HomeMy WebLinkAbout24LSM10A4 2..P Splen of .UW. at - rrs Kf - Q RECORD OF SURVEY /NAP OF PROPERTY o SITVA TED IN THE NOR THVIEST ONE-QUARTER o _ , OF THE SOUTHWEST ONE- OUARTER OF SECTION ` 27T.2N. R2E, M. D. B. 8 M. CALIF. , , CONTRA COSTA CO• , Ju/ /963 Seo% /=50' rr.5 .Ar -1-y iy J. 6. Q W / L. I. .V !/ - I. l/ sas. fo C. C. CQ M.S. No. B4— 63 .0 ev• "• . F. . Br'P6'.r0'� .MM . �r oar °PARCEL E g PARCEL Ab. A� PARCEL A/o. B" A0. k' �� J I✓ 'trh:9iifc Surveyed of the request of Mr. P Whorff m Swveyed by Jerry Thomas, Licensed Land Surveyor L.S. 3014 BASIS OF BEARING: Ab"ih Ax of Whorff property, N 89'25'30"E, cs per deed " 1960 AW MONUMENTS SET f"iron Pipes,24"long, with bass togs attached POW This mop correctly represents o survey made by me or under my direction u the �'a'�M lrs ,,Conformance with the requiremen1sofCA1Wer /5 of Divisron3 of y p.rres= Business and Professions Cod4of requ of Mr. PWhoiffin ✓*,1963 W LmASrrgev 30/4 This map hos been aramined for conformance with the zequiremenlsof0hdpter ry F"+1 �` - /5 at Oivision,3 of the Business and Professions Cade Nds 1S day of •g Seofrmier -196J- �- . /his a,, of , /9&3, a1 /i. M, a Bo"e 2 NC3TE _+ d �•SN,/,, o/pegel�a/Ihe ngoesfaf McPWAorfJ - - This map does not shocu the 45 &ot county riyhf of way for Nero y Rand in the the vicinity of scrifhu�rster/y 71x ofthls survey as drscriLiedrir — ,fy.6�w Road Boo f 1 ofPo9e 401, May !p oc"h' cwmir .cc.a. . from L? h'oro al` o/ % Conr`ro Costa' '- Countyf Co/ifornia. Yrfoi• r ' ._ iY/ Fd C ' rrJiONG.r -JURYGYYM