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RECORD OF SURVEY OF PORTION OF RANCHO LAGUNA DF LOS PALOS COLORADOS $-fes �� g�� �ha Colo.rdc�s, being v oo-Fo� a/aha/ ,onire%oi/Onor can�iiinin9 f3d97 acres more a.-�ess, r CONTRA COSTA COUNTY CALIFORNIA a�"�s/�� o�ffe ¢5�� ar in mar%6o,,, o%/nd e6nuory 3, ,e97 in f/i¢ .S'v/ae• ror Couri A/omedo in' /h¢ Morlon ¢�fi1/¢o' ,No io f/o/t ✓s. ,4/6¢rf ,6. /di%/ioms, a - WILSON & COMPANY CL & SUBDIVISION ENGINEERS ¢� aro c¢r wed moy o/'w/icl decr¢e x os iscordro OAKLAND, CALIFORNIA MAY, 1963 r/anvory Z2t6B7 in to/ume9/ o�O¢eds ofoop¢ /65 / - SCALE 1'- 50' M. , . Surveyro/ o/ /fie 'o ..I o%' ,Pf7e+emCo��rn�o Lono/Co. t M.S C163 f. _ .SviNryevrG� K11/son ICom/ovny. Ci`ir%�Su v,'sib.•r fi7�iaerre L. S. 2305 //! ///e"/ A,rreard ffiis G daffy o/ �' /9G3, This moo fins Genn ¢ a.»inror f'c>r c �rnn , t�o •i• of.�'4£L.Oilr rn Can.[-�et°<o/��¢�/ , wi//1 die repuvtn'xn/s oiCha�.%¢r/5 a/�priis mases a/'Beo. siy i✓ /i5e Co/i'ari7ro Caororirof¢ .si�m, Zorx Z7. !� -t ollho re urs/ o/ ✓ie/+- W. Ss..e- 3, o/h5r f isixss o or fYofa'ss%a u Coo�i /fiis - . / ? W ?7 irs:�4 3 do oP ✓unm t9cs, Moiwrn¢n/sz/ -q� n y 2"/ arr Rar 90"/ac9. CoftOer /o9s a/%/ieal z&inoed Z'rz' A¢ "•gni/" a �,/� - :+ie.,�v.�iwryor 7l/.v maw co .zc0/ r-gonsrn/s o.wrvr moo's L,yr mer — 'fiJ ,yJ na/o - �• �✓ y nxnrrne. zz • �+�,-- uno'ei orrr�� i i con/armolsce w �i5 tfr¢ re' uiirmen/s ••N !T� � `Uo \ � may. y rco _ eo a /rvef'or' w'Chooler .C5 a{'D.v<von 3 o/'rfie Butm¢ss and tftor$rs�res , P-,,, v.i-ffyc'� E.Ccdr of fhe i+eQue's/!',Pheem �2/%r»ry LondCo. 6 �Of� cM \.__ . 3• ��8/7 O,p _�sCXj�K2E5 /}f -..,jti� ,� - � � o -_ JahS�,orv� f 'r`R�'ar•ri'• I _. - - - ov 4,5 �O/ - 'p' G•6AZ/ I'' Q�l4J /!/ t9C. 9c t h �. Fl0'Oa;SJ'E �rS, yr?•// W .zst� ll.cr N7f'oB4i'%r/ .-PSao 11.og /9.rr2 S{ �r',�•rc}i--. .{..Sa S rab.-elCax. _ cC2-43 s rs ,v79 ce•ez w '.execdt �4�., ,i1 a'C _ .: l•y,o :', E�di JSfr J:1re (r a 0.(I (de 1. ilk1,0� �� o1•t� - ,vi3.2z ii•,r,� oo --.�/rrz-.�� v}� �� �i � � � 4 a / :i,//90/ / rr-soiswioeo7� .Sr/7%o ,✓h/y.�.ra.�o3 J S J � L OYfC7 .✓7'orer E - ��•Ylw�. R� I •q - N79.OG IZ"X/ ��RN b�� T F 3" ios.s��_--otic-=— {-�r„-•.e -. 'v7�_9 O� 07w - �✓_-- =� _�__ ; - "� 201%tr ; •� I- ._._Si32/..... Ir' 63 eP� a . 14 OOfV/ LO - � _,F_:_-�.� _.�-„'.�., t. :"..c;., ...�.,...:_ •s.. � -yam . `"�_�r �. ._n-_ ...r....^:�:�.r..�..:_--a...�•. - ,. ...�.�,,,.._-a� ....._._...�.� _. � -. -_