AREA MAP sc..ci: is coo• KISTER 1 SAVIO LICENSED LAND SURVEYORS RICHMOND CALIFORNIA. - - SCALE:AS NOTED AUGUST 1963 +� s" MS 48-63 y so• a j r� iF _ , Sd3 sa • # C .. _ . r+ ' This moo covrect/y represents a survey made by /�f � me or under my dr'roctian in conformance ryith the c+< �e.as'. lB�rn9 - requirements ofChapter /.5 of OivLsion 3 of the tiJ S43 � W �- . F w � >>' 6 �"' � i9usiness and F'iofessions Cade at the request of y� ` N 79 Cutis ✓ohnson in May, /963. es ~P ����^ � � ' - Lic�ed L d Sui✓syov No. 2769 v. l 28• _ Fi/ed for Racord ti`ir's�=day of S ,of �s63 stip .9M in page Z at f/7 e- requestoq of Gurtis Johnson. .- �- S•OS N �.. / > coup y iPa cow ar `a ee a fit\ - c .►+ � � - �..�� ,ey. o-�� u�nty Recorder PARCEL .A. � � This maP hosbeen axomined for coi�form'ar�cz With raqquirarnants of Chapter /5 of ZO'Iv Phision 3 Q' � ca �o ;� of the .Business and Professions Gode s 3 PARCEL .B. day ofsc un6G /963. . •.. - f Rt - Roo Co m�ssinner-sus ✓eyor a � © bq \u a _ .. 4epu�75j /?�oad�m s.orser-sur✓eyo�' 2/-Y b PARCEL "C" Y Ips PROPERTY MAP SCALE: Ila 30'