HomeMy WebLinkAbout23LSM42RECORD OF SURVEY MAP OF PROPERTY S/TUATED IN THE NORTHEAST ONE-QUARTER OFSECT/ON 25, T.2NR2E, M. D. B.,9 M. CONTRA COSTA COUNTY, CALIFORNIA ' JULY /963 SCALE 50' C. C. CO. M. S. No. 7/ — 63 r.: r ia..,,c, 54 rrsm.. mast,. /640 / Surveyed at the request of Mr. B. Lorenzetti -- - Surveyed by Jerry Thomas, Licensed Land Surveyor,. L. S 30/4 - BASIS OF BEARING: the Abrtheast ax -quarter of Sec. 25, assumed Sarf�� � Y•,Y. ' MONUMENTSSET. ~ a a 1"/ion P/ a 24long, with brass tog attached, stomped LS 3014. - -a e ' : This mop carred/#, represents a survey mode by me or under my direction in o } conformance with the requirements of Chapter 15- of Dtvision3 of the Business and Professions Code otthe request of Mr B Lorenre/ti in ✓u/y /963 � c — ]a f • S H9^.iV H/- //1.40 O At99i. —�1 • '. //Ha.�a _-+�� .lN. H N. He• sa' _ /00. a SO. -------------- sc E This map has been examined for conformance withtherequirementsafChapter STATE H/6'HGYAVp:e, ¢ a �. a 15 of Division 3, of the Business and Professions Code this 27 day ,u/hen.,f . rrm.rs,r.r.us�ez azo.g./.vr. _ of f�uotlJf 1963 - - B Map of Oakley Park Tract, filed February 5, 1912, Z p h day /963, afL�.M,in Book,�� to Volume 6 of Mop ,. at page 137 C. C Co. Recmds. F'!ad foYracard 7hia of , of; y srT.-- 0 pagaof Me request of Mi H Laren-tff Canty R,coals, Ou"/y CaunlY F der .... r.: r ia..,,c,