HomeMy WebLinkAbout22LSM15301 31 r. RECORD OF SURVEY BEING A PORTION OF LOT 28 "MAP OF THE RANCHO EL SOBRANTE" o CONTRA COSTA COUNTY, CALIFORNIA ` KISTER & SAVIO, LICENSED LAND SURVEYORS fj Z`, q2 RICHMOND, CALIFORNIA AAS IO -63 Thiel mop c rrecf/y r<Prcaan/s o sarvey mode by me SCALE -AS NOTED MARCH, 7963 or under my direction in conformance with the ^, 3a's9'sa".v caeca' V rIR7 - Nce 3�3o••w requirements of Chapter /.5 of division .3 of the }�� - B f/'yZ ja-E _ Busines3 and ProfesSion3 Code of the reQucst of t �o.da' 1 y��t t Chor/es E. Schreiner in rllorch, /963 co �SY,t9 e - , - LlCenaed La d Surveyor No. 2769 hr for Record fhie2.—doy o{ �T— yy AO' in Book Z�- a{Leat page /S / of the `,p� i �� n - p PARCEL C� ` " request o{ Char/ss E Sch rete<r. x LEs� � ., � _ County ,Pecorder FA - Deputy County .Pecorder e0 ZI 11 A 41 find besn eatomined {vr Conform once with 'h4 , ��- '� yp hkY9. p., �. � ,� ` I 6 6 rdqui emanfs of Chapter/S o{ L7i✓i-stop 3 of the L; X Q PAQCEL By t� Bvss '_ ,gG3 Pr'feestons Cada Phis—day of t •`� ° in 4`,�a�"` `r sse° -'�. 7 p�� h.\ ' -,peod .nis n<r - S�.rveyor • ter' R � - - ate'• ���� -- P R � ��a. � ry ti L;iR.I: �,'.: q ONO ry t I * . 2 2 Oewtty .Food am'mi3arener- Surveyor ...,.�.✓. v,<. ,-�`-.._ AREA MAP 1 :..� �.�• --�' - <'•" _= SCALE I'• 100' LEGEND 2L4 Eg Q. I .Plr<en /ale. c< Moicrio/ : ' ■ O<not 6 rva-Xud aei or found (y (/J p � ,P rnco: , 4/4 , S,Z o.P G , 728 O,P a Oeno1'es lion ppe seg` ar found ' -pmOn, •PCE., of the s 4 M (.tel Co/cu/ N¢n 'Vrd '_-91 by n P<rtr<s. I o o� s E<.at! g Fnc<< os ewfM ° PARCEL A '^ .F.ttse nd a{ ,Q,�t r o o<t/ and su r n..nd, 9 - oro :ng ase.✓,ng �s d� o� y a PROPERTY MAP O{yJ of<9 Oce4 / ✓N > v<r O«ds o{ (3J V rictus sar✓er� p/ofs by HO. ChoP+non� .PC£ , a{ sucro..nd ny SCALE 1`• 30' p•,av<rfi<s q p<r/iGs byH.l.� Ch men, PCE. t i �.!el PLAT'SHOWtXff R/6HT-OF-/✓A✓ THEbvSN o.PO. E,pry aF PA_ C �$ rings and Q sfonc<s not Shonrn os( dJ ore I- . - -f reed e. tne.oaar<d. ►4�� � r. t �pG. oocaL t AMFLlA przecE ; ootcd .qct-iI, tss7 .- _ -_- � n z�2%�` .*�- --.m, w.m ...,,�.... Fa �.u....e - ..s-.-..+w.e _+`" ,.•. a.... . M-<`t'.€,�.u,- _ AM+58w =-..a ^r.'».:�.,<.4 .�4..�.+-®>x.,:anw K.. h